Boost Employee Efficiency with a Performance Management System

Boost Employee Efficiency with a Performance Management System

The businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are using some kind of methods and techniques to evaluate the performance of their employees. Mostly use manual reviews and traditional appraisal methodologies. However, the biggest problem with manual methods is that you will end up with biased reviews, incomplete forms, or unquantifiable evaluation data, mainly based on assumptions. Such reviews are usually made on the bases of events that occurs very recently, for example in case of annual reviews, a supervisor will have more impact of a negative event or poor performance in last month comparing to an excellent performance in the second or third month of the year. Hence the moderation for manual reviews is extremely difficult. That is why businesses are now turning over to the digital performance management systems. The modern day employee appraisal systems or employee performance systems are very accurate, produce quantifiable results and help management processing the data into actionable reports.

Boost Employee Efficiency with a Performance Management System

For any business’s success it is crucial to utilize its resources efficiently and more effectively to maximize the outcome. That is not just a matter of implementing a performance management system or making a strategy, in fact it is a continuous process, enabling all business functions at their maximum potential and achieving maximum efficiency is a long journey, it could take years. That is why a business needs an employee performance management system which collect and analyze business intelligence data and performance matrices. Such data is very helpful in making decisions, and making improvements. In this blog we will cover how an enterprise performance management system can help boosting the efficiency of the employees.

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Set SMART Goals and Objectives

The very first step of performance management is setting up goals and objectives. The goal could be anything, for example, if a customer service center wants to reduce the complaints by 30% in the year 2022. That could be the goal. It is quantifiable and it is clear. Then the business can built strategies to achieve that goal, for example, the business can plan to hire more technical staff, or they can also held training program for existing staff to boost their performance, or they can simply create KPIs, to monitor employee performance, this will encourage them to perform well hence their quality of work will be improved which will result in less complaints. Similarly a business can set various types of goals, such as cost reduction by 5%, improving conversion rate by 10%, generating 30% more leads, etc.

Set SMART Goals and Objectives

There are high-level goals which are organizational goals and objectives. Then the department heads and managers sit together to set their goals in accordance with the high-level organizational goals. Then these managers and head of departments sit with their department’s managers, supervisors, team leaders, etc. to set their goals and objectives to achieve the goal of the department which will ultimately contribute to the organizational goal and objectives. Similarly individual goals are also set. That is how the goals and objectives are defined. The goals and objectives should not only state ‘what’ has to be achieved but they should also provide a guideline or strategy to ‘how’ the objectives can be achieved or should be achieved. For that a standard is widely used which is called SMART. The SMART criteria is basically a framework to set goals and objectives:

  • S – Specific: The objectives should be very specific, clear and to the point.
  • M – Measurable: The objectives should be measureable, so the employees and management both know what the success is and what is expected from each employee.
  • A – Achievable: The objectives should be achievable and both the employee and managers should be agreed on the objectives. Forced objectives are less likely to be achieved.
  • R – Realistic: The objectives should be realistic, the high-level objectives should be communicated with employees, so they know what and how their contribution will add up to the high-level goals. The employee should be able to achieve those objectives with their existing skills and resources.
  • T – Time-Bound:All the objectives should be time-bound so the employees and managers both know when the result should be delivered. Each objective should have a target date or time frame.

Set SMART Goals and Objectives

The goals must be clearly communicated to each individual, then the employee goals are set in a way that the employee understand and agrees that they will be able to achieve them. Forced objectives tend to negatively affect employee performance. Unrealistic objectives or too much expectations from the employees will build a sense of distrust, employee will lose self-confidence and they can easily give-up by thinking that they won’t be able to match those high expectations. However, the clear, quantifiable, and achievable objectives not only boost employees’ morale but will also encourage them to perform well and will definitely boost their performance. Some businesses also set milestones in between the start and end date of the objective. Which is also very helpful to keep track and continuous monitoring of the employee performance and also help businesses to take actions to do corrections to improve employee performance.

See More: Importance of KPIs to Improve Employee Performance in Dubai, UAE

Prepare a Performance Plan and Strategy

The performance plan is a very collaborative process it help businesses build strategies and set a plan of action for the next year. As the goals and objectives are already set. The planning stage involves communicating the high-level organizational goals and objectives to different business departments, teams, individual employees. The employee performance management system aid businesses in implementing a top-down strategy which is important to effectively communicate the goals and objectives to each management and administrative level. At this stage the employee engagement is very important. When employees have their say in the planning and strategy formation process they get motivated and passionate about their goals and achievements.  Here the employee performance management system can be very helpful in setting up KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) and other evaluation matrices.

Prepare a Performance Plan and Strategy

Which will later measure and evaluate the performance of each employee and key-player with regards to their goals and their achievements. The performance management system can also measure and evaluate the contribution of each employee, team, department, or manager in achieving the high-level organizational goals and objectives. There are several other behavioral and technical competencies that can impact employee performance, which can also be accurately measured and monitored with the performance management system. However, there are certain external factors which the business cannot control such as employee’s personal problems, health issues and any other private matter, so such parameters are also excluded. The review and feedback can be used to account such problems, which can then be taken forward as per the company policy.

Prepare a Performance Plan and Strategy

The performance plan and strategy covers each and every minute detail which could hinder employee performance. Hence the business can get a deeper insight regarding all action points which are quantifiable along with other non-measureable factors such as behavioral, environmental and cultural aspects of the organization with the help of reviews, feedbacks and improved communication between the employees and their supervisors or managers. The performance management system is capable or recording all these quantifiable and non-quantifiable aspects of the employee performance which can help the management to improve their strategies, plans and organizational culture to ensure better performance for the next year.

See More: Employee Performance Management is a small part of Performance Management System

User Friendly Design and Intuitive UIs

With user friendly tools and intuitive UIs (user interfaces) the performance management become as simple as it can be. The management and individual employees both gets their own set of tools and features which help them track and assess their performance and the performance of their subordinates. The biggest advantage of the performance management system is that it can automatically collect, organize and even analyze the performance data and make everything available on fingertips. The visual and graphical interfaces allow the management and employees to easily and quickly understand their performance data. The performance management system also provide a tons of tools which simplify the performance management process, such as sharing questionnaires digitally, getting responses and data in digital formats and customized reporting and analytical tools to simplify the data. Comparison tools, reminders, communication tools, and automatic data sharing and integration makes everything much simpler and easier for the management as well as for the employees.

User Friendly Design and Intuitive UIs

More Flexibility and Convenience in Performance Management Process

A performance management system provides more flexibility, control, and bring convenience to the employee performance management process. A good quality performance management system includes a wide range of tools and templates that help the management to easily build and implement their strategies and plans. The primary goal of the performance management system is to adopt to the on-going changes within the organization and let the management take full control of the process by effectively integrating the strategic changes with the existing strategy and plan. The performance management system allow the businesses to adopt to a more flexible approach towards reviews and communication or one-on-one sessions with the employees. The review cycle and timing can be configured for the entire year with flexibility to make changes at any time during the year. The managers have simple dashboard where they can set a discussion within a few clicks. The entire performance management process requires a lot of data collection which involves a lot repetitive tasks as well, the performance management system can automate such tasks and make the process more simple and convenient for the management as well as for the employees.

More Flexibility and Convenience in Performance Management Process

See More: Appraisal Methods in Performance Management System

Effective 360 Degree Feedback Tools

The 360 degree feedback is always at the core of any performance management technique. It is a bit more traditional kind of appraisal framework but it is very effective. The performance management system makes it more effective by simplifying the feedback collection process. The 360 degree feedback include the feedback from the management, supervisors, peers and other people who work around an employee. Mostly the feedback is taken anonymously and the data is shared with the management. The performance management system enables the businesses to improve the data quality of the feedback. It provides a variety of pre-defined questions with quantifiable feedbacks, such as rating scales and happiness meter and much more. This allow the business to evaluate each employee and generate measureable results which can be later used to assess the performance of the employee. The performance management system can also minimize the biased reviews and make the process more transparent. Furthermore the reports can be extracted in a user friendly format which can later help the management to plan employee development plans and the same data is also very useful for the HR department.

Effective 360 Degree Feedback Tools

Employee Engagement and Self-Evaluation Tools

The performance management system allow businesses to program an alert and reminder configuration in the system which keeps reminding employees about the goals and objectives on a frequent pattern. Furthermore the employee performance management system also allow the managers to keep modifying the employee goals and objectives at any time they want. This features help aligning the employee performance with the high-level organizational goals and objectives. Employee often lose the sight of their goals and objectives while focusing only on their job roles and primary targets or what they believe is more important so constant reminders are very good at increasing employee engagements. The performance management system also allow the management to get real-time performance data which enables them to improve the communication with the employees. Once the employee start achieving their short-term goals, they become more passionate about their long term goals.

Employee Engagement and Self-Evaluation Tools

Monitoring employee performance towards the milestones and sharing the data with them can boost their morale and encourage them to perform well. The real-time feedback and better communication allow the management to address any problem as soon as it arises and also help them satisfying the employees. Which further increase employee engagements and help improving their overall performance and work efficiency. The self-evaluation tools also help employee to critically think about their goals, objectives, their performance and their contribution in the high-level organizational goals. This enables the employees to take more control and ownership of their performance and help them understand where they are lagging or where they need to improve. These tools also help employee to improve their personal development and give them a sense of importance which encourages them to perform better.

Improve Employee’s Personal Development Programs

For any business having a skilled, experienced and highly efficient workforce is critical for growth and success. That is why every business have employee development or personal development strategies and programs. Mostly the managers rely on the reviews to plan and arrange trainings for the employees. However, a performance management system provides a deeper insight to employee strength and weaknesses. By analyzing the employee performance data, the feedback and reviews, the managers can have a better and more effective performance meeting and discussions with their employees, which help them to make more effective personal development plans. Furthermore the business can also asses and evaluate the training programs and their effectiveness by simply continuously monitoring employee performance. When the employee have a better chance to communicate their personal development needs, and when they feel more productive by tapping into the development programs their performance and engagement increases. Several researches have shown that the employee’s personal development and learning is the key driver of employee performance, and retention.

Improve Employee’s Personal Development Programs

Setup a Better Reward and Recognition System

Everyone like when they are appreciated. Employee perform very well when they know they will get adequate appreciation, recognition and reward. Only a paycheck is not enough to motivate your employees to deliver their best work. It is not only just the financial incentives, in fact the rewards, recognition of the hard work and appreciation by the management is more effective than the monetary rewards. An employee performance management system enable businesses to effectively implement their reward and recognition strategy by proving the continuous performance data, in-built analytical and comparison tools and other such features. The main objective is to establish a system or scheme to effectively deliver all the rewards, recognitions and appreciations in terms of monetary, non-monetary and psychological payments when the certain level of competence and performance is detected. These reward and recognition system help aligning the employee goals with the high-level organizational goals to encourage them to focus on the areas which are more effective and helpful in achieving their individual and also high-level goals.

Setup a Better Reward and Recognition System

Improve Team Collaborations

Any business knows that the most effective behavioral trait an employee can have is their team collaboration and support for the collective goals. Whether it is a high-level organizational goal or a departmental goal or even the goal of a team or individual employee, the team collaboration is extremely important to achieve that. The team collaboration ensures seamless workflow and increase the bond and communication between the relevant team members. Hence it help improving the overall performance of the entire business. The performance management system integrate various communication tools and track various behavioral competencies which can provide data about the team collaboration and it can also include feedbacks and reviews which are directed toward analyzing the behavioral competencies of an individual employee. This data can be used to analyze an employee’s and entire team’s collaborations and provide management a chance to improve it. A better team collaboration always result in higher performance by the team itself and by the employees or team members also. Modern day performance management system can also include integration with social media and such apps to aid the communication and collaboration between the team members.

Improve Team Collaborations

See More: How Performance Management System helps in Customer Journey improvement?

Data Analytics and Customized Reporting Tools

Since the performance management system is collecting a tons of data from all around the organization. It is crucial to analyze it and compile actionable reports that can help the management to take timely actions or upgrade their strategies to ensure they will achieve their performance goals. The employee performance management system provides intuitive dashboards with visual and graphical data presentations and much more which simplifies everything for the management. Whether the higher management is analyzing and monitoring the performance of the entire business or whether it is an individual employee who is monitoring and analyzing their individual performance, and everyone else in between gets respective data analytical tools. For example the higher management can monitor the real-time performance data from several business functions such as production, sales, supply chain, etc. The dashboard is highly customizable which provide them easy comparison and further makes it easier for them to zoom-in or zoom-out on the performance data.

Data Analytics and Customized Reporting Tools

The automatic data analysis are very helpful and important for the decision makes. For example if the production is performing 20% better and the sales is performing 30% less than the immediate need arises is that the business will going to require more storage or they will have to put more workload on their distribution network and sales to keep the production line running. Such features not only help businesses to improve their performance but also help them to take actions and update their strategies for the future. The employee performance management is a continuous process and with each year the employee performance gets better. The performance management system provides businesses a chances to compare their previous year’s performance data and more such features which help them to refine their next strategy and performance plans.

See More: Why Performance Management System is a Necessity for Companies in Dubai


For any business it is extremely important to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the resources they have in hand. High performing workforce is one of the most precious asset a business can ever have. In order to improve the employee efficiency and their capabilities business keep monitoring their performance. The performance monitoring help businesses to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each individual employee and provide them a road-map to improve the overall capabilities and performance of their workforce. The performance management is not an easy task, it is a very complex and quit lengthier process. The annual performance reviews are not sufficient and almost all established businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE have other strategies to monitor and track the performance of the employees on a bit more frequent manners. On top of that the transparency and accuracy of annual appraisal reviews is also questioned.

That is why businesses often use an employee performance management system which provide them a detailed insight to the employee performance, their behavioral and technical competencies and help them identify the areas of improvement. The performance management system also help aligning the organizational goals and objectives with the individual employee goals and objectives to ensure higher efficiency and profitability. RSI Concepts is a leading name in customized employee performance management system providers in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject of want to enquire for our performance management system please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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