Queue Management System and Social Distancing

These days Social Distancing is mandatory at all public places or crowded areas, which can be easily enforced if we are using an appropriate queue management system. There are businesses and organizations who are using a completely customized queuing system for their customers and queue managements but enforcing social distancing is a bit difficult with an ordinary QMS. That is why we have innovated a completely new to the market solution for Social Distancing and Queue Management System.


The Social Distancing Queue Management System is equipped with a very intelligent QMS program and a variety of hardware-based aids. The agent dashboard is upgraded along with the online signups and real-time updates of the active queues make it more suitable for enforcing the social distancing at the branch. The system is designed to be more flexible towards planned visits and management of the visitors to ensure social distancing.

Our Queue Management System is equipped with a smartphone application which provides real-time data and updates about the capacity of the branch, active queues at any given time, peak hours information and much more, which help the visitors to plan their visits ahead and schedule them as per their convenience, this helps to reduce the crowd in the waiting areas and lobbies.

The system also supports virtual queuing, which allows the visitors to sign-up online, from the smartphone app, QR Code, a call or an SMS. This also helps to maintain the number of visitors in the branch on any given point of time, to maintain a safe environment which ensures social distancing. The Social Distancing enabled Queue Management System also help agents to update the customers if any delay occurs or let them prepare the service ahead of time to minimize the visit duration of a customer. This also reduces the congestion at any time and as the visitors can get real-time updates for the capacity and a current number of people in the facility they can choose the best time to come, either they can wait at home/office or even in the parking lot before entering the building, which ensures the visitor will have to spend the possible minimum time in the branch during their visit.

The system is equipped with a very smart and intelligent software program which can automate the process to reduce the service delivery time. The system is capable of working on the semi-autonomous mode by following the protocols and configurations set by the administration. The branch manager or the area manager or the head-office can monitor all the activities in real-time and can also handle things from their respective point of authority if needed. This not only ensures the safety of the customers/visitors but also the safety of the staff.

The Social Distancing enabled Queue Management System not only help to implement the social distancing in the branch but it also helps businesses to not to compromise on the user journey and user experience, in fact, it improved the user experience to a great extent. The system is very flexible and the control panel of the software allows the administrator to configure the system as per their needs and requirements. Even after this whole scenario is over and the things will get normalized our Queue Management System can work as a normal queue management system the difference is its highly advance features and agent dashboard will let the businesses reduce the service delivery time by 30% to 50% in some cases and along with the planned visits, remote sign-ups, real-time updates and other features enhance the user experience to a significant level.

Checkout: How queue management system used in social distancing?

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