Google’s Mobile Friendly Update: Are You Affected Yet?

Google Mobile Friendly Update 21 April 15

What do We Mean by Our Title?

From 21st April 2015, Google will be incorporating mobile friendliness as a parameter in its ranking algorithm and this is being termed as Google mobile friendly update. This simply indicates that if a website is mobile friendly, its rankings are likely to get a boost. On the contrary if a website is not mobile friendly, then its current ranking are bound to drop.  In a nutshell responsive sites or websites with a separate mobile site will be rewarded while non-responsive sites will see a downward plunge. An alarming situation for search engine optimizing agencies who are working on non-responsive websites.

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Google Mobile Friendly Update - Official Announcement
Good News for Mobile Friendly or Responsive Websites

Why is Google Doing This?

Google Inc has always categorically pushed for the value which a user gains out of a website. This has been the bedrock of their ranking algorithm. Given that 30% of the organic traffic is through mobiles, Google has started acknowledging the trend of mobiles driving more traffic to the internet in the upcoming days. Furthermore, being a search engine, Google wants its users to be able to search for the necessary information with ease.

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