Benefits of Implementing a Modern Performance Management System

Benefits of Implementing a Modern Performance Management System

Every employee wants to grow, develop and praised by the management, everyone wants to achieve their goal and everyone wants to perform well at their workplace. However, there are certain factors in organizational culture, work environment or even external factors which demotivate an employee and cause them to fail. Most of the time employees are way too capable but due to these factors they can’t reach to their true potential. It is the job of HR department and business leadership to provide employees a culture and environment where they not only perform well but also pursue their personal development and become more useful for the business over the time. The performance management system is the ultimate tool to do that. The performance management system is not like any other tool, in fact it is an integral process of the regular business operations. However, the problem with the traditional performance management system is that it is manual, which means it requires hundreds upon hundreds of work ours of your employees, HR team, and managers to complete this process.

Benefits of Implementing a Modern Performance Management System

Furthermore, the quality of the performance data is poor, the organizational and individual impact of the process is very limited, the reviews are once or twice in a year and on top of that both management and employees don’t trust it much. That is why business have started adopting to modern performance management systems.

What is a Modern Performance Management System?

A modern performance management system is a technological solution based on software and online platforms which help businesses and organizations to monitor, evaluate and improve the performance of their employees and help them align their available resources with their high-level goals and objectives. The modern performance management system help businesses implement modern performance management practices and enable them to adopt and implement more innovative and impactful strategies by introducing digital components and automation to the process. By implementing a modern performance management system businesses can significantly reduce the time, efforts and expense on the performance management process and above all the modern performance management system also have huge impact on individual level and organizational level. The efficiency and convenience enable businesses to focus on continuous performance management instead of once or twice in a year.

What is a Modern Performance Management System?

The modern performance management system help businesses develop a culture of higher collaboration, continuous learning and coaching, highly engaging, transparent and continuous feedback which help business and organizations to maximize their performance and increase employee satisfaction.

Benefits of Implementing a Modern Performance Management System

A modern performance management system provides a highly structured and efficient framework which help businesses to improve the overall performance, efficiency, productivity and profitability of the entire organization by improving the performance of the individual employees, teams and even managers. The performance management system has become an integral and very crucial business process, it help businesses keep improving their workforce and help building strong relationship between the employees and the employer which reduce employee turnover and strengthen the workforce. There are many benefits of the performance management, in this blog we will list a few most important and impactful benefits of the performance management system.

Benefits of a Modern Performance Management System: Frequent Feedbacks

The performance management system provides a highly structured and well-organized framework to enable businesses to collect more frequent feedbacks. Whether it is quarterly reviews, monthly discussion, project-based reviews, frequent goal setting, one-on-one check-ins or just open-discussions, the performance management system provides a systematic approach with added benefits of automation and digitalization. All the data, surveys, feedback forms, or any other inputs is digitally stored in a centralized data repository and information system which allow managers to access and compare historic data and understand improvement patterns and behavioral insights. The easy access to such data help managers prepare more effective and impactful feedback for the employees and help them take actions and steps to maximize the performance. It really doesn’t make any sense to set course and get guidance for a year in just single meeting that is why the more frequent feedbacks are a pillar of a modern performance management system and can greatly boost the performance.

Benefits of a Modern Performance Management System: Frequent Feedbacks

Benefits of a Modern Performance Management System: Multi-Source Feedbacks

Another great feature of a modern performance management system is that it doesn’t only increase the frequency of the feedbacks but it also allow businesses to collect feedback from multiple sources. Such as the 360 degree and 720 degree feedback strategies. Where the users can submit feedback for their peers, upward, downward, cross-departmental feedback, and any stakeholder can share their feedback. Furthermore it also account for the feedback from external sources such as customers, suppliers, business partners, contractors, etc. Which further help broadening the scope of the feedback and enable businesses to collect more in-depth insight. All these feedbacks are stored in a common data repository and allow managers to perform various different analysis on the data using the in-built analytical tools. The data is already available for all relevant users, and the data, reports or analysis can be shared to specific users (employees or managers) and it can be downloaded as printable formats as well. All these features help preparing actionable reports and driving meaningful outcomes to achieve higher performance and productivity.

Benefits of a Modern Performance Management System: Multi-Source Feedbacks

Benefits of a Modern Performance Management System:Increased Productivity

The modern performance management system offer a multitude of features which help HR and business leaders to set shared or common goals, align individual goals with the high-level organizational goals, empower communication and enable both parties to understand the objectives and the relevant outcome which help motivating employees and set clear expectations. Moreover the real-time monitoring, continuous feedback and multi-channel communication help maximizing the productivity. When employees gets guidance whenever they need and wherever they need, and when their problems and concerns are addressed in timely manners, the efficiency and performance automatically increased. Furthermore each business have different objectives and different standards to measure the success. For each business there are different challenges and problems to address. The modern performance management system doesn’t only streamline reviews, but it provides a very effective problem-solving tool which help businesses to customize their performance management strategies as per their goals, for example, some businesses might be interested in improving the training programs, some might need to focus on accountability, and some might be seeking a way to align employee performance with the high-level goals, all these features help significantly boost the productivity of the employees and teams.

Benefits of a Modern Performance Management System:Increased Productivity

Benefits of a Modern Performance Management System: Transparency & Trust

When it comes to performance management system the biggest concerns of most of the HR and the business leader is that their employees and even managers also don’t trust the system. The employees have a lot of transparency concerns and even the managers are unable to fully justify their judgments based on the incomplete or poor performance data. This is one of the major cause of the failure of a performance management systems. Usually with the annual performance reviews the managers often forget about the a few months old events, that is why the annual performance reviews are majorly based on the very recent few months’ events, interactions and incidents, which is totally unfair and couldn’t justify the entire year’s performance. Furthermore due to manual process the human factor is also considerable, majorly the manager’s bias and favoritism cause the most damage, and due to lack of a comprehensive framework in place, most of the time the managers start applying their own ideas and strategies which can derail the process. A performance management system on the other hand, provide a complete historic data, it didn’t even miss a single bit, the managers can access the past data, both managers and employees knows the expectations, there is no room for micro-management and everything is streamlined, well-organized and in a systematic order which help building trust and make the performance management process highly transparent.

Benefits of a Modern Performance Management System: Transparency & Trust

Benefits of a Modern Performance Management System: Digitalization

The digitalization have many benefits, when business implement a modern performance management system it help them make the process more cost-effective, efficient and impactful. The digitalization help bringing automation which reduce the human efforts and make process more convenient. That is the reason businesses who implement performance management system can easily adopt to most modern performance management practices which help them maximizing the employee engagement and satisfaction and also provide highly accurate performance and business intelligence data. Moreover the HR data is considered to be the most critical for any organization, businesses always have protective measure in place to protect it. The performance management system beef up the security and privacy of the data with the help of password protection, administrative access control, data encryption and multiple firewalls and other security measures. The digitalization also make the performance management system more impactful by enabling simple and easy integration with other business tools, databases, and communication channels. This is what makes a modern performance management system far superior and beneficial than an ordinary traditional performance management system.

Benefits of a Modern Performance Management System: Digitalization


The performance management is absolutely vital for business who want to compete and grow in the modern fast-paced technology driven marketplaces. Businesses in Dubai and anywhere else in UAE are rapidly adopting to modern performance management practices and solutions. The traditional once or twice a year performance reviews are not enough, employees need more continuous guidance and the management need more frequent feedback to deal with the disruptions and unexpected challengesof the modern day marketplaces. The modern performance management system allow business leaders and the HR to improve the organizational culture and work environment. It help managers to get timely information and updates, and it help employees to get timely guidance and support. The innovative features of a modern performance management system can be a game-changer for the business. In this blog we have listed the key benefits of implanting a software-based modern performance management system, if you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to design and implement a highly cost-effective tailor-made performance management system solution for your business. Please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

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Importance of KPIs to Improve Employee Performance in Dubai, UAE

Importance of KPIs to Improve Employee Performance

Organizations use KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) for Employee Performance Management and to achieve the goals and objectives of an Enterprise. Employee performance is very important to ensure that the entire organizational structure is on the way to progress. Employees form teams, teams form departments, and the departments form an entire organization. This is why it is important that the basic element of your structure, which are your employee, work efficiently.

The government of UAE, Dubai, and Sharjah has set of guidelines to set up KPIs also known as SMART targets, reviewed annually to measure the performance of the employees working in the Government Departments. In the standard put in place by the UAE Government, the KPIs stand with 60% weightage in the Performance Management System. The rest of the 40% weightage is assigned to Behavioral Competencies of the employees, also reviewed annually. The Best Performance Management System developed by RSI Concepts in Dubai, UAE has configuration level settings to follow the standard set by the Government of UAE or other emirates such as Dubai, Sharjah, or Abu Dhabi.

KPIs are very important to boost employee performance by providing them with detailed insight into their progress and achievements, which boosts employee morale. Apart from that, KPIs are capable of measuring the performance of the employees and their contribution to the organization’s goals and objectives. The contribution to the goals and objectives by the individual employees can be monitored to learn the most valuable resources of the Enterprise.

The KPIs not only help the employee to monitor and track their performance but also helps the business to choose the right people and then put them in the right places to maximize the output by ensuring maximum employee engagement and employee retention. This is how the overall performance of an enterprise is improved and this is how the performance of an individual employee is improved. The KPIs play a vital role in employee performance and business performance. Only when targeted people are placed for the jobs they are experts in achieving the maximum outcome. The employee engagement indicators and employee retention are equally important, if not less.

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Choose the best Seat/Position for your Employee
Choose the best Seat/Position for your Employee

Setting up KPIs could be a very tricky task for the HR department or the manager. Many factors and variables come in place to set a particular KPI. As the name says “KeyPerformance Indicators”, it represents a particular and very specific measurement of a particular business outcome. There are thousands of KPIs which can be used, but it is crucial to have the appropriate KPIs which could help to improve employee’s performance. The KPIs also have to be defined as per the business goals and objectives, as the ultimate aim is to achieve the business objective.  Hence a defined outcome has to be set for a definitive period of time so that you can measure the employee performance for a particular time period. The business objective should have to be defined first then the measurement of the progress and how to measure it and how does this progress matters for the overall organizational goals and objectives.

Once the KPI is set, measure the performance of the employee for a defined period of time. Assess it, if you think the employee is doing well, then keep the employee in the same position. If you find out the employee can perform better in another position, you can discuss it with the line manager and then move them to a different seat or position. In order to maximize employee performance, it is extremely important that the employee is working at the right seat and at the right time.

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Measure the Skills and Expertise of the Employees

Measure the Skills and Expertise of the Employees

This may sound a little bit vague but these indicators do exist. There are certain indicators that indirectly measure the skills and level of expertise of an employee. For example, employee’s response to a challenging situation, average time consumed for challenging tasks, etc. The expertise and skills can also be assessed by measuring the average time consumed to perform a routine task? What are the feedbacks from their supervisor or manager and co-workers and what is his behavior with the other teammates, etc? Such indicators will help the management to understand how well an employee is working in a particular position and how happy he or she is from that work. Employee satisfaction is also very important to ensure good quality work. Without the employee’s happiness and sufficient skills and expertise to perform a certain job role, they won’t be able to perform well. This is why these indicators are very important to put the employees at the right work, which will automatically boost their performance.

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Monitor the Employee’s Behavioral KPIs

Monitor the Employee’s Behavioral KPIs

Behavioral KPIs are a very important factor in enhancing employee performance. Some of the indicators are directly linked with the employee performance and some of these indicators are linked to the performance of the other. The employee behavioral analysis will let the management understand how well an employee can perform in a particular team. If an employee has been added to a team, where he or she is not properly welcome or acknowledged or where they might not want to work, this will definitely decrease their performance and their cooperation with the team. Eventually, this scenario will impact the performance of the entire team. It is crucial that an employee remains in good terms with their teammates, co-workers, seniors, subordinates and everyone they are interacting with to perform a particular task to achieve the business objectives. Such indicators will help the management to rectify that kind of scenario which will result in improvements in employee performance.

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Rewards and Acknowledgements on the Bases of KPIs

Rewards and Acknowledgements on the Bases of KPIs

It is very important to keep the morale of the employees high all the time to perform them at their maximum potential. Rewards and acknowledgments are the best remedies to boost morale. It is also very important that the employees are only encouraged for the tasks and activities that completely align with the organizational goals and objectives. The rewards and acknowledgments always have a huge impact on the employee’s performance. Lack of acknowledgment is among the top reasons why an employee leaves a company. The lack of acknowledgment also reduces employee performance and personal development. The appreciation for good performance, quality work, and early task completion, better outcome in challenging situations, good performance at difficult tasks, and such indicators help the management to recognize and reward an employee for their performance. An employee performance management system can provide you with all the KPIs that are required to assess and reward employees.

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Use KPIs for Employee’s Personal Development and Training

Use KPIs for Employee’s Personal Development and Training

Personal Development and Training are the most effective ways to increase employee performance. For that, there are certain indicators that need to be monitored and measured in order to assess the need for a training program. The Employee Performance Management System can easily provide KPIs to measure the level of skills and expertise of an employee. Additionally, the KPIs can be set to measure various other indicators which suggest a particular training program. For example, you have installed a new boiler unit at one of the factories, when an employee works on the new unit, it took them more time to perform the same task which earlier they were performing in less time. This is just a very small example to identify that the employee needs the training to learn how to operate the new boiler efficiently. This is how simple to very complex KPIs can be set to identify a need for a training program. A proper training program can significantly improve employee performance.

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Employee Rankings with KPIs

Employee Rankings with KPIs

The employee ranking could include a lot many indicators, from their behavior and technical achievements to their attendance and punctuality as well. Most of the organizations have different sort of reward programs, for those programs they measure and monitor the employee and rank them on the basis of their overall performance. Employee rankings and then recognition and acknowledgment are extremely important in boosting employee morale. Moreover, to such employees who are neither rewarded nor nominated in the reward program, they can also view their performance and all the details of where they are doing well and what sectors they are not performing well at. This will also boost their morale and they will work harder to get recognition and/or reward.

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Employee’s Personal KPIs

Employee’s Personal KPIs

Personal KPIs are set to understand the individual contribution of the employee in achieving the organizational goals and objectives. These KPIs also provide the data to the employee themselves to let them understand and assess their contributions. These KPIs are extremely important in improving employee performance, self-assessment is a powerful factor and the employee can gradually improve by understanding, identifying, and correcting their weaknesses. The employees can set their own personal goals and as time passes these goals will also grow, these things can significantly improve the employee performance. Personal progress and personal goals would help employees to gain interest and motivate them to do better with their next task. These KPIs are very important in unlocking the maximum potential of an employee.

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The KPIs are extremely important to improve employee performance. The KPIs and performance management system are used to assess and evaluate the progress of the entire business or enterprise. The employee performance management system is very important to boost employee performance. The KPIs indicate different matrices which help the management to determine the best suitable position for the employee, if an employee is placed in the right role and right position their performance will automatically improve. The KPIs can also identify the area of improvements, training, and personal development which could help to improve the productivity of the employee. Employee performance, achievement, recognition, and reward are extremely important for employee satisfaction, and employee retention. The KPIs and Employee Performance Management System ensure that the employees are working at their full potential and in the right direction towards business goals and objectives. RSI Concepts is a leading Employee Performance Management System provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more or have any inquiry feel free to reach us out through our Contact Us page.

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