Building a Successful Email Marketing Funnel with Email Marketing System

Businesses in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all across UAE have witnessed huge rise in conversion by implementing successful email marketing funnels with advanced email marketing system. There is a common misconception about the email marketing and email marketing systems, that there is a universal or standard framework which every business can follow to get the desired results. However, that mindset is the biggest cause of failure of email marketing strategies. According to several global studies, the CTR (click through rate), Open Rate and the conversion are consistently increasing since past 5 years. Here it is also important to understand that not all emails are intended to make a sale, most of the email that businesses send to their customers are to build and nurture relationships or for communication. When we talk specifically about the email marketing, it is considered the most cost-efficient marketing channel with almost $40 USD generated against every $1 USD spent on email marketing. That is staggering, but for different industries the benchmarks are different. Furthermore each business have a different personality, a different audience and a completely different preferences and goals. That is why an email marketing system is essential for managing building modern email marketing funnels.

Building a Successful Email Marketing Funnel with Email Marketing System
Building a Successful Email Marketing Funnel with Email Marketing System

What is an Email Marketing Funnel?

The email marketing funnel is basically an email campaign consists of a series of different emails designed specifically to mature a lead into conversion by nurturing it and communication the right message according to the targeted audience throughout the entire customer journey. In fact it is a tactics to effectively manage customer journey. The funnels are designed not only to convert but to retain and make them loyal customers. That is why it is a long-term strategy consisting of following stages:

  1. Brand Awareness – Present your products/services and the value you offer
  2. Consideration/Engagement – Identify the problems and position your products/services as the right solution
  3. Conversion – Nurturing relationship and facilitating onboarding
  4. Loyalty – Ensuring your customers are satisfied with your brand
  5. Retention/Advocacy – Strengthen relationship, make improvements, offer new solutions

The email marketing funnel is not a standard framework with a set of rules and standard practices. It is in fact different from each business, based on the targeted audience, business type, and even brand personality, the email marketing funnel could be built to maximize the outcome. Every business need to set their goals and acquire insight to understand their targeted audience before setting up their email marketing funnel. Furthermore there is always a room for the improvements. That is why an exclusive email marketing system is essential for designing a successful email marketing funnel. The email marketing system will help businesses quickly set up and execute their campaigns, it also help automating several repetitive tasks and can automatically handle different audience segments. The email marketing system is a great tool to quickly tweak and fine-tune your email marketing funnel to maximize the results.

What is an Email Marketing Funnel?
What is an Email Marketing Funnel?

How to Build a Successful Email Marketing Funnel with Email Marketing System?

The email marketing funnels can be built easily with an effective email marketing system. The email marketing software help businesses to easily laydown and execute their plans and derive strategies which returns maximum ROI. Furthermore the email marketing systems are based on a powerful software which can be integrated with various internal systems and process. The integration allow management to easily execute their strategies and measure the effects. Without a proper email marketing system it is extremely difficult to build an effective email marketing funnel. Here are a few simple steps to build a successful email marketing funnel while using an effective email marketing software:

Email Marketing Funnel: Research and Planning

For any successful strategy the planning is a must, and for planning you need proper research. For email marketing funnel the very first step is acquiring insights, doing research and understanding your needs. The research and planning should include:

  • Acquiring Insight: Starting with acquiring insight, gathering data and understanding customer needs and expectations. It is important to build a comprehensive record of changing customer preferences over the time and then plan your communication accordingly.
  • Customer Segmentation: You cannot simply send a single email to all of your customers. You should segment them on the bases of their demographics, product/service preferences and also geographical data. Segmentation will help you catering to the needs of your targeted audience.
  • Customer Journey Mapping: The customer journey mapping is extremely important. Usually businesses doesn’t pay much attention on building customer journey maps. The customer journey map is simply a visual and simplified representation of the steps that your customers had to take form the very first interaction or brand awareness stage to converting into a sale. Different customer segments usually have different needs and also take different route to convert.
  • Building Email Lists: For any successful email marketing campaign the absolute essential is the right email list. Every business should build an email list. For that you can build opt-in forms, subscription forms, and lead capturing forms. This will help you with segmentation too.
  • Setting up Goals: It is extremely important that your goals align with the high-level organizational goals and objectives. If your goal is to generate more sales your emails should communicate the value proposition, if you want to build loyalty, your email marketing funnel should be able to engage with customers to increase their satisfaction and gain trust.

Building a successful email marketing funnel requires targeting different customer segments and catering them a variety of different products, services and communication materials as per their needs. Which is only possible if you have an effective email marketing system in place.

How to Build a Successful Email Marketing Funnel with Email Marketing System?
How to Build a Successful Email Marketing Funnel with Email Marketing System?

Email Marketing Funnel: Chose the Right Email Marketing Tool

The success of any email marketing funnel depends on how you target the audience, what message you send to them and the right message at the right time is the key to success. This is nearly impossible without using a fully or semi-automated email marketing system. When it comes to email marketing tools there are tons of options available in UAE. Businesses often rely on cloud based services as well, however, there are several factors that you should consider while choosing a right email marketing tool for your business. It is extremely important that you use a very effective email marketing tool to build you email marketing funnel. Here are the most important factors that you should consider while choosing a right email marketing tool for your marketing funnel:

  • Features
  • Price (Initial and Operational Cost)
  • Integration
  • Customization
  • Security and Privacy

When it comes to the features of an email marketing tool, the most important features are the tools to create the email template and the automation tools. Usually all email marketing systems comes with two basic content creation tools, a text editor, and an HTML customizer. Some email marketing tools also comes with a drag-and-drop type content customizer. It all depends on your needs, the HTML editor is the most preferred and commonly used template creation tool.

The success of any email marketing funnel depends on how you target the audience
The success of any email marketing funnel depends on how you target the audience

The integration is one of the most important features, which could have different challenges with different off-the-shelf email marketing tools. The integration helps automating the email campaigns. For example if you are planning to send post-sale emails with follow up surveys or any content, you can integrate your email marketing system with your ERP, or customer database and sales management system which will send a trigger when a new sales is made and the email marketing tool will automatically sends a pre-set email template to the customer. You can personalize emails for customers and automate the entire funnel, you can send occasional greetings, newsletters and follow up emails, automatically. The customization is another important factor which allow you to keep up with the market trends and enables you to adopt to new practices and add features that suits your needs down the road. Most of the off-the-shelf solutions doesn’t allow any customization and the ones who allow it, offer very little and very expensive customization. If you are using a third-party email marketing tool or a cloud-based solution your data and content is hosted with service provider, you will have limited control and authority over it.

The integration is one of the most important features, which could have different challenges with different off-the-shelf email marketing tools
The integration is one of the most important features, which could have different challenges with different off-the-shelf email marketing tools

However, if you are using a customized email marketing system you can avoid all these problems, you can customize is as per you needs, you don’t have to pay hefty fees for upgrades or customization. You are not bound to a single service provider, you can host your data and content with yourself and as you may please. The custom email marketing system is a software which is exclusively designed for your business needs. You can acquire the services of a custom software development agency in Dubai like RSI Concepts or you can have in-house team to develop the custom email marketing tool as per your needs. The ownership rights belongs to you your business, you are not bound to service provider for anything, you can have another team to maintain, manage and customize your bespoke email marketing system. The final and most important thing is the cost. The cost of a ready-made email marketing system is usually higher, as they are providing you the platform and also the email server which you are using to send email. If you are a small business, you might not require a separate email server. If you are a mid-sized or large enterprise you can easily acquire a third-party email server to utilize with your custom email marketing tool. Altogether the ROI of a custom email marketing system is much higher than a commercial off-the-shelf or cloud-based email marketing tool.

A custom email marketing system is a software which is exclusively designed for your business needs
A custom email marketing system is a software which is exclusively designed for your business needs

Email Marketing Funnel: Brand Awareness and Building Lists

Now that you have a clear goal and right tech in place, it is time to start implementing your strategy and plans. The very first step of any email marketing funnel starts with brand awareness stage. At this stage you communicate your brand message, acquire subscribers and build lists. The prime objective of brand awareness campaign is to get as much contacts of your prospects as possible. If you communicate your brand values and produce enough appeal in your content, you will get higher conversion rate at this stage. There are different tools and channels which can be used for brand awareness campaign. You can embed email subscription in your website and mobile apps. You can set up pop-up forms to collect lead data and you can run adverts on digital platforms to collect as many leads as possible. Because on later stages you will be nurturing these leads to generate sales. You should use lead magnets in your digital campaigns, whether it is a landing page, YouTube display ad, Google search ad, Facebook Ad or Instagram Reel, the lead magnet strategy will help you to collect more leads. A lead magnet is simple an incentive or appeal to attract prospects and to compel them to take time to fill in the lead form or to provide you their email address. Once you got that start with the welcome series emails where you introduce your brand, different solutions you are offering and present the value your products and services can provide.

The very first step of any email marketing funnel starts with brand awareness stage
The very first step of any email marketing funnel starts with brand awareness stage

Email Marketing Funnel: Consideration – Nurturing Your Leads

With a successful brand awareness campaign now is the time when your prospects are seriously considering your brand and comparing it with their existing brands and any other available solutions they can avail. This is a very crucial stage. At this stage you should build trust by positioning your products, services and solutions as the ideal solution for your prospects’ problems and needs. This is the time when your emails will tell your prospects the true value of your products, services and solutions and what made your brand and your solutions unique and better from other competitors. Your emails should communicate your value proposition, unique selling point and ROI of your solutions. At this stage your communication should build a sense of urgency to encourage your leads to quickly convert, and also address the most obvious concerns they could have. Ensure your prospects you will provide them good support and service. Studies have revealed that more than 80% of the prospects genuinely consider the rating and reviews of the other customers and this can greatly influence their decision. That is why it is important to include user-generated content, testimonials, customer rating, case-studies and even some free resources which will help you building gaining their trust. You should also include comparisons of your products and services with your leading competitors to give confidence to your prospects.

At this stage you should build trust by positioning your products, services and solutions as the ideal solution for your prospects’ problems and needs
At this stage you should build trust by positioning your products, services and solutions as the ideal solution for your prospects’ problems and needs

Email Marketing Funnel: Conversion and Onboarding

The most important stage in customer journey is the conversion and onboarding, because that can also be counted as the first comprehensive experience your customers will have with your brand. This is where you should be able to utilize the advance customization and template creation tools of your email marketing system. It is extremely important to make your onboarding simpler and quicker. You should also design a series of emails which share promotions, offers and you can bundle them with freebies and special discounts to encourage your prospects to convert. Here an important thing to consider is that if your emails are too much pushy then it will repel your customers. It is better to use professional language, eye-catchy graphics with an adequate topping of urgency. Creating urgency is crucial, it will help you keeping your customers focused and not leaving them enough room to do comprehensive research which might change their mind. The onboarding process should be simpler, do not include long forms and complex steps in the onboarding process. Your email should be able to provide a clear and easy-to-follow path to conversion with adequate information and resources which can help your customers to convert conveniently. Any obstacle or complication at this stage will cost you a potential customer.

It is extremely important to make your onboarding simpler and quicker
It is extremely important to make your onboarding simpler and quicker

Email Marketing Funnel: Building Loyalty

The customer journey doesn’t end at conversion, in fact a marketing funnel must include a comprehensive series of emails which are designed to keep your customers engaged. It is important to have a proper loyalty program in place. Your email marketing funnel will help you to achieve more customer loyalty with your loyalty program. You can share regular promotions, exclusive offers for customers, personalized communication, and loyalty rewards to obtain your customers’ loyalty. At this stage your communication should keep your customers engaged for example, you can create and share content which help your customers to effectively utilize the features of your products, services or solutions. At this stage collecting customer feedback, encouraging them to participate in polls contests and draws will increase their engagement. The customer engagement drives customer loyalty and help strengthening the relationship between a brand and its customers. Your emails should convey the message that you value your customers and how important they are for your business, you can do so by appreciating their loyalty, offering discounts or special deals, etc. An email marketing system will help you set-up scheduled campaigns and it will also help you personalizing your emails which are more effective than generic emails.

You can share regular promotions, exclusive offers for customers, personalized communication, and loyalty rewards to obtain your customers’ loyalty
You can share regular promotions, exclusive offers for customers, personalized communication, and loyalty rewards to obtain your customers’ loyalty

Email Marketing Funnel: Increasing Retention

Customer retention is somewhat similar to building loyalty. However, the core difference between the two is that in your customer retention campaigns you include both your new customers and existing customers as well. The customer loyalty is an ongoing process, you will have to keep nurturing your relationship with your customers in order to retain them and get repeated business from them. The customer retention is not only important for getting repeated business, but it will also help you establish a strong and positive brand identity. The customer retention campaigns will help you maximizing the customer lifecycle which will maximize your ROI. The customer retention campaign is also more targeted, you must segment your customers on the bases of their purchases/subscription, their preferences, interests and demographic data. A good email marketing tool will help you setup multiple email templates for multiple customer segments. You should also focus on the active customers rather than each and every contact is your list. When you will focus only on active customers the chances to get another sale are very high. The customer feedback also plays very important role in customer retention. You can integrate your email marketing system with a customer feedback system and execute a closed-loop customer feedback campaign which will further help you strengthening the relationship with your customers. When you increase customer engagement, share useful information, offer them personalized and exclusive deals/discounts, and keep them up to date your customer retention increases.

The customer retention campaigns will help you maximizing the customer lifecycle which will maximize your ROI
The customer retention campaigns will help you maximizing the customer lifecycle which will maximize your ROI


The email marketing is one of the oldest digital marketing method and still it is one of the best digital marketing method. According to studies a business can generate up to $40 USD on each $1 USD spend on email marketing. However, simply just sending emails to your customers or prospects is not enough. The business operating in Dubai, Sharjah, and Abu Dhabi or anywhere in UAE are actively utilizing emails to communicate with their customers. However, most of the businesses are unaware of the impact of a successful email marketing funnel. In this blog we have discussed what an email marketing funnel is and how businesses can easily build a successful email marketing funnel with the help of an effective email marketing system. The email marketing system is a very powerful software tool, which is used to streamline email communication and marketing for a business. The email marketing tools help automating email campaigns and also enable businesses to send hyper-personalized emails to maximize the impact and ROI.

There are two types of email marketing tools, the commercial off-the-shelf tools and the customized email marketing systems. The custom email marketing tools is much superior as it will be designed exclusively for your business and according to your needs. You can also start with a cloud-based system and build your email marketing funnel. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to design and develop a customized email marketing system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Importance of Digital Marketing in 2021

Importance of digital marketing in 2021 is even more than ever before in the UAE. Like Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and other emirates are very densely populated communities and almost everyone has access to the internet. This leads to a completely different customer approach to make a purchase. Everyone these days tries to find something from the search no matter if you are searching for a restaurant near you, a gas station, nearest bank branch, clinic or hospital near you, government offices or anything, people tend to search for it online first.


As online search is convenient and more accessible, so everyone is going for it. In that kind of ecosystem, the need to be available online is greater than ever before. This is the reason why digital marketing is so vital and important to grow in 2021. There is a common saying that “if your business is not on the internet then your business will be out of business.”

In this blog, we will try to establish a factual analysis of digital marketing and its benefits along with its comparison with conventional marketing.

What is Digital Marketing?


Online marketing, internet marketing or most commonly known as digital marketing is a form of marketing in which we promote a business on various online platforms and mediums for business awareness and business development purposes. In short, digital marketing allows businesses to reach out to audiences in the online or internet domain. This is the simplest definition of digital marketing. Here are the three major classifications of digital marketing:

Content Marketing

The content is like the gold in the digital world, it never gets old, never get out of demand, it never loses its worth. No matter what kind of marketing campaign you are running, whether it is a brand awareness campaign, brand identity, new product launch, special offers, or anything, the content will decide the failure or success of the campaign. There is a thumb rule in the content which is “the content should be engaging/appealing and it should provide value/information at the same time.”

Social Media

Effective and active social media presence is very important for digital marketing. Without social media engagements, you may not achieve the desired results. The social media platform are very useful for brand awareness, lead generation, instant communication and customer engagements. Social media endorsements, shares, likes, etc are very useful in establishing the brand identity.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Website

A well-designed website is the backbone of digital marketing, especially when you need online conversions. As the website can provide a deep insight into your business, your products/services and other relevant information which prospects seek before converting into a lead. Having an engaging and interactive website is important. If your website ranks higher in the search engine results, it could do wonders, which is why a proper search engine optimization is always recommended if you want maximum output from your digital marketing campaign.

Email Marketing

Although email marketing is a very old digital marketing tactic, still it is highly relevant and can generate amazing outcomes if done properly. The email marketing allows you to communicate one on one with your customers, you can generate personalized messages and share links, information and many more at a very low cost, and in fact, the email marketing is the cheapest marketing medium till date. Email marketing is still used by millions of businesses worldwide and is a very effective marketing tool.

Checkout: Building a Successful Email Marketing Funnel with Email Marketing System

Benefits of Digital Marketing


The impact of digital marketing in today’s world is far greater than conventional marketing. In fact, it has completely transformed the marketing industry. Especially in developed countries where most of the population has access to the internet, all kinds of businesses, from large multinational corporations to small local street businesses are benefitting from digital marketing. Here are some benefits of digital marketing:

1. Reach out to large audiences

Digital marketing has enabled businesses to reach out to vast audiences and unexplored markets without a hefty cost.

2. Precisely Target any Audience

Another remarkable feature of digital marketing is that it allows you to target precisely the audience you want, this also reduces the overall cost.

3. Cost-Effective

Digital marketing is the most cost-effective marketing method. As you already have control over the targeted audience and spending which makes it very cost-effective.

4. Excellent ROI Rate

The cost-effectiveness and the freedom to target specific markets or audience groups makes results in excellent return over investment (ROI) rates.

5. Real-time Analysis

The digital also allows marketers to get real-time statistical analysis and comprehensive reports to measure and scale the output of the campaign.

6. Instant Feedback and Response

The businesses can get instant feedback and response to their marketing campaign from digital marketing mediums.

7. Easy and Quick Setup

Digital marketing campaigns can set up instantly and you can initiate a marketing campaign within a few hours and start getting results.

8. Low Resource Consumption

As the setup is simple and easy, the campaign analysis and reports are all automated, so digital marketing campaign management requires very fewer resources.

These are some of the unquestionable benefits of digital marketing. Apart from that digital marketing is way too innovative and is rapidly evolving and improving as comparing to conventional marketing. All digital marketing platforms are simple and easy-to-use and are becoming more effective and more useful day by day. The future of digital marketing is very promising in the modern world.

Comparison of Digital Marketing and Conventional Marketing


The conventional marketing has its own merits and demerits, I am not saying that it is totally irrelevant now, but for specific objectives, this conventional or traditional marketing is way too less efficient than comparing to the digital marketing. Such as:

Targeted Audience

In conventional marketing, you can’t really target a specific audience, for example, if you are running an advert on TV or Radio then everyone who is tuned to the TV or Radio will get the ad. For example, you want to sell something to the healthcare sector, then there is no way you can make sure that your advert will reach out to all the healthcare businesses or their concerned personals. But in digital marketing, you can specifically target only the people working in the healthcare industry. This makes the campaign more effective and way too cost-efficient than conventional marketing.

The Advertisements

In traditional or conventional marketing if you are advertising on TV, Radio, Magazines, Newspaper or anything else, you have to pay for each word or each second your adverts last. Whereas in the case of digital marketing you can share links, bigger videos, images, much more on a fractional cost of what you have to pay for the conventional marketing mediums. Digital marketing allows you to share more information.

The Scope of the Marketing Campaign

The traditional or conventional marketing campaign is always limited to a certain group of subscribers, or even if you are sharing the leaflets or brochures, only a few handfuls of people will consider reading it. However, in the digital marketing, the response rate is way too higher, if you are reaching a large audience then people don’t mind on clicking on an irrelevant advert too, so if you are targeting properly you can achieve higher results.

Customer Engagements

The digital mediums provide a more easy and simple interaction with customers than conventional or traditional marketing. The customer engagements are way too higher for digital marketing. You can also communicate easily from the digital mediums, database management is also way too easy for digital marketing.

The Communication

The communication in traditional marketing is delayed and the communication in digital marketing is immediate. You can instantly communicate with your customers and they can instantly respond to your digital marketing campaign. The setup and launch of a digital marketing campaign can be done in a few hours, however, a traditional or conventional marketing campaign can take weeks or months to kick start.

Cost and Return over Investments

As conventional marketing is loosely targeted, requires longer initiation time period and the start-up cost of the traditional marketing campaign is very high so it tends to deliver a lesser return over investments (ROI) rates. But the digital marketing campaign requires less time, money and expertise to get it started and the results are completely measurable with precisely targeted audiences, so the output or the return over your investments (ROI) rates are way too higher than the traditional marketing.

Read also: Read this before starting Digital Marketing Campaign in Dubai


Digital marketing is way too better than traditional marketing. The digital marketing campaigns are easy to set up, cost-effective, measurable results, precisely targeted audience with a variety of different types of advertisements and marketing channels/mediums, which allow you to prepare specific adverts to target a specific audience to keep your cost under control. The world has to notice huge growth in digital marketing. In case if you want to survive in the future you must have to have the digital marketing campaigns. This will not only give you a competitive advantage but it will also ensure a steady stream of prospects/leads and sales through your marketing funnel.

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How to use Google My Business to get more customers


If you want to leverage your business online, Google My Business (GMB) is one of the best tools you can rely on for Search Engine Marketing. You can trust the best online marketing company in Dubai to follow the standard practices to ascertain that your business gets the appropriate visibility on Google Maps.

What is ‘Google My Business’?

If you want your business to be searched and located, this tool can come in handy. It seamlessly enables businesses to manage their online presence in Google search as well as in Google Maps. Your appearance online does make a huge difference, especially when people search for related information online and your business name features on the GMB “knowledge panel”, it becomes easier for people to connect with you.

Top advantages of using Google My Business 

If you are hiring a paid digital marketing services for your online enterprise that adheres to the good practices, your business can benefit manifold times from it.

Firstly, your business becomes more visible on Google search. Secondly, your customers can connect with you promptly by directly accessing the website link provided. Thirdly, GMB opens your website to more traffic and social media channels as well.

It’s important to have an optimized Google My Business page so that the search engine understands your business better. Some of the basics that your potential customers will be able to know about you include:

– Who you are

– The variety of products you sell and the services provided by you

– The place you are located at

– What your site entails. With this information, they can peak into your site for more information on what they are scouting for. Top digital marketing companies in Dubai make sure that relevant information about your company is fed to Google so that your GBM listing can appear on more types of searches. The chosen digital marketing services can add your location as well to improve accessibility.

5 Steps to optimize Google My Business

Fill in your business information

Information such as business name, address, contact number, business category and hours of operation at least. With this people will be able to conveniently reach out to your business. Add a brief description to define your business. A good digital marketing company will make sure that your information on the website matches that on Google My Business page. You can use the Google listing to highlight your business category as that adds a lot of value. Selecting a primary category and relevant secondary categories can be helpful. Use the 750 character limit to wisely describe your product or services and whatever additional you want to communicate to your audience. Note that your business descriptions can improve the search rankings on Google.

Upload additional information

Adding a few images of your products, store, and street view can urge customers to visit your store. Some photographs of your store staff, team and items on display can appeal to the audience. If you’ve had happy customers, you can encourage them to upload a few images to your GMB page. If you run a restaurant, this can work very well for you. Keep a check on what is being uploaded by customers so that you can delete any offensive images, poor quality ones or those mistakenly uploaded from your GMB page.

Value the reviews

Reviews appearing on your GMB page can make a big difference and respond to them can influence your potential buyers. Remember, nothing goes unnoticed in the public domain. So even if there’s a negative review, don’t shy away from it. Also, encourage your regular customers to post their genuine feedback. It improves transparency.

Promote events and offers via posts on GMB

With Google’s posts, your content can be displayed on Google Search and Google Maps in the GMB knowledge panel. This means you have an opportunity to link special offers, promote your products, share blogs, e-book downloads, upload company news and more on upcoming events.

Connect with your audience through videos 

Uploading videos on events at your store is a brilliant way to communicate with your customers and engage them. Simply, upload them on your GMB page either as a post or as auto-play videos to catch the buyers’ attention. Try to keep it crisp and within 100 MB. If you are uploading videos as posts, it can be done as GMB knowledge posts and give your audience more power on deciding why they should choose your products over that of your competitors.

With those tips on how to use Google My Business, you can position your local business ahead of your competitors in the market.

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