A Complete Guide to a Multi-Branch Queue Management System

Customer facing environments are most sensitive part of a business’s operations. It is extremely important for a business to maximize the operational productivity to ensure the customers are having a satisfactory experience. For large businesses with multiple branches the management is even more challenging. Usually the senior management is sitting in the head office, it is a time taking process to get the updates and information related to any branch. Most of the time the head office will have to approach the branch manager to provide them the required information. The queuing and customer flow management is always difficult. Therefore businesses need a digital queue management system which can help them streamline their customer flow and improve their operational capabilities. The digital queue management system provides live queuing coverage, instant updates, alerts/notifications, business intelligence data and useful features for service agent, branch managers, head office and senior management. The queue management system is an intelligent software solution with hardware components to offer a full control and monitoring over the customer journey which helps improving customer experience. In this guide we will discuss how business can implement and leverage a multi-branch queue management system to drive growth.

A complete guide to a Multi-Branch Queue Management System
A complete guide to a Multi-Branch Queue Management System

What is a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?

A multi-branch queue management system is a centralized queue management system which enables businesses to manage and monitor customer queues and customer flow in real-time across all connected branches. The multi-branch queue management system runs on a centralized software which is hosted on an in-premises server, online or in cloud. The server is connected to all branches. A basic queue management system have multiple devices integrated in a synchronized framework. For example, there is an interactive self-service ticket dispensing kiosk which not only dispense tokens but also take basic information of the customer and in some cases it has ability to ID the customer as well. There is a digital signage screen which displays the live queuing information along with some multimedia content. The modern queue management systems also have integrated counter name plates which display counter number and the token number which is being served at the moment. Furthermore there is an audio announcement system which is used for customer calling. All these devices form one branch’s setup, and if there are more than one branch, in case of a multi-branch queue management system all these devices in all branches are connected to a centralized queue management software which monitor and control all these components of the system.

See Also: What are the Different Types of Queue Management System?

What is a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?
What is a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?

How does a Multi-Branch Queue Management System Works?

The multi-branch queuing also works on the concept of queue management system and crowd control, but it provides additional management features which greatly improve the efficiency of the queuing process. In a multi-branch queue management system setup all branches are connected via network to the main server software. The server application communicates with all branches in real-time. Whenever any action is taken in any branch the information is sent to the server and then the response is sent to the branch instantly. Think of a website, the website is hosted on a cloud which might be located in another continent, however, when you click on a link or a file, it immediately opens it. Same technical process works here too. When a user/customer in any branch choose a service to generate a token number, the information is sent to the queue management system software which is hosted on a server, and then in return it issues a token number which is being printed out instantly from where the user/customer made the request. All branches are connected to the head-office in a similar fashion via a public or private network. The smart algorithms and source code is executed at the server, and all the data is also stored in the server. The service agents, branch managers, and the senior management or head office staff gets their dedicated administrative dashboards and the access to data and functionality is managed by an in-built administration and authentication module. That is how a multi-branch queue management system works.

See Also: What are the Basic Components of Queue Management System?

How does a Multi-Branch Queue Management System Works?
How does a Multi-Branch Queue Management System Works?

What are the Benefits of using a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?

The biggest advantage of a multi-branch queue management system is that it offers a centralized management framework where all the information are stored in a central location, which makes management and monitoring much easier comparing to standalone queue management system. If each branch have a standalone queue management system then the information will be stored in silos, which poses monitoring and management challenges. Furthermore the senior management or head office doesn’t require any intermediate database/integration to consolidate all the information flowing from and towards all branches. Here are the key benefits of a multi-branch queue management system:

  • Easy Monitoring and Administration from a centralized location
  • All the data and updates are available in a centralized location which enables real-time monitoring and control over all connected branches
  • Since there is only one main queue management system software, therefore the implementation, operational and maintenance cost is low
  • All the dashboards are updated in real-time, the content/configurations can be pushed in real-time to all connected branches
  • Handling large footfall, congestion, and several other problems is easy with real-time monitoring and it enables the management to take quick and informed decisions
  • Enables real-time monitoring of customer flow, customer wait time, employee performance and other queuing metrics and system stats
  • Senior managers, branch managers, supervisors and stakeholders have up-to-date information and data all the time, there is no lag or latency
  • Easy integration with third-party software tools, customer databases, and central information center help driving efficiency and productivity

See Also: How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

A multi-branch queue management system is essential for businesses who are managing multiple branches in remote locations, it help them minimize the administrative efforts while maximizing the operational productivity.

What are the Benefits of using a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?
What are the Benefits of using a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?

What are the Best Practices for Implementing a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?

Implementing a multi-branch queue management system is a crucial task. The businesses should be very careful in choosing the right vendor, technology, queuing system type and several other factors. Here are some key points that a business should consider while implementing a multi-branch queue management system:

  • Identify your requirements and make a plan of what features you want to include
  • Find and shortlist multiple queue management system vendors
  • Scrutinize all vendors, evaluate proposals and finalize the best vendor
  • Choose the right platform and queuing type for your business
  • Always start with a pilot project, implement the system at one or maximum two branches
  • Train your employees, provide them with the manuals and required technical support, etc.
  • Now closely observe the performance of the branch and try to find what can be improved
  • Take feedback from customers, employees, managers and relevant stakeholders
  • Discuss and share your observations and finding with the vendor and make improvements
  • Monitor the system and evaluate the changes you made, and repeat until your customers are satisfied
  • Now go for full-fledge implementation or start implementing in remaining branches one-by-one

If you will consider the above suggestions you can save a lot of time and efforts.

See Also: How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

What are the Best Practices for Implementing a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?
What are the Best Practices for Implementing a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?

What are the Challenges of Implementing a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?

Implementing a multi-branch queue management system is not an easy task, there are several challenges that a business could face while implementing a multi-channel queue management system, such as:

  • Initial Cost: One of the biggest challenge is the initial cost, if you are planning to implement a multi-branch queue management system across all branches at once, the cost could be very high. That is why the best practice is to start with pilot project, and implement the queue management system to all branches in small chunks, such as one-by-one, or 2 or 3 branches at a time, etc.
  • System Integration: When you are implementing a multi-branch queue management system or any other system, the biggest technical challenge is the integration with other tools, and data synchronization. A modern queue management system with customer-friendly features would require many different types of integration. If your existing IT infrastructure and other systems are not compatible then you might have to develop intermediate tools to streamline the data flow.
  • Employee Training: Whenever a business implements a new solution they require training for the employees, same is the case with the multi-branch queue management system. You must have to train your employees in order to enable them to leverage the full potential of the queue management system. User manuals, guides, and training videos can be created to make your employees well versed with your new multi-branch queue management system.

See Also: What are advance components of Queue Management System?

It might sound difficult and a bit challenging though but implementing a multi-branch queue management system is not as that challenging. Businesses will have to face all these challenges whenever they implement a new system. However, a queue management system is relatively easier to work with, furthermore the business can use customized UIs and branding tactics to reduce the training needs.

What are the Challenges of Implementing a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?
What are the Challenges of Implementing a Multi-Branch Queue Management System?


The customer satisfaction is essential for growth and stability. Businesses are always eager to implement solutions and offer services to raise the customer satisfaction. Businesses managing multiple branches always face administrative issues, the visibility and data flow is one of the most challenging task in any multi-branch setup. That is why when it comes to queue management system, most of the businesses in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and other emirates of UAE prefer to implement standalone systems. However, that is not ideal, in order to leverage the full potential of a modern queue management system businesses need a comprehensive multi-branch queuing solution. A multi-branch queue management system is a very effective tool, it help businesses dealing with technical challenges, and it offer real-time monitoring and control over all branches. That is what makes it most effective. In this guide we have discussed multi-branch queue management system in brief details and tried to answer most of the questions a business could have while planning to implement a multi-branch queue management system. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to implement a customized and very cost-efficiency multi-branch queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

See Also: Queue Management System for Trucks and Logistic Centers

Maximizing Efficiency: The Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System

Every business wants efficient operation, whether it is some internal process or a customer facing environment, the efficiency is essential. When a business has efficient work flows, processes and even the teams, they tend to produce more and better outcome with whatever resources they have in hand. That is the reason in order to generate value and drive profits a business needs efficiency in every aspect of the operations. Now when we talk about the customer facing environments, the biggest challenge is to make customer flow efficient and improve customer experience. Whether you are operating in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or any other part of UAE you must be aware of the fact that every customer have too many choices, you one mistake and you can lose them to your competitor. Furthermore the customers are also very demanding and they tend to switch service provider very quickly. Even just a single bad experience is enough to make customer the switch. Studies and market research have revealed that it is 9 to 25 times more expensive to acquire a new customer comparing to selling to an existing customer. That is why customer experience and customer satisfaction is crucial for a business success.

Maximizing Efficiency: The Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System
Maximizing Efficiency: The Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System

What is a Queue Management System?

A queue management system is a tool which consists of software and hardware parts and it is used to manage the customer flow and customer experience. The queue management software is a server application which is connected to an interactive self-service ticket dispensing kiosk or queuing kiosk. It is also connected to digital signage screens and audio announcement system. Some businesses also use dynamic counter plates which can also be managed through the queue management system. Furthermore the hardware part of the queue management system includes a ticket dispensing kiosk which allow your customers and visitors to interact with the system and issue them token numbers. There is a digital signage screen, which displays live queuing details and keep your guests informed about the current activities on each service counter. A business can have multiple signage depends on the premises size. Similarly the audio announcement system is also hardware part powered by in-built multi-lingual audio announcements module. The counter plates are also connected to the queue management system via network and can display the counter number/name along with the current ticket number. These components form a standard queue management system with basic configurations. Businesses can add more software and hardware components to enhance the features of the queue management system.

What is a Queue Management System?
What is a Queue Management System?

What are the Drawbacks of Poorly Organized Customer Flow?

A poorly organized customer flow have many drawbacks, it doesn’t only affect your customers but it will also have a negative impact on your employees and their performance. Which will translate to low productivity, poor growth, bad business reputation, higher customer churn rate, lower conversion rate and in the long run it will damage your brand image. When the queues or waiting lines are not managed properly the very first effect is extended wait time. When the customers will have to wait for longer period of time, they will be frustrated and annoyed. This will cause many other problems such as line jumping, customer complaints and more fraction in customer journey. When the waiting lines are not managed efficiently they employees also suffer, they will have to deal with customer complaints, they will have to manage the queues by themselves and they will have more workload, it will also distract them from their primary tasks which will undermine their performance. The customers will reach to the counter in stress and they will be unhappy, this will result in poor interaction with the service agents, and it will also make it difficult for the service agents to satisfy the customer. Long waiting lines, and extended wait time will result in higher customer churn. When employees will fail to improve their performance despite putting all efforts, they will leave too. Higher employee turnover will cause several other problems, higher customer churn rate will damage your business’s reputation.

What are the Drawbacks of Poorly Organized Customer Flow?
What are the Drawbacks of Poorly Organized Customer Flow?

What are The Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System?

There are several benefits of implementing a queue management system, but it is important to understand that there are different types of queue management systems available in the market. You must have to choose the right solution that suits your needs and business type. However, one of the best way is to hire a well-reputed queue management system provider such as RSI Concepts and ask them to build a bespoke tailor-made customized queue management system according to your needs. Here are some of the benefits of implementing a queue management system:

Reduction in Customer Waiting Time

When the customer flow is well-organized, they queuing process is automated the customer wait time will automatically reduce. By implementing a queue management system businesses can automate several queuing process. The ticket dispensing is automated, the customer flow is managed by the smart algorithms of the queue management software, and the employee performance is also improved. A queue management system can automatically take decisions, and set customer route according to the historical data and the live queuing data, which is why the customer wait time is optimized. Furthermore the queue management system also help improving customers’ waiting experience by reducing the perceived wait time. It keep customers engaged and distracted from the waiting by frequently making audio-visual announcements and updating the digital signage. Furthermore the queue management system can also play multimedia content, adverts, promotional and marketing content on the digital signage which also help increasing customer engagement and help optimizing the perceived wait time.

Reduction in Customer Waiting Time
Reduction in Customer Waiting Time

Improved Employee Performance

When a business implements a queue management system the employee efficiency and performance is significantly improved. Without a queue management system the employees will have to adhere to several other tasks, most of which are not productive. Manually managing customer flow, especially during the peak-hours can greatly undermine the employee performance and it also have toll on service quality. However, with a proper queue management system in place the employees don’t have to worry about many things and they are free to focus on their primary and more productive tasks. This not only boost employee performance but also greatly reduce their workload. When the employees work under a balanced workload their satisfaction increases and they tend to perform better. The queue management system automate several queuing processes, and it also offers dedicated service agent dashboards, which can also lift up a lot of workload and help service agents in many tasks. Businesses can significantly improve employee performance and service quality by implementing a queue management system.

Improved Employee Performance
Improved Employee Performance

Enhanced Customer Experience

The customer satisfaction depends on customer experience and service quality, better experience results in higher customer satisfaction index. When a business implements a queue management system it automates several queuing processes. When the customers know that their tokens are issued by computer operated system, they have more trust over the system, and it assured them there will no favoritisms, no line-jumping, no intervention from the staff, whatever token is issued to them they will be served accordingly. Furthermore the queue management system keeps customers and visitors engaged and help diluting the effects of waiting and reduce their stress. This will improve their waiting experience. As the service staff is also aided by the queue management system, they are also more welcoming, fresh and prepared for the customers. This all results in a better customer interaction with the service agent and also tend to improve the service quality. Implementing a queue management system greatly improves customer experience and results in higher customer satisfaction which help your business building a strong brand image and reputation.

Enhanced Customer Experience
Enhanced Customer Experience

Real-time Monitoring and Remote Management

One of the best advantage of implementing a queue management system is that it offers real-time monitoring and remote management features. Businesses often have multiple branches where they deploy a queue management system, and even in case of only one office the real-time monitoring dashboard and capabilities to manage the system remotely are some of the most productive features. Usually there is a central location or head office where the top management resides, they want to monitor the queuing activities and stats to take timely decisions. The queue management system is a centralized software system which connects all branches and parts and enable real-time monitoring. The branch manager, or the senior manager at the head office or any other user with adequate access can monitor the live real-time queuing data and stats. Furthermore it is very easy to implement the queuing polices and strategies across the entire business, remotely from the head office. Businesses can also set automated alerts and notifications for the managers and supervisors to enable them to be more reactive towards the customer footfall and help them improve the customer flow by keeping them up-to-date all the time.

Real-time Monitoring and Remote Management
Real-time Monitoring and Remote Management

Collect Business Intelligence Data

The data is the backbone of modern fast-paced markets. Every business who wants to succeed should be able to collect, analyze and utilize the business intelligence data in order to generate value and productive outcomes. A queue management system can provide a wealth of highly accurate and valuable business intelligence data. The queue management system can collect queuing data, system usage stats, waiting time trends, customer footfall trends, employee performance and KPI metrics, and it can also collect direct customer feedback which can be incorporated in several internal decision making process to improve strategies and overall performance of the business. The queue management system can also be integrated with third-party tools and central information center which enables it to collect data from various sources, and it also allow the queue management system to provide business intelligence data for other systems and tools. Businesses can analyze the queue management system data and customer feedback using in-built analytical tools, or they can extract it in form of various intuitive report formats such as summary reports, trend reports and much more which help them utilize the business intelligence data at its full potential and maximize the overall efficiency and performance of the business.

Collect Business Intelligence Data
Collect Business Intelligence Data


In modern fast-paced markets where the markets are subjected to subtle and rapid changes, a business needs a proactive approach to deal with up-coming challenges. Managing customer facing environments and maintain a satisfactory customer experience is one of the most challenging task a service-based business ever faces. Poorly organized waiting lines and long queues can have devastating effects on a business. Pool queuing strategy and manual queue management can results in poor employee performance, low service quality, and unhappy customers. However when a business implements q modern queue management system, they can greatly improve employee performance, customer experience and consequently customer satisfaction. A queue management system offers many features which can help improving the customer flow and minimizing the customer churn rate. In this blog we have discussed what a queue management system is and how businesses can benefits from it. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to build you a tailor-made queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Redefining Queue Management: How to Enhance the Customer Experience

For any business the customer satisfaction is the prime goal, it assures long term success, stability and growth. Businesses operating in service sector understand the importance of customer flow optimization and customer journey management. Especially in Dubai and anywhere in UAE the markets are very competitive, the customers have too many options available and people usually tend to switch after getting even only a single bad experience. That is why queue management is crucial for a business’s success. Long queues, poorly managed waiting lines and crowded lobbies are a great dissatisfaction for the customers, which not only raise customer churn but also harm business’s brand image and reputation. There are several challenges that customer facing environment have, one of the biggest is delay in service and long waiting time, furthermore the management of customer service center is also complicated and collectively everything impacts the customer experience. A queue management system not only reduce wait time it also streamline customer flow, provide real-time monitoring and it is very helpful for the management and staff which results in higher efficiency and raise customer satisfaction.

Redefining Queue Management: How to Enhance the Customer Experience
Redefining Queue Management: How to Enhance the Customer Experience

What is a Modern Queue Management System?

A modern queue management system is a digital solution which includes both software and hardware components. The software is designed with AI based smart technologies which enables it to collect data in real-time, take decisions at its own to improve customer flow and it improves management. A queue management system allow to monitor, track and improve customer movement within the premises and help improving customer waiting experience and customer journey. It automates several queuing processes and capture business intelligence data from each and every customer touch point. This ability allows it to take decisions at its own to ensure a smoother customer flow. Queue management system helps both service agents and the management to effectively improve the queuing process. It not only eliminates the inefficient and manual queuing practices but it also collects valuable business intelligence data insights which can be integrated in decision making and strategy building processes to further improve the customer flow management policy and practices. In this blog we will discuss how a modern queue management system can greatly enhance customer experience to achieve higher satisfaction.

What is a Modern Queue Management System?
What is a Modern Queue Management System?

Customer Experience: Long Wait Time

Long wait time has the most impact on the customer experience than anything else. No matter how good your office or facility is, how well your staff is trained, if your customers will have to face long wait time they will eventually end up unhappy. According to several studies on an average a customer could tolerate around 9 minutes of wait time, and any minute adding to that will have toll on customer experience, so much so that a time will come when your customers will become annoyed enough that they will decide to leave without even getting the service. This is called customer churn and keeping it at the lowest possible value is crucial for your business’s success. Longer wait time doesn’t only bother your customers but there is a phenomenon known as perceived wait time, which even worsen the conditions for both businesses and customers. The perceived wait time is the wait time our brain perceived instead of tracking the real-time. The perceived time is always higher than the actual time, for example, your customers have waited for let say 20 minutes however their mind perceive it longer than that maybe 30 or even 40 minutes.

Long wait time has the most impact on the customer experience than anything else
Long wait time has the most impact on the customer experience than anything else

Longer wait time means even longer perceived wait time which results in bad customer experience and cause frustration. That is why it is important to control, reduce and efficiently manage both wait times. A modern queue management system not only help minimizing the wait time but it also offer features which help reducing the perceived wait time’s impact by increasing customer engagements. There is another psychological phenomenon into play which is the fear of unknown, if the customers have no clue of how long they will have to wait this will add to their fear and they think they might have to wait for long period of time. However, a queue management systems comes with a powerful software tools which is built on smart AI and advanced data processing algorithms. These features enable queue management system to monitor the live queuing situation, consider the historical data and measure the ongoing performance on the service counters and estimate the remaining time to service. Hence when the customers are given their token they are also provided with estimated time to their turn.

Longer wait time means even longer perceived wait time
Longer wait time means even longer perceived wait time

When the customer know how long they will have to wait, they tend to remain calm. Furthermore there are several other features which help improving customers’ waiting experience. A modern queue management system comes with a smart customer calling module. The modern queue management systems are integrated with digital signage displays and a multi-lingual audio calling system. The digital signage keep displaying the current token number at service counters, upcoming tokens and few more details which keep customers distracted from the waiting and minimize the impact of waiting. Furthermore the queue management system can automatically make audio announcement where it calls token number and the service counter allotted to that token number, usually the customer call is made in two or three languages followed by a short music tone. The digital signage screens are also not only used to display queuing information, but a modern queue management system comes with in-built digital signage management module as well. Which allow businesses to run marketing or promotional videos or any other entertaining content on the large displays along with the queuing information. The digital signage and speakers are installed at strategic locations with aim of ensuring every customer at any place in the waiting area can view the signage or listen to the audio announcement. All these features help greatly reduce the waiting stress and improve customers’ waiting experience.

When the customer know how long they will have to wait, they tend to remain calm.
When the customer know how long they will have to wait, they tend to remain calm

Customer Experience: Quick Service Delivery

Let us just admit whenever we have to face a situation where we have to wait for some time in a queue or in waiting area, in such situation when we reach to the service counter we want to get the service as quickly as possible and leave. For any customer facing environment it is crucial to offer a quality service and in a timely manner. When the customers already waited for some time, they are in hurry and want to leave as quickly as possible. A modern queue management system help businesses minimize the service delivery time by offering specialized features to automatically manage the customer journey and to help the service staff in their tasks. A modern queue management system offers a dedicated dashboard for the service agents, it can integrate with central information center and other third-party tools to enable quick availability of the data and information for the service agents, and it monitors employee KPIs. All these features help reducing the service delivery time and ensure a smooth customer flow. A queue management system automates several customer journey steps, and internal processes which means the staff doesn’t have to worry about any such thing, in fact they can easily focus on their primary tasks which results in quicker service delivery as well as improved service quality.

For any customer facing environment it is crucial to offer a quality service and in a timely manner
For any customer facing environment it is crucial to offer a quality service and in a timely manner

Furthermore the queue management system also allow customers to sign-in using self-service ticket dispensing kiosk. Usually the ticket dispensing kiosk as the customers about what service they need this help the queue management system to route the customer to the right service counter and put them in the right queue. Most of the time customers end-up in the wrong queue which could cause a lot of problems and result in delays in service delivery. On top of that each business have its own queuing policies. Businesses always offer multiple services and apart form that there are different customer groups which are prioritized differently, for example, the VIP customers, people with special needs, elderly people, etc. All these customers are expecting a different treatment from the business, which is defined in the queuing policy. A modern queue management system help businesses effectively implement their queuing policies and provide better monitoring and control over customer flow. Some businesses also offer stepped services which means a customer is required to visit multiple or more than one service counter in order to get a complete service. All these variables can make queuing very complex for both businesses and customers and cause unnecessary delays in service delivery.

A queue management system automates several customer journey steps, and internal processes
A queue management system automates several customer journey steps, and internal processes

Customer Experience: Better Service Quality

The service quality or the quality of the interaction a customer have with the service agent can greatly influence their opinion about your business. It is essential to ensure a customer have a happy and satisfactory experience with your service staff. A queue management system help reducing the workload of the service staff. With manual queuing the staff regularly have to engage in queue management tasks, which distract them from their primary tasks and result in poor quality service and more customer complaints. With the queue management system the entire queuing process is autonomous which means the service staff have more time to focus on their primary tasks, this increase their performance which improve service quality. Furthermore the queue management system also help service agents with their several other tasks which also result in quicker and better service delivery. The modern queue management system comes with advance employee performance monitoring tools which also help management track and monitor employee performance and collect valuable data which support HR decisions and help improving the workforce. All these features collectively help management improve the service quality and consequently the customer experience.

It is essential to ensure a customer have a happy and satisfactory experience with your service staff
It is essential to ensure a customer have a happy and satisfactory experience with your service staff

Customer Experience: Business Intelligence Data

Data plays a crucial role in the success of any modern business, majorly due to the digital advancements, rise of online channels and customer preferences, the businesses are compelled to adopt to modern IT infrastructure in order to stay relevant and competitive. A modern queue management system can produce a wealth of highly accurate and valuable business intelligence data which can help businesses refine the customer experience by acquiring insight to customer behavior, detecting pain points and highlighting the areas of improvements. The business intelligence data covers a wide spectrum insight and information such as queue management system usage stats, customer preferences, customer footfall analytical data, employee performance data, and even the customer feedback data. The business intelligence data is collected autonomously and available in form of interactive reports. The management can customize these reports to align them with their goals and strategies. The business intelligence data can also be synchronized with central information center or any other third-party system via easy integration. When management have accurate data and insight they can make informed decisions. It also help evaluating business strategies, processes and practices and help businesses to make improvements which results in better operational performance and higher customer satisfaction.

Business Intelligence Data plays a crucial role in the success of any modern business
Business Intelligence Data plays a crucial role in the success of any modern business


Queue management system offer a variety of features and tools which help management improve the customer experience, optimize the operational cost, improve employee performance and achieve higher profitability. A good customer experience is crucial for a business to build a good brand image. The competition is tough in Dubai and other parts of UAE, businesses proactively improve their offerings to delight their customers. The customers are also very demanding and the market trends are subjected to subtle and monumental changes. It could be very difficult for a business to keep up with these changes without having right tools in their arsenal. A queue management system is the perfect companion for any customer facing environment. It help reducing the wait time, have positive impact on employee performance, and it significantly improves the customer experience. A queue management system offers a centralized management mechanisms which enables businesses to monitor all connected branches in real-time and make sure right actions are taken and in timely manners to avoid any disruption or unwanted delay in customer flow. In this blog we have discussed how a modern queue management system can help businesses enhance the customer experience and leverage the technology to achieve their long term goals and success. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to help you implementing a tailor-made queue management system solution for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Best Features of a Digital Queue Management System for Banks

Banks offer crucial financial services for individuals and businesses which are essential for our modern societies. If you are living in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi or anywhere else in UAE, you must have visited a bank either for account opening or for business purposes. If you recall your last interaction with a bank, how was your experience at the branch? I am sure it was not as pleasing as it should be. The biggest problems at banks is the large customer influx, a customer might have to wait for 30 to 45 minutes for a service which can be delivered in 5 minutes. Obviously your appointment at bank is not something which you should expect to be enjoyable or entertaining but at least it should be comfortable, convenient and friction-less. This means that there are still some flaws and problems with the banking sector which are impacting customer experience. The average wait time for a typical bank service is around 20 minutes or in some cases even more than that, which cause stress and frustration. A digital queue management system solve all those problems and it also helps improving customer experience.

Best Features of a Digital Queue Management System for Banks
Best Features of a Digital Queue Management System for Banks

What is a Digital Queue Management System?

A queue management system is a combination of tools and strategy to improve customer flow and maximize the performance of the customer service centers. The early form of queue management systems was first-come-first-serve based waiting line. Then businesses started sorting them in multiple waiting lines. Later on technology is introduced to the queuing systems. The digital queue management system is the latest form of customer flow management systems. A digital queue management system also consists of some digital tools (software and hardware) and a queuing strategy which help banks to significantly improve the customer experience, maximize their branch productivity and profitability and it also help improving staff performance. A digital queue management system also help businesses meet the ever-increasing customer expectations and it also collects valuable business intelligence data which is very helpful for businesses.

What is a Digital Queue Management System?
What is a Digital Queue Management System?

Here are the key features of a digital queue management system for a bank:

Digital Queue Management System: Reduction in Customer Wait Time

Customer wait time is one of the major cause of customer dissatisfaction. A digital queue management system is a very capable tool which can greatly reduce customer wait time and it also help improving customers’ waiting experience. Customers can sign-in using multiple methods which makes it very easy and convenience. Once customers are singed-in they are issued a ticket number which is their position in the queue. The customers are allowed to wait freely either in the waiting areas or even outside of the bank premises. The queue management system can also communicate with customers using SMS or WhatsApp or any other channel. It sends them live queuing information, alerts and notifications which prevent customers from missing out their turn in the queue. Furthermore the digital queue management system also have a digital signage screen, usually more than one screens are placed on strategic locations to ensure every customers can easily view information on these screens. Along with queuing information, multimedia content can also be played which help diverting customer’s focus form waiting time. The frequent audio announcements also keep customer engaged and reduce the stress of waiting.

Digital Queue Management System: Reduction in Customer Wait Time
Digital Queue Management System: Reduction in Customer Wait Time

Digital Queue Management System: Customer Journey Transformation

A digital queue management system has an AI (artificial intelligence) based very powerful software engine which make it more effective and efficient. A digital queue management system is a customer journey transformation tool. It can enhance customer’s entire visit even from pre-arrival to post-service activities, a digital queue management system effectively improves the entire customer journey. Furthermore a digital queue management system is capable of collecting customer behavioral, statistical and performance data which enables it to take instant decisions on the bases of real-time queuing situation. A typical bank have multiple services which they are offering at their branches, some service counters are exclusive for certain services some are for general services and furthermore there are also customer classifications and priority levels that the bank has to accommodate. It means that the bank has a very complex queuing strategy. A digital queue management system not only help banks implement their strategy but it also improving it. It can automatically route customers to the right service counter and as per their priority level or any other parameter that is applicable it manages the entire customer journey and ensure maximum efficiency, smooth customer flow and less wait time.

Digital Queue Management System: Customer Journey Transformation
Digital Queue Management System: Customer Journey Transformation

Digital Queue Management System: Boost Branch Efficiency

A digital queue management system is not just designed to reduce the customer wait time. It is a very powerful tool which can help improving several processes and have huge impact on the overall efficiency and performance of the entire bank branch. The digital queue management system automates several processes and customer journey steps. For example, the customer sing-in is completely automated, customers can utilize the interactive kiosk to sign-in and get the token number or they can utilize any supported virtual channel to sign-in and get a digital token or e-ticket. Furthermore everyone is served only at their turn, there is no chance of staff giving importance to any customer, this not only help improving the customer flow but it also help gaining customer trust. Furthermore there are no disputes, line jumping or any such problem that is associated with manual queuing. This means that the customer flow is entirely managed by the queue management system and the staff doesn’t have to involve at any stage. This not only speed up everything but it also help reducing the employees’ workload. When the staff works under balanced workload they tend to perform well and deliver high-quality service which improve branch performance. The employee have more time to focus on their primary tasks and they don’t have to worry about queuing problems which save a lot of time and also help reducing the service delivery time and resultantly customer wait time. All these improvements help boosting branch efficiency, employee performance, reduce human resource cost and ensure satisfactory service delivery.

Digital Queue Management System: Boost Branch Efficiency
Digital Queue Management System: Boost Branch Efficiency

Digital Queue Management System: Collects Business Intelligence Data

A digital queue management system is capable of collecting highly valuable business intelligence data from each and every customer touch point throughout the customer journey. Since the entire customer interaction digitally managed, collecting statistical data is much easier. For example, the queue management system can provide comprehensive insight to the customer flow such as which services most customer are choosing, what is average customer wait time, what is average service time and which employee is performing better and at which stage the customers are waiting longer than expected, etc. A digital queue management system is also capable of collecting customers’ behavioral data and compile it in form of easy-to-understand reports which help management understand customer behavior trend, performance trends, footfall trends and many more useful insights. A digital queue management system can collects a wealth of business intelligence data which can be very useful in decision making processes and help management evaluate their queuing strategy, customer journey and various other processes that can directly impact the customer experience. Furthermore a digital queue management system can also facilitate customer feedback collection and help banks collecting valuable customer feedback.

Digital Queue Management System: Collects Business Intelligence Data
Digital Queue Management System: Collects Business Intelligence Data


Banks offer most important financial services which are integral for our society and businesses to work. Whether you visit a bank in individual capacity or for your business, visit to a bank is inevitable. Banks also know that very well, hence they are always investing in innovative solutions and technologies to ensure their customers and visitors have an excellent customer experience. The overall UAE market in general is very dynamic, vibrant and versatile, for customers there are so many options to choose from. This is what makes customer satisfaction crucial for banks. If a bank wants to obtain customer loyalty then they must have to level up their game at customer experience and customer service. A digital queue management system is a perfect companion for banks who want to improve their customer experience. It help banks automate several customer journey processes and improve employees’ performance without compromising the customer satisfaction. In fact queue management systems are known for delivering highest customer satisfaction in all customer-facing environments. In this blog we discussed what a queue management system is and what features it offer which can help banks achieve maximum productivity, performance and customer satisfaction. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to transform your bank branch with our customized queue management system solution, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

Every businesses knows how difficult it could get in customer facing environments, especially during the peak hours, when the footfall is high and the customer waiting areas and counters become crowded. Think from a customer’s prospective, if you are a customer you are at a service center, there is a huge crowd, it is even difficult to find a place to sit, and there is no help or guidance from the staff, how would you feel in a situation like that? It could get very frustrated, that is why businesses needs to take serious steps to prevent their customers form any such situation. It will not only make your customers unhappy, but it will result in loss of sales, increased customer churn rate, and less repeated business which could have some serious repercussions in the long term. Businesses adopt different ways according to their needs to improve the customer flow. However, a modern digital queue management system is the right solution to all those problems. It provides tools and features which help businesses in managing their queues, resolving problems, shortening customer journey, improving customer experience and much more.

From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

What is a Queue Management System?

A queue management system is a digital solution which help businesses organize the waiting line, minimize the customer waiting time and improve branch efficiency and service quality. A queue management has two distinct part, one is the software which is usually a server application which provide a central management and administrative control over all connected branches. The queue management software various from case to case, but the most common and essential features are an administrative control panel, service agent dashboard, customer UI (user interface), ticket calling and announcement features and data collection and analysis tools. The hardware part includes a ticket dispensing unit, which is usually aninteractive self-service kiosk, there is a digital signage display which is used to display live queuing data, and a sound system to make audio announcements. Furthermore there are several other software and hardware components which can be included in the queue management system to enhance its capabilities and to offer innovative features.

What is a Queue Management System?

How Queue Management System Help Turning Chaos into Control?

A queue management system offers a variety of features and digitalize several aspects of the customer journey which help organizing everything. Furthermore the customer behavior is not constant, it keep changing, a queue management system collects valuable business intelligence data and help businesses acquire deeper insight to customer behavior, market trends and help management align their efforts to maximize the customer satisfaction. Here are some key advantages of a queue management system which help businesses in turning chaos into control.

Advantages of Queue Management System: Organized Waiting Areas and Queues

The queue management system is a very capable tool, it helps organizing the waiting areas and customer waiting lines. It automates customer flow and customer journey which helps organizing the customer queues and solve several problems. In manual queuing customer have to face several issues, they got frustrated, most of the time customers and visitors don’t have a clue about their remaining waiting time. The queue management system help customers and issue them token numbers, which represents their position in the queues and allow them to wait comfortably in the designated areas. Furthermore the customer calling, customer routing and the entire customer flow is controlled by the smart algorithms of the queue management system software in real-time. Which significantly increase the customer flow and improve the customer journey. Since everything is managed by an automated program so the customers also don’t have any complains and everyone knows that their token number and position in the queue is secure and they will be served on their turn. These and several more such features allow businesses to organize the waiting areas and customer queues.

Advantages of Queue Management System: Organized Waiting Areas and Queues

Advantages of Queue Management System: Reduce Customer Wait Time

Order and organized queuing environment save a lot of time. The customers are welcomed by interactive self-service kiosk, they are asked to choose which service they want, and in some cases the customers are also allowed to input data while issuing the token number. Everyone is served according to their positions in the queue. The queue management system balance the load of service counters based on various data inputs coming from different touch points in the system and the current service delivery rate. The smart algorithms can sense if one counter is having shorter queue, and they can automatically reroute a few customers to those counters, the queue management system also monitors employee performance, it can understand which employee is best at which service and on the bases of services required by the customer it can assign them a counter with high probability of quicker service delivery. There are tons of such features which help organizing the customer waiting areas and queues to shorten their wait time.

Advantages of Queue Management System: Reduce Customer Wait Time

Advantages of Queue Management System: Improve Customer Experience

A queue management system plays a crucial role in improving customer experience at the branch. Without a queue management system the customers have to wait in long queues, which usually work on first come first serve bases. Furthermore there are line jumpers, poorly managed waiting lines and much more which can completely ruin their experience at the branch. A queue management system allow them a complete framework and eliminate several problems which results in more shorten and simplified customer journey. The queue management system also provide many features such as live queuing data at large signage displays, frequent audio announcements, multi-lingual intuitive UI for customers and much more which improves customer experience. The reduction in wait time have huge impact on customer happiness, when the customers will have to wait less and in a well-organized waiting environment, they remain calm and more supportive when they arrive at the service counter, it is easier for the service agent to satisfy a calm customer rather a frustrated, annoyed and unhappy customer. All such features greatly improve customer experience and results in higher customer satisfaction.

Advantages of Queue Management System: Improve Customer Experience

Advantages of Queue Management System: High Staff Productivity

A queue management system can offer a variety of features which can be used to improve staff productivity and performance. The staff satisfaction and morale plays crucial role in performance. When the staff work under a balanced workload they become happy and satisfied, happier they are better their service would be. A queue management system offers self-service ticket dispensing mechanism which reduce employee workload. It organize and manage all the customer flow from various stages of customer journey, even in case of stepped services or multi-counter service delivery the queue management system can manage the entire customer journey and customer flow. This means that the staff no longer have to worry about the problems occur in manual queuing, they are free to focus on most important tasks, they are never interrupted and they don’t have to stop their work for another task or to solve a problem. These features help reducing the workload of the staff and also results in better resource management. High staff productivity and performance help businesses improve the human resource strategy and results in better and improved branch operation with significantly less cost.

Advantages of Queue Management System: High Staff Productivity

Advantages of Queue Management System: Central Administration and Control

The queue management system is a digital tool, majorly the server application is hosted at a local or online cloud server, which is linked with all branches, and therefore the data from all branches is updated in real-time at the main server. The head office can control and monitor any branch in real-time. Furthermore it also allow businesses to configure their work flows and processes according to their policies. The queue management system also features a smart alert and notification module, which can be configured to send alerts and notify the supervisors, branch managers or even the head-office when a certain event occurs, such as if the foot fall raised to a particular threshold value, or if the open ticket reaches to a threshold value and so on. These alerts and notifications are completely customizable and enable management to take actions and steps in a timely manner. This provide more control over the branch and the queuing and it also enhance their administrative capabilities which results in much better and well-organized operations.

Advantages of Queue Management System: Central Administration and Control

Advantages of Queue Management System: Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

The modern businesses heavily rely on IT solutions and digital technology. For IT industry, software, digital solutions and communication, the data is the most valuable thing. The business intelligence data is the analytical data and insight acquired from a particular system or digital solution. A queue management system software is a very powerful AI based tool. Which is capable of collecting the most valuable business intelligence data.This data can help businesses and organizations in decision making process, identifying and solving various problems and improving their strategy. A queue management collects business intelligence data such as customer interaction at each touch point, employee performance data, customer preferences and several other behavioral insight. The business intelligence data help businesses take informed and timely decisions. It help them improve employee performance and support the HR in many tasks. The queue management system data also help understanding customer behavior, customer trends, their needs, expectations and market trends which provide a valuable insight and help businesses update their strategies and processes. It highlights several flaws and improve management.

Advantages of Queue Management System:Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data


The businesses in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all around the UAE spend millions on customer satisfaction solutions. The customer satisfaction is crucial for any business but in competitive markets like of UAE, the customer satisfaction become more significant. In UAE the customers are more sensitive, sensible, and savvy and demanding, above all they have a lot of options available. One bad experience could repel them form your business and they will end up with a competitor. That is why the crowd and poorly organized queues are a nightmare of every customer facing environment. Businesses need to be more active and attentive when they make policies and strategies for their customer facing environments, such as customer service centers, branches, and service areas. A queue management system is a modern and advanced software solution to deal with all types of problems associated with customer experience and staff performance. In this blog we have discussed how a good queue management system can turn chaos into control. We have listed several advantages of implementing a queue management system at your customer facing environments. If you want to learn more about the subject of if you want our help to design and implement a highly cost-effective and customized queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: Why You Need a Customer Flow Management Software?

How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport?

How to Implement a Queue Management System at an Airport

Airports all around the world are famous for busy terminals, queue congestions, and longer wait times. Which is why passengers usually arrive hours earlier to their departure time. Another bigger problem is that the airports are expecting more passengers every passing month, especially during the peak seasons an airport is usually operating at more than its capacity. This requires the management to effectively utilize the given space and manage passenger flow more efficiently.However, the passenger satisfaction is also a biggest concern of the airport management. On top of that the airports are also responsible to ensure a smooth operations, disputes among the passengers, airlines, service staffs and other entities could impact the rating of the airport. The one thing that every passenger will have to go through is the security lines, boarding lines, and queues at different stages. Everything comes in between, if a passenger gets bad experience at a queue, then most probably they will end up having another bad interaction with another entity.

It is because of human nature, once we are annoyed, the same feelings could remain for some time, during that time if we interact with another service agent, we might not be more accepting and forgiving, and even some very small things could easily ruin our experience. One thing led to another, it is a kind of dominos effect, and one bad experience could impact all other interactions as well. That is why it is crucial for airports to have a proper queue management system and people counting tools to ensure a mother passenger flow. Furthermore the queue management system is a great tools to gather valuable business intelligence data. The data can provide insight to passenger flow and their behavior. Which will help the airport management to come up with better strategies and solutions to manage the passengers.

In this blog we will discuss how an airport should implement a modern queue management system solution to maximize their operational capabilities and while ensuring an exceptional customer experience for the passengers.

Queue Management System for the Airports

Typically a queue management system is a combination of software and hardware components. The software played a major part, however, the hardware needs depend on the situation and circumstances. The airports are not like any other ordinary service sector business. Unlike banks and hospitals, the airports doesn’t want passengers to go to a self-service kiosk or ticket dispensing unit to draw a ticket and then wait in the waiting areas or lobbies, as this could further complicate the management. However, for airports a virtual queue management system is an ideal option. The passengers can be provided remote communication channels such as mobile apps, SMS, WhatsApp and even online passenger portals. All the queuing information can be shared via these remote channels and the passengers can easily plan their visit to the airport. Moreover the management also need to analyze the crowed flow and chock points during all processes. For that an integrated people counting tool can significantly enhance the capabilities of a queue management system. Along with people counting module, the queue management system for airport also require an old-fashioned manual queuing solution to ensure maximum efficiency.

Queue Management System for the Airports

How to Implement an Efficient Queue Management System at Airport

For the airport the queuing management process is slightly different than the ordinary, there would be hardly any other business who will be receiving such a large footfall on daily bases. On top of that there are too many variables and things can get out of hand very quickly. Such as a few flights get delayed, a weather crises or any other reason which could cause huge crowd in lobbies, waiting areas and other parts of the airport. That is why it is crucial for the management to keep an eye on all such scenarios and learn from the past. The traditional people counting and queue management solutions are not capable of providing data intensive analytics which can help management get a better understanding of the passenger flow. Usually the passengers face long queues, at entrances, security check points, custom/immigration counters, and baggage drop or reclaim points, retail areas, and waiting lobbies, etc.

How to Implement an Efficient Queue Management System at Airport

At such places and during the peak hours, it become very difficult for the management to ensure a smooth passenger flow. For that usually more staff is deployed and some airports also use self-service interactive information kiosks. A queue management system with people counting module can accurately identify the crowd formation, and it can also provide detailed information about how many more passengers are expected in a particular area in near future, and which areas can be made available to balance the passenger load in a certain section of the airport. All such features help management effectively manage the peak hours, and it also make them more read for unexpected situations. Apart from the queue management system and people counting, the physical queuing is also crucial. The airports should be equipped with the barriers, signs, belt barriers, guide pols, and queue management tools to manage and route the crowd manually to ensure smoother passenger flow even in crowded situations.

How to Implement an Efficient Queue Management System at Airport

Virtual Queue Management System for Passengers

The virtual queue management system is a great tool to enhance customer experience. Airports can provide the queuing data along with the estimated time at each point to keep the passengers informed and updated. This allow passengers more freedom and flexibility to plan their visit. Hence there is no need to wait in the airport for hours. When all passengers start arriving closer to their flights, the crowd and congestion will automatically reduce. The passenger flow will become more efficient and there would be less passengers in the waiting areas. The airports can also issue e-tickets to passengers which can further reduce their wait time. The e-ticket allow passengers to arrive at the check-in counters at the very time their number comes, so there would be literally no queue at the counters. The people counting module is powered by AI (artificial intelligence) algorithms which enable queue management system to accurately measure the people at any location, and even it can also provide the heat map based on the people’s movement across different areas in the airports.

Virtual Queue Management System for Passengers

The queue management system software can related the people counting data with the queuing data from the past which enables it to accurately predict the wait time each passengers will have to face. The same information can be conveyed to the passengers as well. The queue management system for the airports comes with dedicated smartphone applications. The mobile apps allow passengers to monitor the queuing information in real-time and also enable a bidirectional communication channel between the passengers and the service staff. All the updates, notifications and alerts can be pushed through mobile apps, push-notifications and alerts at the mobile phone. Which ensures no passenger misses any important update. The SMS and email alerts can also be very helpful for passengers. These features help airports to effectively prevent any crowd formation or physical queues at the check-in counters. The queue management system can also be linked with the digital signage at the airport to provide live queuing details and any other data/information that can help passengers to move through the airport.

Virtual Queue Management System for Passengers

The airport management have two major problems, flight delays and unpleasant passenger experience at the airports. These two factors can have swear impact on the airport’s rating and it also repel passengers from the airport. If a passenger have at least two bad experiences at any particular airport they will try to avoid it at all costs. In fact passengers are willing to pay slightly more fair just to avoid the airports where they had bad experience. The flight delays happens, mostly due to slow moving passengers. Usually during peak hours, when a few flights arrived at the same time and a few are intended to depart during the same time slot, there could be huge flux of passengers at the airports. The virtual queuing features allow passengers to wait in the retail areas, entertainment areas, or anywhere else rather than standing in the long queues. Which can significantly enhance passenger experience. Smaller queues at the counters also help maximizing the performance of that staff as they can focus more on their primary tasks and there is no distraction usually common in manual queues.

Virtual Queue Management System for Passengers

Queue Management System Gather Valuable Business Intelligence Data

It is the business intelligence data that really makes a difference. The airport management need comprehensive analytical data to understand various trends and matrices of the passenger flow and it also help them understand and evaluate their performance. The queue management system and its AI based people counting tool gather valuable business intelligence data. It can accurately measure the number of passengers entering and leaving the airport along with their time spent in the airport. The system can also accurately measure the average time spent at each counter or process and provide all these details in a simple and easy-to-understand reporting format. The business intelligence data also help analyzing the staff performance. The passenger data can be used to estimate the expected passengers, and the airports can effectively implement various strategies to improve the passenger flow.

Queue Management System Gather Valuable Business Intelligence Data

The queue management system data help management in decision making and strategy building processes with the ability to accurately predict the number of passengers at every check point or stop during the process and it can also monitor the average time spend at any passenger at any counter or process in the service. The queue management system also allow the staff and contractors to move through all counters without any delay to ensure a smooth operation. Furthermore the queue management system also provide management with in-built analytical tools and capabilities to configure automatic alerts and notification to alert the authorities and concerned staff to react to a possible crowd formation scenario. All these features are only possible due to the data collection and business intelligence gathering features of the queue management system. The airport management can integrate this data in their decision making and policy making processes to further improve the effectiveness of their strategies and policies over the time.

Queue Management System Gather Valuable Business Intelligence Data


The airports are one of the busiest establishments with huge customer flux throughout the day and even night also. The world’s top ranking airports are all operating at more than their maximum capacity, however, even if an airport is operating at its limits, the peak hours and even peak seasons could be a problem for the airport management. That is why a queue management system can be a great help to ensure a smooth passenger flow. The airports also face difficulties in providing satisfactory passenger experience and frequent flight delays due to slow moving passengers is also very common. A queue management system equipped with right tools can be a great help for the airport management. The airport queue management systems are slightly different from the traditional digital queue management systems. Usually the virtual queuing is the preferred choice for the airports all around the world. The virtual queuing enable airports to significantly reduce the passenger waiting time and it can also be very helpful to establish an easy communication channel between the passengers and the airport staff.

Apart from virtual queuing the people counting features and the mobile apps can also increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the queue management system. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system providers in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want us to help you building a tailor-made cost-efficient queue management solution, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: How to Reduce Software Development Cost in Dubai, UAE?

Day to Day Acquired RSI Queue Management System for their Head Office

The Day to Day is a well-known shopping brand in UAE. It was established in 1998 and since then it has built a strong brand reputation and is dominating the retail sector, particularly among discount shopping centers and retail stores the unique shopping experience by Day to Day is quite remarkable. The Day to Day is popular for huge discounts, value packages and shopper-friendly offers. The Day to Day brand built its reputation by providing superior quality products at a very affordable and competitive price. The Day to Day is not just a shopping brand but it is also well known for its contribution in the community and society. The Day to Day discount stores deal in all types of products, as the name suggest, from food and dairy products to household items, electronics and cosmetics, each and everything is available under one roof and at a very competitive price. The brand is also popular due to its active social media presence, all the offers and deals are regularly announced with live coverage on social media as well. That is why the Day to Day is very popular among the consumers in the UAE.

Day to Day Acquired RSI Queue Management System for their Head Office

The Day to Day is gaining huge popularity as a brand, since its inception it is continuously growing. When a business grew its business processes become more complex and sophisticated even the ordinary daily tasks start becoming complex. In order to avoid all these problems businesses deploy digital solutions and systems. These digital solutions and systems not only help the management to solve a variety of problems but those systems can also be used to collect business intelligence data which can help businesses in decision making and building future strategy. Recently the Day to Day management felt the same and requested us to help them with their queue management related problems at the head office. Our team immediately responded, we went there, we analyzed the situation and offered an appropriate queue management system. The competition was tough but finally we were awarded the project.

The queue management system that we have installed at the Day to Day is equipped with intelligent software server module, digital display screen and ticket dispensing self-service kiosk. The in-built data collection mechanisms can capture valuable business intelligence data which can help the business in long term. Here is what our Project Manager, Mr. Shehzad Asghar said about the project:

“It was a great experience with Day to Day team. The team was very cooperative and supportive. We have completed the project within time and the customer was very happy with the outcome. We always strive for our customer satisfaction. I will look forward for more collaboration in future.”

At RSI Concepts, our top priority is always to deliver the superior quality products and services. Our Queue Management System is a result of more than a decade long progress, learning and continuous development. Thanks to our hardworking team, we have completed the project a few days earlier than the committed timeline. The senior management and the team at Day to Day were pleased with the performance of our RSI Queue Management System and we will look forward to get more such opportunities which help both of us to grow and progress.

Check out this: Al Shams Media City Freezone acquired UAE’s leading QMS & Feedback System from RSI Concepts

Al Shams Media City Freezone acquired UAE’s leading QMS & Feedback System from RSI Concepts

Sharjah Media City (Shams) Free Zone is one of the newest free zones and was established in early 2017 to particularly support and facilitate media businesses. The Sharjah Media City (Shams) Free Zone is also known as Shams Free Zone, and since day one it is enabling hundreds and thousands of entrepreneurs to grow and thrive. The Sharjah Media City Free Zone is also popular due to its super-fast and super-convenient business setup process and excellent customer support. The Sharjah Media City Free Zone made the business setup process super convenient and very customer-friendly. The free zone has great customer support and online services to further improve customer experience. The Sharjah Media City (Shams) Free Zone is a customer-centric organization and it is always actively seeking ways to further improve the customer journey and customer experience. Very recently Sharjah Media City (Shams) Free Zone has decided to commission a queue management system to streamline their customer flow and to obtain some feedback from their customer and visitors.

Queue Management System

RSI Concepts was being contacted to provide a very efficient and effective queuing solution and customer feedback system. The requirements were very clear and the objective was to achieve the highest possible customer satisfaction by providing them the most convenient customer journey and an excellent customer experience. The complete solution consists of two parts, one is RSI Queue Management System and the second component is RSI Customer Survey and Feedback System. RSI Queue Management System (QMS) is a state-of-the-art customer flow management system with advanced features and tools. The system enabled Sharjah Media City (Shams) Free Zone to significantly improve their customer experience by reducing the customer wait time and improving the customer flow management. Our Queuing System also helps improving employee efficiency by reducing their efforts for customer flow management along with capabilities to integrate with other systems and corporate tools.

RSI Customer Feedback and Survey System is designed to allow the organizations and businesses to measure as per the NPS Standards. The NPS or Net Promoter Score is known to be the best indicator of performance and quality. Moreover, the customer feedback system has the capabilities to customize the questionnaire which further enables the management to collect various different types of feedback from customers and gather valuable business intelligence. Direct customer feedback is very crucial along with other indicators to measure the quality and performance. Businesses are investing heavily in implementing systems and solutions to improve customer experience and customer satisfaction. But there should be a mechanism to monitor and measure the impact of those all efforts, the customer feedback, and in-built queue management system statistical and analytical data collection tools are a great way to measure the usefulness of all the efforts to improve customer experience and customer journey.

Sharjah Media City (Shams) Free Zone is using Zoho CRM (Customer Relationship Management Software) to track and identify a business or company along with features to create sales and leads. The data synchronization and integration can significantly improve the work efficiency of a system or software. It allows businesses to innovate new ideas and to achieve specific goals.

Here are the remarks of our Project Manager, Mr. Shehzad Asghar:

“The Sharjah Media City (Shams) Free Zone is such a great organization with highly professional and disciplined staff. The complete project execution was seamless, in-time, and very smooth. Thanks to the management and team at the Sharjah Media City (Shams) Free Zone, due to their support and cooperation the entire project execution was done very smoothly. The final testing reveals that the outcome may surpass the expectation in a year or two. Overall the Queue Management System and Customer Feedback Systems are very effective in improving customer experience and gathering business intelligence.”

Indeed Sharjah Media City (Shams) Free Zone is a huge contributor in supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs. The free zone is adopting high-tech solutions to meet the ever-changing needs of the customers. Implementing RSI Queue Management System and RSI Customer Survey and Feedback System is another leap forward. We will hope to expect more such collaborations with Sharjah Media City (Shams) Free Zone in near future.

Check out this blog: Qualities of a Good Mobile App for Queue Management System

Queue Management System for Telecom Sectors in UAE

Every business whether it is a telecom service provider or any other service provider needs a great customer experience strategy to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. A queue management system is a combination of software and hardware components designed to efficiently manage the walk-ins and customer flow in the service center. The queue management system have in-built intelligent algorithms and programmed logics, which enables it to direct and route customers to the skilled representative or agent to cater their needs and requests. Different stakeholders take queue management system differently for example the customer experience department take it as a customer experience management tool, the HR would see it as a customer service agent’s performance monitoring tool, the IT will see it as a data sharing tool, and so on. That is another reason all modern queue management system also provide facility to integrate with third-party system to improve data sharing and functionalities. For a telecom sector a queue management system performs various tasks and aid various business processes.

Queue Management System for Telecom Sectors in UAE

For telecom businesses customer retention is extremely important. People tend to switch very quickly if they had a bad customer experience. That is why it is crucial to address the issues that are impacting customer experience within the customer support and service centers. In any public dealing office the most important task is to manage the customer flow and queues. The customer journey is always assessed on the bases of wait time and customer efforts. If a telecom business offers an effortless customer journey then the customers will automatically feel better about it. The telecom service centers and offices always offers multiple services and they have different priority levels for the customers and visitors. All this could be confusing for the customers and visitors. It also require more efforts from the staff to keep everything in order. However, with a queue management system all this can be automate and digitalized. The telecom business can easily reduce the customer efforts while effectively minimizing the workload of the customer service agents and other employees as well. It has double positive affect on the customer journey and customer satisfaction.

Queue Management System for Telecom Sectors in UAE

Although it may sound simple but it isn’t as that simple, in this blog we will discuss the queue management system and its features and how a telecom business can benefits from them to ensure a long term and sustainable growth.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

The customer wait time is the most influential factor in customer experience and customer journey. The studies have shown that almost all of the customers start getting stressed and annoyed after waiting for only thirteen minutes. It means that the best scenario is to somehow reduce your wait time to thirteen minutes only. Which is not possible in most of the cases, especially during the busy work hours. That is why businesses use queue management systems. The queue management system not only reduce the customer wait time to the minimum but it also help improving the customer wait experience which reduces the effects of waiting and make them able to comfortably wait for longer time. The customer experience in the telecom sector starts with a simple sign-up process. That is also the first interaction of the customer with the queue management system. The customers sign-up using an interactive self-service kiosk. The kiosk dispense a ticket which contains customer’s number in the queue, estimated time to turn and any other related information.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

Read More: Queue Management System and Predictive Waiting Time

The sign-up kiosks are also used to collect customer information, for example, for the telecom sector the customer data can be fetched from the customer’smobile number or landline or by simply inputting the customer ID. This way the queue management system already get the customer ID and it can push that data along with any other relevant data that is required to aid the customer service agent, this can simplify the service delivery process and reduce customer wait time. Every queue management system comes with large displays or signage screens, these displays are installed strategically on places where at least one screen is always in view of the customers who are in the waiting area. These screens are used to display the live queuing information including the currently serving ticket, the next few in line, the estimated time for each ticket and any other information that the business wants to display. On those screens the businesses can also run multimedia content which keeps user engaged during the waiting time.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

In addition to that audio announcements are always made to alert the customers and they are also a good distraction from the waiting. Such things help reducing the customer stress during the wait time by simply distracting them and keep them busy. Hence the customer don’t mind waiting for even much longer than the thirteen minutes.

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey and Customer Routing

The customer journey management is basically customer flow management and customer routing, which could get complex and difficult if managed manually. With a queue management system the customer flow management and customer routing is completely automatic. The servers/agents and the staff doesn’t have to worry about any of these tasks and they can focus more on their primary tasks which also improve their performance. For telecom sectors usually a single service delivery is done on a single counter, however, in some cases stepped service delivery is also needed. Then there are certain other conditions for example let say a few services are general and can be offered by any counter, some services are more technical in nature and can be offered by only 2 out of 5 counters and so on. All these conditions makes customer flow and customer routing a bit difficult for manual management. However, with a queue management system all these conditions can be managed automatically.

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey and Customer Routing

A queue management system can monitor and log all the activities, it can track employee performance, busy hours, service delivery time and on the bases of these details and a few other parameters it can accurately assess the current work load. On the bases of this understanding a queue management system automatically route customers during their wait time. Let us take the above example again, let say a customer opted for a service that is a general service, which can be offered through all five counters, however, the two exclusive counters are not busy and the three general counters are more busy, then the queue management system will start sending customers to the exclusive counters to reduce the customer wait time and to balance the workload of the counters. The customers who are signing-up for the exclusive services must be prioritized on the exclusive counters. Similarly the queue management system can also implement other company policies such as customer priority and service priority. Exclusive customers, such as VIPs, Corporate, Customers with special needs, etc. would be treated on the priority bases and so on. This is how a queue management system can manage the customer flow and customer routing automatically with the help of in-built intelligent algorithms.

Read More: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Queue Management System Improves Employee Efficiency

Most of the time in public offices or businesses where the daily walk-in is higher, the staff is always engaged in managing the queues to ensure smoother customer flow. Moreover the queue management system can automatically balance the work load of the employees which improve their work quality and reduce their stress. The queue management system can also identify the customer and/or service they are seeking for, and on the bases of that information the queue management system can prepare the server or agent dashboard beforehand and let the agent focus on the quality of service. This could save a lot of time of the server/agents which help reducing the overall customer wait time. The automation and digitalized control of various business processes help reducing many customer journey steps and also reduce the need of human resource. As most of the processes are automated and doesn’t require any human assistance, the telecom sector limit their number of staff for each branch. The queue management system also help servers and agents by reducing their efforts and aiding the service delivery process which enables them to serve more customers in a single shift. Which obviously reduce per-service delivery cost and improve operational efficiency and profitability.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Queue Management System Improves Employee Efficiency

Queue Management System Supports Third Party System Integration

If any business want to get full advantage of any system the integration is a must have feature. The digital world is way too connected and integrated than we can ever imagine. For any businesses if they want to achieve the maximum efficiency the ultimate challenge is the data flow, communication and updated information. This is applicable for both the human and the digital tools as well. A queue management system allow businesses to integrate it with any other third-party tool or enterprise solution. This data integration is usually done via APIs or secure web services. The data integration allow one system to talk to the other and then get their response, for example, in case of a telecom businesses if they are asking their customers to input their mobile number or any customer ID, the queue management system must have to verify it, which it does by communicating with the system that holds and maintains the customer’s ID data, this integration could be direct or it could be via centralized information center. The purpose is to achieve certain functionalities that help improving customer experience and overall efficiency and productivity of the business.

Read More: Why Restaurants Should Follow McDonald’s Self-Service Queue Management Strategy?

Queue Management System Supports Third Party System Integration

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence Data

One of the most important aspect of any business strategy is the information. Informed decisions always result in good outcome. For a telecom business or branch it is extremely crucial to know its customers, their psychology, their needs and expectations, and the market trends. A queue management system can do a lot more than just managing customer flow. It can keep track of all touch points of the entire customer journey along with various employee KPIs and other system stats and user data that can help businesses to analyze and asses their existing business processes, policies and capabilities. A queue management system can accurately track the entire activity of the day, it can track the average service delivery time for a particular service and also individual service delivery time. It can accurately track which customer journey step took how much time and where bottle necks were formed. A queue management system can also track employee KPIs and their performance, by accurately logging and recording the stats of each user interaction form various angles.

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence Data

The business intelligence data is too much to be processed by a human being. That is why a queue management system also provide in-built data analytical tools. Which can sort this data into simpler reporting formats. There are several different levels of the reports, for example, the high-level management might only be interested in the number of happy and unhappy customers, the branch managers might be interested in employee performance and wait time, and the customer experience department might be interested into the minute details of each bad interaction. For all those needs the queue management in-built tools to evaluate, assess and analyze the business intelligence data as per the needs. The reports generated from the queue management system can be used by the management to easily highlight the areas of improvements, the market trends, customer’s needs and expectations. The telecom businesses can use this information in planning for the future and improving things that are impacting customers’ experience.

Read More: What are the Benefits of Improving Customer Journey?


The telecom businesses are the one with a huge daily walk-ins. Most of the time the customers who visit a telecom service center they have to wait for a little longer comparing to other businesses such as banks or hospitals. That is why a telecom business needs a very efficient customer flow management and customer experience strategy. If customers are having bad experience they will not only switch but most likely they will also share their experience with the others. Which brings negative brand reputation. On the contrary a good customer experience promote a great brand image, it earns customer loyalty and help business to grow. That is why the customer experience is considered the backbone for the growth. A queue management system help businesses to improve customer experience and customer satisfaction. It also collect business intelligence data which is crucial for decision making and strategy building. Which help businesses in identifying flaws and areas of improvements. Businesses can also optimize the efficiency and operational capability by closely monitoring various aspects of the customer experience and customer journey.

The purpose of this blog was to provide our audience with a basic understanding of the queue management system and its role in telecom sector. If you want to learn more about the subject or are looking for a suitable queue management solution, please feel free to get in touch with us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below.

Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE heavily rely on digital queue management systems to manage and improve the queuing experience of their customers. A queue management system is an essential part of customer experience strategy. Businesses belong to the services based industries require their customers to visit them all the time. No matter if you are a bank, hospital, restaurant, a small local business or a large size government office, if customers are visiting you then you must have a strategy to manage and streamline the customer flow. A queue management system comes with several advantages, which can improve customer experience, such as the automated queue management and tickets solve all problems associated with ticket-less manual queuing. The queue management system reduce customer wait time by improving employee efficiency and aiding them in their routine tasks. It can also increase customer engagements by displaying multimedia content and live queuing coverage at digital signage. Such features keep the user engaged and reduce the effect of wait time. The employee workload is divided which boost their efficiency and the customer end up getting satisfactory service.

Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

These days almost every businesses is using a queue management system. That means all of your competitors would also be using a queue management system. This begs an important question, how you could differentiate yourself from your competitor? The answer is ‘just do better’. It is extremely important that you offer something better to your customers. Only an advanced and efficient queue management system can provide you a tangible competitive advantage. In this blog we will list the key qualities of an efficient queue management system and what you should be looking for while choosing a queue management system for your future needs.

Signup for the Queue

The very first step for any customer or visitor is to sign-up for the queue. An efficient queue management system always use an interactive kiosk and UI (user interface) to allow customers and visitors to sign-up. The intuitive design makes the process simpler. Usually in Dubai and all around the UAE such user interfaces are designed to support multiple languages. It leaves a very pleasant effect on the customers if their business is able to communicate with them with their native or favorite language. The first thing that the system ask the customers is to choose a language, then it asks them to select the required service from the list. Some businesses at this point also acquire customer identification details but it entirely depends on the business needs and policies. A pleasant sign-up experience help generating a positive vibe. On top of that the system can collect necessary information that can be used to further improve the customer journey. An efficient queue management system can automatically sign-up the customers to the right queue as per their selected service or as per their personalized experience.

Signup for the Queue

Customer Waiting Experience

The customer waiting experience is very crucial for customer satisfaction. A pleasant and relaxing waiting experience always improve customer’s interaction with the server/agent. The wait time is not measured or evaluated in terms of numbers. For example, an efficient queue management system is capable of tracking the record of all the previous service deliveries and also the performance of the server/agent. On the basis of this data it can very accurately predict the expected wait time. The expected wait time should be printed on the ticket. This has very positive effect on customer’s minds. When we are sitting in the waiting area we always feel the time is passing slower, when we are standing in the queues, we feel the queues next to us are moving faster. This is only psychological effect and it has nothing to do with the actual wait time. That is why for the customer experience we consider two types of wait time, one is the actual wait time as per the clock and the other is the perceived wait time which we feel. This phenomenon is very important. That is why an efficient queue management system not only prints the expected wait time but also displays the remaining wait time on the signage screens and large displays to keep the customers and visitors calm.

Customer Waiting Experience

In order to further improve the customer waiting experience an efficient queue management system support digital signage features to run dynamic content on the digital signage used to display queuing information. These signage are installed on all strategic location so that each and every customer in the waiting area or lobbies can view at least one all the time. The live queuing coverage will give them an impression that all the queues are moving. On the same screen the dynamic and multimedia content can be displayed, which increase customer engagements and keep them busy while distracting and dividing their attention. This has a great effect on customers and the sense of waiting can be minimized. Furthermore an efficient queue management system also use sound systems to make announcements and customer calling in multiple languages, which also keep users engaged. The SMS alerts and notifications can also be added to enhance customer experience and it also provide them freedom to go out while they are virtually present in their queues. Such qualities of an efficient queue management system can significantly improve customer’s waiting experience and help minimizing the waiting stress.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

Automatic Customer Routing and Customer Flow Management

In any business and organization there are always multiple services. In the office or at a branch a business serves multiple services. For some services there are dedicated counters, for some services there are not. Some services are stepped services and require a customer to go to several counters to get a complete service delivery. Some businesses have different priority levels for different sets of customers such as VIP or Premium customers, the customers with special needs, and regular customers, etc. Businesses also allocate specific counters for specific customers as well. All these variables makes the customer routing and customer flow management more difficult. Difficulties lead to mismanagement and unnecessary delays in the service which have a very negative impact on customer experience. An efficient queue management system is capable of routing customers as per the pre-determined protocols and policies of the business. Which makes the customer flow smoother and quicker. In order to prevent bottle necking, an efficient queue management system is also capable of diverting customers from one counter to the other. Hence the customer journey can be reduced and the wait time can be minimized.

Automatic Customer Routing and Customer Flow Management

Read More: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Boost Employee Performance

An efficient queue management system can aid employees in various different business processes. The automation and digitalization provides more control and less hustle. The employees get free from unnecessary tasks, which means they can focus on their primary tasks. This boost their work capability, efficiency and quality of service. In addition to that an efficient queue management system also provide an intuitive agent dashboard. Which is used to provide various controls and information to the servers/agents. The agents can control the customer flow through their dashboard and they can also get customer information and any other data beforehand. An efficient queue management system is also capable of data integration and data synchronization, which enables it to help agents in preparations for the service delivery, reduce their effort in each service delivery and also expedite the service delivery process. All that can be achieved due to the customer identification and/or identification of the service they are looking for. An efficient queue management system also aid the post-service tasks and can automate several steps. All those qualities of an efficient queue management system reduce the employee workload, stress and efforts which can significantly boost employee performance.

Read More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Boost Employee Performance

Reduce Wait Time

One of the most valuable quality of an efficient queue management system is that it significantly reduce the wait time. The wait time is one of the most impactful aspect of customer journey and a longer wait time can completely ruin customer experience, no matter how much efforts you have done regarding other aspects of the customer journey. It is extremely important to reduce the customer wait time and improve their waiting experience. If a customer had a longer waiting time, they will get stressed, and when a stressed or anxious customer arrive at the counter it is extremely hard to change their mood and provide them satisfactory service. However, if a customer journey is shorter and the wait time is less and the waiting experience is good, the customer will arrive at the counter in a very calm and neutral mood. It is much easier to satisfy customers who are calm and are more accepting towards agents.Moreover the improved employee efficiency, business process automations and improvements and better customer flow result in significant reduction in customer wait time.

Reduce Wait Time

Read More: Queue Management System and Predictive Waiting Time

Increase Profitability

The automation and digitalization always result in cost reduction and higher profitability. If a business commissioned an efficient queue management system, it automates queuing process, customer journey and customer flow management. Which means a business needs very less human resource to manage this operation. The cost of human resource is much higher comparing to the operational and maintenance cost of a digital system. This significantly reduce the operational cost and resultantly the per-service cost get reduced. Moreover the customer churn is a biggest lost, as most of the customers leave without availing the service due to longer wait time or crowd at the branch. An efficient queue management system results in improved customer experience and quicker service delivery which also prevent crowd formation and enables smoother customer flow that reduce the customer churn rate and increase revenue of the branch/business. Furthermore the queue management system also provide in-depth business intelligence data which help businesses to understand their policies, business processes and employee performance. This information is very helpful in decision making and long term strategy building which also help boosting the revenue and profitability.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Increase Profitability

Customer Satisfaction Drives Customer Loyalty

The customer happiness and customer satisfaction is considered to be the key to success. Any business’s performance can be judged on the bases of customer satisfaction. As the customer satisfaction means everything is in right order and the performance is at optimum levels. When a customer get satisfactory services from a business, it is most likely to come back and do repeated business. This is called customer loyalty. The loyal customers are a great asset and act as a foundation for the long term success and sustainable growth. Every business does marketing and efforts to promote its brand to acquire new customers. If it keeps loosing existing customer, no matter how much efforts it is putting into acquiring new customers, its growth would be halted, and eventually it will take negative course. The happy and satisfied customers are tend to be loyal customers. The customer loyalty help business elevate and the loyal customers are also good brand ambassadors, they spread brand message and positive feedback though social media, word of mouth and endorsements. The customer loyalty and positive brand image help businesses achieve their marketing goals.

Customer Satisfaction Drives Customer Loyalty

Studies have shown that the businesses with positive brand image tend to do well in their marketing campaigns comparing to the businesses with negative brand reputation. Hence the positive brand image results in better ROI from the marketing campaigns too, which ultimately reduce the cost of lead generation and conversions. Another advantage of loyal customers is that they always stick with the brand, they are always willing to give another chance and they do not quickly switch to another service provider. Studies have shown that the loyal customers also provide better feedbacks and share their opinion and suggestions more openly. The studies have shown that it is 9 to 12 time less expensive to make a sale to an existing customer than acquiring a new customer. In long term this could have a huge impact on the profitability and growth of the business.

Read More: 5 Techniques to Integrate Customer Satisfaction Survey with Queue Management System

Offers Virtual Queuing

Virtual queuing was designed to enhance customer’s experience. Especially it provides a lot of freedom and more flexibility with the waiting experience. However, during the past two years the virtual queuing gain popularity in Dubai and all around the UAE. The virtual queuing enables businesses to let customer sign-up for virtual queues and doesn’t require them to be physically present all the time in the queue. Now a days the virtual queuing is further improved with the functionality of remote sign-up features. It means that a customer don’t even have to come to the office or branch to generate ticket, in fact they can do so remotely or through their mobile devices. There are several channels that can be used for remote sign-up process such as mobile applications, SMS, email, online/websites, customer portals, QR Codes, etc. An efficient queue management system must provide advanced and modernized features to ensure an excellent customer experience and maximum productivity. Once a customer sing-up via a remote channel such as mobile app, they start receiving important information about the on-going queuing, they get alerts and notifications too. Hence a customer can plan their visit only at the time their turn will come. It means that the wait time can be reduced to none. That is why virtual queuing is gaining too much popularity as it reduces the wait time and improve customer experience and convenient.

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Offers Virtual Queuing

Enables Third Party System Integration

An efficient queue management system always support and provide system integration with the third party tools and enterprise software. In this modern era of digitalization it is very important that the entire business information center is centralized and connected to everything else. An efficient queue management system can be linked with other systems to synchronize customer data, feedback data, and much more to improve relevant business processes, customer experience and service delivery processes. The system integration allows the queue management system to push and fetch data from any other integrated system or data center. Moreover an efficient queue management system can be integrated with other tools and hardware peripherals such as customer feedback collection tools, touch screens, EID readers, RFID, passport reader, QR Code/Barcode Scanners, etc. Such integration help queue management system to automate various business processes and reduce the customer efforts throughout the customer journey. The integration also enable the businesses to link the reporting and system stats with the other systems and vice versa. The system integration is great to boost the performance and efficiency of the system.

Read More: Why Restaurants Should Follow McDonald’s Self-Service Queue Management Strategy?

Enables Third Party System Integration

Collect Business Intelligence Data

An efficient queue management system collects business intelligence data and system usage details from each and every touch point of the customer journey. The queue management system also tracks and record employee performance data. For example the system can capture details about the customer journey and customer experience. What services are used the most, what are the busy hours, what is the average service delivery time including each service delivery time as well. The complete log is maintained for analysis and decision making purposes. An efficient queue management system offers in-built analytical tools and data processing algorithms. These tools help businesses to process the business intelligence data and help them identify the areas of improvements. Another great quality of an efficient queue management system is that it also collects customer feedback data. The customer feedback collection gives customers confidence, trust and a sense of importance, which is good to strengthen the customer relationships. The customer feedback data can provide a deeper insight to customer’s minds and help businesses to understand customer’s needs, expectations and problems. Businesses can use customer feedback data along with business intelligence data to evaluate their business processes, quality of products & services, employee efficiency and much more. This information is critical in taking actions and making future strategies for a long term growth.

Read More: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Collect Business Intelligence Data


These days a queue management system is not just used to streamline customer flows and manage waiting lines, in fact an efficient queue management system can literally transform the customer experience and customer journey. An efficient queue management system automates various steps and optimize business processes that are impacting customer journey. A good customer experience drives customer satisfaction which is a key component to gain customer trust and customer loyalty. The customer loyalty have a great impact on brand image. An efficient queue management system also reduce the workload of the employee and boost their efficiency. All these qualities along with automation and digitalization help reducing the cost and improve overall efficiency of the business. In this blog we have listed all important qualities of an efficient queue management system. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you have an enquiry, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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