Why Every Business Should Invest in a Queue Management System?

Why Every Business Should Invest in a Queue Management System?

The service sector knows very well the importance of customer experience. Businesses in Dubai or anywhere in UAE understand the importance of customer satisfaction. The UAE is a very competitive market and the customers simply have too many choices, which is why they are also very demanding. However, it is crucial for a business to ensure customer satisfaction and offer excellent services at their service center. A good customer experience not just make your customer happy but it also increases their loyalty and improve the brand image. A good brand image always attract more customers and vice versa. That is why it is absolutely essential for a business to offer a great customer experience at their customer service centers. Businesses in Dubai and anywhere in UAE are investing heavily in customer satisfaction solutions. Regardless of industry a queue management system is the perfect companion for a modern day customer service centers. Businesses can find industry specific solutions as well as fully customized queue management systems which are exclusively designed to meet the very specific needs of the business.

Why Every Business Should Invest in a Queue Management System?

What is a Queue Management System?

By definition a queue management system is a tool which is used to manage the customer flow and queues in the customer facing environments. The queuing theory is the learning and understanding of the line formation and customer flow. Businesses were managing queues since long time ago, even before the technological revolution and internet. Earlier businesses were managing footfall by forming waiting lines which worked on first come first serve bases. Later on businesses started issuing token numbers manually in form of small paper piece or tags, which have greatly improved customer flow and allow businesses to serve customers in different priority groups, and also enable them to segregate customers on the bases of services they need. However, things have changed and the internet and IT technologies have evolved. Businesses then started deploying digital queue management systems. A digital queue management system is based on a software program and some hardware components. The modern digital queue management systems greatly improved the management abilities, control and performance of the queuing which also had a great impact on customer happiness and raise customer satisfaction.

What is a Queue Management System?

Why Businesses should Deploy Queue Management Systems?

There are many reasons to deploy a queue management system. Every business who serves its customers at their offices, customer service centers or at their premises, need a mechanisms to manage footfall and ensure a frictionless customer journey. The customer journey is impacts customer happiness which is essential to attain customer loyalty and improve brand image. In this blog we will enlist key advantages of investing in a queue management system and how it benefits businesses.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

The customer wait time is the most crucial and significant factor in managing customer experience. Long wait time results in bad customer experience and unhappy customers. Only happy and satisfied customers will contribute to your business growth. Happy customers become loyal and loyal customers tend to be a good brand advocate who help you improve your brand image and attract more customers. On an average a 12 minutes wait time have least impact on customer happiness, more time added and your customers will become more unhappy and eventually they will become annoyed and angry which will not only ruin the customer experience but will also cause increase in customer churn and could badly impact your business’s reputation. A queue management system digitalize the queuing process and digitalization drives automation which can greatly improve efficiency and reduce customer wait time. It also help improving employee efficiency and eliminate common queuing problems which results in less wait time and better management. Less wait time means happy customers and happy customers mean repeated business which will help you grow and increase profitability.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

Queue Management System Improves Customer Experience

Queue Management System not only reduce customer wait time but it is very capable of improving the entire customer experience. Usually customers are welcomed with a self-service interactive ticket dispensing kiosk which allow them to choose the service they need or sign-in and get a ticket number. The customers can wait comfortably in the designated areas or they can go out to spend the wait time as they want, this allow them to sign-up for virtual queues, hence the customers doesn’t need to stand in long physical waiting lines. Furthermore the wait time is also a complex phenomenon, there is one actual wait time and there is one perceived wait time. The perceived wait time is always higher than the actual, it is our brain who tricked us in believing that more time has passed than what have actually passed. The queue management system give customers more freedom and allow them to wait outside and keep them updated with regular alerts and notification such as SMS or WhatsApp, etc. The queue management system also have in-built announcement and customer calling system which keep customers distracted from waiting, it also have a digital signage which displays live queuing information and it also plays multimedia content or promotional material which keep customers distracted from the waiting time and help reducing their perceived wait time. These features significantly improve your customers’ waiting experience and raise their satisfaction.

Queue Management System Improves Customer Experience

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

The queue management systems also helps improving employee performance. It offers a comprehensive performance monitoring framework having multiple KPIs to monitor and evaluate employee performance. These KPIs help businesses to enhance their resource management strategies and are also very useful for the HR department. The HR can extract employee performance data to improve their training programs and take several HR decisions based on the employee performance data which help businesses improve their productivity in longer run. Furthermore the queue management system can automate several customer journey processes and digitalize several interactions which helps automating many tasks which are previously done by the service staff. An effective queue management system can significantly reduce the workload of the employee which results in better performance. When employee works under balanced workload their satisfaction rises which raise their morals and have long term impact on employee performance and also enhance the quality of their work. The queue management system can also automatically reroute the customers based on the current customer flow at each counter to minimize the customer wait time which also help balancing the workload and enhance employee performance.

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

Queue Management System Reduces Cost

A queue management system is a great companion for your business to optimize the operational cost while boosting the performance and productivity. As I have mentioned above a queue management system can greatly improve customer flow and minimize the burden of the staff which results in a productive environment and it ensures high quality services for the customers. Furthermore the queue management system automates several queuing processes. The digitalization and automation doesn’t require any staff assistance at most of the touchpoints which means the overall need of human resource decreases. Businesses can invest in queue management system and minimize the need of human resource which can significantly reduce the operational cost without effecting the productivity in fact the queue management system can greatly improve efficiency. The initial cost of the queue management system is also quite reasonable, as the technology used to build queue management systems are widely available. A queue management system consists of two parts, the software and hardware. Both software and hardware works independently and doesn’t require regular maintenance, which means the maintenance cost is also very low. The improved employee efficiency, decreased human resource need, and low-cost deployment of the system results in high ROI and help businesses minimize the per-service and overall operational cost.

Queue Management System Reduces Cost

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence Data

A queue management system is a digital tool which have a very powerful AI based software with smart algorithms and great capabilities of collecting business intelligence data. The business intelligence data includes customer behavioral data, their interaction at each touch point, system’s statistical and analytical data and various other insight which help businesses understand customer needs, demands, liking/disliking, market trends, staff performance and customer feedback. A digital queue management system also offers in-built analytical tools which help businesses extract actionable reports from the collected data. These reports can be included in the decision making process as well as these can be shared automatically as per set frequency. The management can easily analyze the performance of each branch using these reports and on top of that customized reports can also be generated as per the needs of the management. The staff performance data is very useful for the resource planning and management and the HR can also use this data for several HR decisions. Queue management system can also be used to collect valuable customer feedback data which can be collected using on-premises tablets, touch screen or interactive kiosks and the queue management system can also integrate multiple channels such as SMS, Emails, WhatsApp, mobile apps, websites and many more. The business intelligence data help businesses improve processes, reduce cost and identify the areas of improvement which increase profitability and productivity in the long run.

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence Data

How Queue Management System Improves Business

When a business deploy a queue management system it equally benefits all relevant parties. Whether it is customers, service staff, managers or senior management/head office everyone get several benefits. Here is a quick overview of benefits a queue management system offer for different stakeholders:

Queue Management System Benefits for Customers

  • Customer will have better waiting experience
  • More freedom and convenience during wait time
  • Less wait time and satisfactory customer service
  • Better communication, real-time updates and alerts
  • Virtual queuing features and appointment booking facility

Queue Management System Benefits for Service Agents

  • Balanced workload and low pressure environment
  • Get help and simplify service delivery process
  • More control and better customer flow management
  • Better performance, higher employee satisfaction

Queue Management System Benefits for Managers

  • Digitalization and automation improve administration
  • Digital controls help managers effectively control the customer flow
  • Analytical and performance data help managers make good decisions
  • Automatic alerts and notifications keep managers up-to-date
  • Advanced features help implementing company policy

Queue Management System Benefits for Head-Office

  • Enable head-office to get real-time updates from all branches
  • Improve monitoring and control over all connected branches
  • Help head-office to collect data and make reports from all branches
  • Help head-office to remotely implement their policy over all or selected branches

How Queue Management System Improves Business


For businesses it is extremely important to ensure their customers are getting satisfactory experience at all their branches and outlets. The customer satisfaction is extremely crucial for your business’s success. Happy and satisfied customers tend to be loyal to the brand and they also help building a positive image with their feedbacks, reviews, word of mouth, social media and other online endorsements. For any business who is offering on-premises services whether it is from retail, finance, banking, healthcare, education, or any other service-based industry even the government offices and service centers also require a proactive queue management strategy which is impossible without implementing a digital queue management system. In this blog we have covered the advantages of implementing a queue management system for your business and the benefits it offers for key players and stakeholders. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you want our help to design and customized and highly cost-effective queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: 8 Benefits of Using Digital Kiosks for Your Business

From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

Every businesses knows how difficult it could get in customer facing environments, especially during the peak hours, when the footfall is high and the customer waiting areas and counters become crowded. Think from a customer’s prospective, if you are a customer you are at a service center, there is a huge crowd, it is even difficult to find a place to sit, and there is no help or guidance from the staff, how would you feel in a situation like that? It could get very frustrated, that is why businesses needs to take serious steps to prevent their customers form any such situation. It will not only make your customers unhappy, but it will result in loss of sales, increased customer churn rate, and less repeated business which could have some serious repercussions in the long term. Businesses adopt different ways according to their needs to improve the customer flow. However, a modern digital queue management system is the right solution to all those problems. It provides tools and features which help businesses in managing their queues, resolving problems, shortening customer journey, improving customer experience and much more.

From Chaos to Control: How Queue Management Systems Can Improve Your Business

What is a Queue Management System?

A queue management system is a digital solution which help businesses organize the waiting line, minimize the customer waiting time and improve branch efficiency and service quality. A queue management has two distinct part, one is the software which is usually a server application which provide a central management and administrative control over all connected branches. The queue management software various from case to case, but the most common and essential features are an administrative control panel, service agent dashboard, customer UI (user interface), ticket calling and announcement features and data collection and analysis tools. The hardware part includes a ticket dispensing unit, which is usually aninteractive self-service kiosk, there is a digital signage display which is used to display live queuing data, and a sound system to make audio announcements. Furthermore there are several other software and hardware components which can be included in the queue management system to enhance its capabilities and to offer innovative features.

What is a Queue Management System?

How Queue Management System Help Turning Chaos into Control?

A queue management system offers a variety of features and digitalize several aspects of the customer journey which help organizing everything. Furthermore the customer behavior is not constant, it keep changing, a queue management system collects valuable business intelligence data and help businesses acquire deeper insight to customer behavior, market trends and help management align their efforts to maximize the customer satisfaction. Here are some key advantages of a queue management system which help businesses in turning chaos into control.

Advantages of Queue Management System: Organized Waiting Areas and Queues

The queue management system is a very capable tool, it helps organizing the waiting areas and customer waiting lines. It automates customer flow and customer journey which helps organizing the customer queues and solve several problems. In manual queuing customer have to face several issues, they got frustrated, most of the time customers and visitors don’t have a clue about their remaining waiting time. The queue management system help customers and issue them token numbers, which represents their position in the queues and allow them to wait comfortably in the designated areas. Furthermore the customer calling, customer routing and the entire customer flow is controlled by the smart algorithms of the queue management system software in real-time. Which significantly increase the customer flow and improve the customer journey. Since everything is managed by an automated program so the customers also don’t have any complains and everyone knows that their token number and position in the queue is secure and they will be served on their turn. These and several more such features allow businesses to organize the waiting areas and customer queues.

Advantages of Queue Management System: Organized Waiting Areas and Queues

Advantages of Queue Management System: Reduce Customer Wait Time

Order and organized queuing environment save a lot of time. The customers are welcomed by interactive self-service kiosk, they are asked to choose which service they want, and in some cases the customers are also allowed to input data while issuing the token number. Everyone is served according to their positions in the queue. The queue management system balance the load of service counters based on various data inputs coming from different touch points in the system and the current service delivery rate. The smart algorithms can sense if one counter is having shorter queue, and they can automatically reroute a few customers to those counters, the queue management system also monitors employee performance, it can understand which employee is best at which service and on the bases of services required by the customer it can assign them a counter with high probability of quicker service delivery. There are tons of such features which help organizing the customer waiting areas and queues to shorten their wait time.

Advantages of Queue Management System: Reduce Customer Wait Time

Advantages of Queue Management System: Improve Customer Experience

A queue management system plays a crucial role in improving customer experience at the branch. Without a queue management system the customers have to wait in long queues, which usually work on first come first serve bases. Furthermore there are line jumpers, poorly managed waiting lines and much more which can completely ruin their experience at the branch. A queue management system allow them a complete framework and eliminate several problems which results in more shorten and simplified customer journey. The queue management system also provide many features such as live queuing data at large signage displays, frequent audio announcements, multi-lingual intuitive UI for customers and much more which improves customer experience. The reduction in wait time have huge impact on customer happiness, when the customers will have to wait less and in a well-organized waiting environment, they remain calm and more supportive when they arrive at the service counter, it is easier for the service agent to satisfy a calm customer rather a frustrated, annoyed and unhappy customer. All such features greatly improve customer experience and results in higher customer satisfaction.

Advantages of Queue Management System: Improve Customer Experience

Advantages of Queue Management System: High Staff Productivity

A queue management system can offer a variety of features which can be used to improve staff productivity and performance. The staff satisfaction and morale plays crucial role in performance. When the staff work under a balanced workload they become happy and satisfied, happier they are better their service would be. A queue management system offers self-service ticket dispensing mechanism which reduce employee workload. It organize and manage all the customer flow from various stages of customer journey, even in case of stepped services or multi-counter service delivery the queue management system can manage the entire customer journey and customer flow. This means that the staff no longer have to worry about the problems occur in manual queuing, they are free to focus on most important tasks, they are never interrupted and they don’t have to stop their work for another task or to solve a problem. These features help reducing the workload of the staff and also results in better resource management. High staff productivity and performance help businesses improve the human resource strategy and results in better and improved branch operation with significantly less cost.

Advantages of Queue Management System: High Staff Productivity

Advantages of Queue Management System: Central Administration and Control

The queue management system is a digital tool, majorly the server application is hosted at a local or online cloud server, which is linked with all branches, and therefore the data from all branches is updated in real-time at the main server. The head office can control and monitor any branch in real-time. Furthermore it also allow businesses to configure their work flows and processes according to their policies. The queue management system also features a smart alert and notification module, which can be configured to send alerts and notify the supervisors, branch managers or even the head-office when a certain event occurs, such as if the foot fall raised to a particular threshold value, or if the open ticket reaches to a threshold value and so on. These alerts and notifications are completely customizable and enable management to take actions and steps in a timely manner. This provide more control over the branch and the queuing and it also enhance their administrative capabilities which results in much better and well-organized operations.

Advantages of Queue Management System: Central Administration and Control

Advantages of Queue Management System: Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data

The modern businesses heavily rely on IT solutions and digital technology. For IT industry, software, digital solutions and communication, the data is the most valuable thing. The business intelligence data is the analytical data and insight acquired from a particular system or digital solution. A queue management system software is a very powerful AI based tool. Which is capable of collecting the most valuable business intelligence data.This data can help businesses and organizations in decision making process, identifying and solving various problems and improving their strategy. A queue management collects business intelligence data such as customer interaction at each touch point, employee performance data, customer preferences and several other behavioral insight. The business intelligence data help businesses take informed and timely decisions. It help them improve employee performance and support the HR in many tasks. The queue management system data also help understanding customer behavior, customer trends, their needs, expectations and market trends which provide a valuable insight and help businesses update their strategies and processes. It highlights several flaws and improve management.

Advantages of Queue Management System:Collect Valuable Business Intelligence Data


The businesses in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi and all around the UAE spend millions on customer satisfaction solutions. The customer satisfaction is crucial for any business but in competitive markets like of UAE, the customer satisfaction become more significant. In UAE the customers are more sensitive, sensible, and savvy and demanding, above all they have a lot of options available. One bad experience could repel them form your business and they will end up with a competitor. That is why the crowd and poorly organized queues are a nightmare of every customer facing environment. Businesses need to be more active and attentive when they make policies and strategies for their customer facing environments, such as customer service centers, branches, and service areas. A queue management system is a modern and advanced software solution to deal with all types of problems associated with customer experience and staff performance. In this blog we have discussed how a good queue management system can turn chaos into control. We have listed several advantages of implementing a queue management system at your customer facing environments. If you want to learn more about the subject of if you want our help to design and implement a highly cost-effective and customized queue management system for your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: Why You Need a Customer Flow Management Software?

Government Digital Transformation: Implementation of Queue Management System

Government Digital Transformation Implementation of Queue Management System

The Government of UAE and other local governments are proactively adopting to digital technologies and modern solution in fact the government’s vision is to completely eliminate the paper and go fully digital. For that the government of UAE and local governments have taken several initiatives, and established a framework for all government offices, ministries, and departments. The digital transformation is one of the several revolutionary steps taken by the UAE government to improve the service quality and increase the access to the ordinary citizens. We all knows that the government offices, ministries and departments are the busiest places with large footfall. The higher volume of visitors not only cause problems for the visitors but also for the staff. Therefore a solution is required to streamline the footfall and customer flow. The queue management system is a great tool to organize and manage the customer flow and customer experience, it also help reducing the workload of the employees and enhance their performance.

Government Digital Transformation Implementation of Queue Management System

The UAE government and local governments also emphasizes on delivering excellent customer experience. The public also demand quality service and quicker delivery which put digital transformation at the top of the agenda for UAE and all local governments. The government departments and offices want to provide excellent customer services, comforting waiting experience and higher customer satisfaction. The large footfall is not the only problem, some offices and departments are also short on staff, some have multiple shifts and some have other limitations which are causing issues with adopting to modern queuing methods. However, a digital queue management system can be game changer, it can streamline customer flow, organize the queuing process and it can minimize the waiting time while improving customer waiting experience and employee performance at the same time. In this blog we will discuss how a queue management system can significantly enhance government’s digital transformation.

Government Digital Transformation Implementation of Queue Management System

Implementation of Queue Management System

A queue management system is a digital solution based on software and hardware components. A standard queue management system consist of a core software application which is usually hosted on servers or cloud. There are dedicated user dashboards for different user groups such as service agents, administration, branch managers, etc. The customers/citizen interact with the system through a self-service interactive kiosk which also dispense the tickets. There is an audio-visual announcement system which is used to make multi-lingual announcements. A regular queue management system can significantly improve customer experience and it can also help improving employee efficiency which also impact the customer happiness. The queue management system also offers centralized administration and management features. Which allow the head office to monitor and control all connected branches. The branch managers and local administration can have their own localized access, but the head office can access the entire network. Such features are great to support the internal workflows and processes of a government department, ministry or office.

Implementation of Queue Management System

Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System

The queue management system is a digital solution which is capable of integrating with other systems and tools to maximize the customer experience and performance of the queuing process. The centralized administration and management also enable queue management system to integrate with other systems and databases which is helpful in offering innovative features to enhance the customer experience and to improve the administrative capabilities of the management. The queue management system also help government offices and department to integrate modern communication channel and tools to allow customers and visitors to sign-up using multiple channels which make the process simple. The queue management system automatically manages the customer flow and customer journey, which help reducing the customer wait time and it also significantly improve the customer flow. The digital queue management system also capture valuable data and provide management with insight and better understanding of customer behavior and trends which help them improve their internal processes and take steps to maximize the efficiency of the queuing process.

Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System

Here are the key benefits of implementing a digital queue management system:

  • Reduce Customer Wait Time: The customer wait time is one of the most crucial factor in customer journey, the queue management system streamline everything, and automatically handle the customer flow which help maximizing the efficiency and reduce the customer waiting time. It also help improving the employee performance by allowing them to focus only at their primary tasks, which improves their happiness.
  • Streamline Customer Flow:The government offices and departments always have large customer flow, during peak hours it become difficult to effectively manage the queues. However, with the queue management system everyone is issued with a ticket hence everyone knows when their turn came, and people also don’t rush to enter in random queues, instead people prefer to wait in waiting area which help organizing the queuing process.
  • Online Appointment Booking:The modern queue management system allow businesses to integrate online appointment booking module and offer customers easy-access to booking portal. The portal is integrated so the customers can also view additional information which help them to choose the right time, date and service. A planned visit help reducing customers’ frustration and it also enable customers to arrive just before their booked slot and get instant service.
  • Enable Virtual Queuing: The virtual queuing is one of the most modern queue management method, it allow customers and visitors to utilize multiple remote channel to sign-up for the queue, such as online, booking portal, website, mobile applications, SMS, email, WhatsApp, etc. The customers are not required to physically present in the waiting lines, instead they get live queuing information on their preferred channels and are free to arrive only when their turn came.
  • Improve Communication: A queue management system offers various integrated channels to enhance communication. When customers arrive at a government office they need information the same information can be provided using the digital signage screens, remote channels such as Email, SMS, mobile apps, online portals, etc. The communication is a key to customer satisfaction, providing them relevant information can significantly improve their experience and happiness.
  • Centralized Administration: The centralized administration is great for government departments and ministries as such institutions have multiple branches and offices so the centralized administration keep every branch aligned and allow the head office to monitor and control every connected branch in real-time. The queue management system also support internal processes, administrative hierarchies and workflows which significantly improves administration.
  • Improve Employee Performance:The employee performance is effected by large footfall, poorly organized waiting lines, unbalanced workload and problems inherent by manual queuing. The queue management system on the other hand not only eliminates all problems but also help reducing the workload of the employees as well. Employees get support with their tasks, they can focus on their primary tasks without any interruption which improves their performance.

Benefits of Implementing a Queue Management System

The digital queue management system is a great tool for digital transformation of the government departments, offices and customer service centers. The queue management system not only help improving the customer journey but it also help maximizing the overall performance of the entire branch and help reducing the operational cost. Thanks to smart AI based software algorithms which enable queue management system to process data in real-time and take decisions. All the features of a queue management system maximize the employee efficiency, help management to effectively utilize resources and reduce the need of several additional staff which results in serious cost-reduction and help optimizing the operational cost. The smooth experience, excellent quality service and innovative features of the modern queue management system help improving the image and perception of the government entity and in fact the entire government.


The government offices and departments are places where people have to visit for essential services, most of the time we found these places crowded. The large footfall is common, on top of that the peak hours and in some cases peak days could bring huge influx. Such scenario cause problems for both the customers and the employees. That is why the queue management system is an ultimate answer to all those problems, in fact it is a great tool to support government’s digital transformation policy. The UAE government and the local government all are stressing on importance of happy customer experience and quality of service. The queue management system help them achieve their goals and also help them reduce their operational cost by leveraging the digitalization and automation which reduce staff’s workload and improve the customer flow. Overall the customer journey is reduced, their experience is enhanced and the staff performance also improved as they can easily focus on their primary tasks instead of solving queuing problems and answering to unhappy customers in the waiting lines.

In this blog we have discussed the benefits of a modern queue management system, if you want to learn more about it or if you want our help to implement a modern cost-effective queue management system at your government office or at your business, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: Benefits of Customized Queue Management System

Building the Customer Experience of the Future

Building the Customer Experience of the Future

The customer experience or often referred to as CX is one of the key factor in any business’s long term success. By definition the customer experience (CX) is the interactions and experiences a customer have with a business throughout the customer journey. It starts from the introduction or first interaction and it continues till after sale services and a customer becoming a loyal customer of the brand. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE most of the businesses owners and senior managers think that they should increase their investments in customer experience and keep doing it for at least 5 to 7 years in future. The customer experience improvement can significantly increase the revenue by up to 70% over the course of three to five years. That is huge and what makes it even more important is that only 40% to 45% of businesses and enterprises are planning to invest in customer experience in the next year. It could provide you a great competitive edge. Mostly only big businesses, enterprises and large companies consider investing in the customer experience, however, it is equally important for SMEs and local businesses to offer a great customer experience which can help them obtain customer loyalty and increase their revenue over the time.

Building the Customer Experience of the Future

Furthermore in Dubai and all around the UAE the competition is very tough and the customer demands and market trend also demand a business to think out of the box and implement innovative technologies to improve customer satisfaction. Every business strives for customer loyalty and good feedback from them. However, it is the customer experience that will make them happy, encourage them to recommend your brand to others and make them loyal. The customer loyalty means more business from them. Most of the time businesses don’t realize how crucial it is to obtain customer loyalty. Studies have revealed that it is 5 to 25 time more expensive to acquire a new customer comparing to selling to an existing customer. That could make a huge difference in the long term. If you keep selling to existing customers and also acquiring new on a steady pace, you can boost your profitability and revenue by ten folds in the next five years. Here are key points that can help businesses in improving customer experience.

Building the Customer Experience of the Future

Understand the Impact of Customer Experience on Customer Loyalty

The customer experience (CX) is the most important part of customer relationship management (CRM). Only the customer who have positive experience with the brand become loyal customers and do repeated business. The customer with the bad experience are more likely to switch. The customer experience have huge impact on customer loyalty. Around five years ago, the customer experience was just a thing for the multinational companies and large enterprises. Now a days a customer weight their experience (CX) far higher than ever before. Even customers are willing to pay extra if they know they will get a better customer experience. That means if a business succeed in delivering satisfactory customer experience they will going to get a loyal customer else the customer will move to another business. Customer satisfaction doesn’t mean low price, discounts, promotions, etc. But it means excellent service too. The customer experience is a collective measure of various different factors that make your customer happy. Let say you have arranged a free parking for them, there is a free smartphone charging station in the waiting area, which could make them happy.

Understand the Impact of Customer Experience on Customer Loyalty

For the digital customer interaction it is extremely important to be proactive in digital communication. The customer support emails should be responded as quickly as possible. Their issues has to be solved in a timely manner. Your business website should be able to satisfy your customers. Your mobile application meet their needs and expectations. Offer them interactive solutions, self-service and multiple channels to communicate with you. Be active in social media and quickly respond to private messages or comments that you are receiving from your customers of audience. This will improve their digital experience. When their experience is improved they start trusting the brand. Once the trust is established the account managers or customer care teams can easily establish a long term relationship which can generate a huge repeated business. Furthermore the loyal customers are always good brand advocate. They not only defend your brand but also help promoting it through their friends, family, colleague and social media. This is great for your brand image and brand reputation. It attracts more customers as well. Businesses with a loyal customer base can easily accomplish their long term goals and objectives.

Understand the Impact of Customer Experience on Customer Loyalty

Understand Customer Experience and Customer Service

Most businesses often confuse customer service with customer experience. However, both are not the same. Usually here in Dubai and al around the UAE a company staff or customer service agent is the first contact of the customer with the business. Hence the first impression very much depends on that interaction. However, the customer experience is not just customer service, in fact the customer service is just a small part of the customer experience. The customer experience consists of all touch points where a potential customer or existing customer can interact with the business. The customer experience starts from the very first interaction which not only include visits at a physical store but it also includes interaction in the digital via online. The customer experience is far more than a person-to-person interaction. It includes customer relationship management and with the help of modern tools and technology it become easier and more effective.

Understand Customer Experience and Customer Service

Software tools like CRM (Customer Relationship Management) have capabilities to collect and process data. For example if a business wants to see the past purchase history of a customer then they can understand the customer behavior, their preferences and they can also predict what the customer could need next. Furthermore the businesses can understand various market trends and streamline data in their product development process to develop the products their customer will most likely to admire. Businesses can further utilize this data to personalize customer experience. These days customer love personalized experience. That doesn’t mean the customer service is not as that important. In fact the customer service is as much important as it could ever get. A small bad experience at customer service could completely ruin your all other efforts. That is why the customer service is also extremely important but the businesses should have to understand the difference between the customer service and the customer experience and treat them as two separate process or functions.

Understand Customer Experience and Customer Service

The Customer Experience Become the Top Strategic Goal for the Market Leaders

Several studies have been done which revealed that the customer experience has become the top strategic objective of the businesses. No matter which industry or market sector we take, whether it is B2B (Business to Business) or B2C (Business to Consumers) business, for all market leader in their respective industry are aiming to improve their customer experience by making it the top priority strategic objective. There are four key component of the customer experience which these market leaders are categorically prioritizing from anything else, and these factors are convenience, relevance, reliability and responsiveness. It means that a business must provide products and services that are relevant to the customer’s problems and their needs. The products and services must provide a reliable solution. The solution should be convenience, it means from acquiring information to interacting with business and making a purchase the entire customer journey process should be very convenience. The forth and even more important component is responsiveness.

The Customer Experience Become the Top Strategic Goal for the Market Leaders

When a customer decides to purchase a product or acquire a service, they need the vendor or service provider to respond to them immediately. Making improvements to all these four factors can enhance customer experience and boost your sales.Remember the customer experience is not just a reactive approach but it is a completely proactive approach. The customer experience is mostly driven by the feelings. It is crucial to understand what your customers are feeling and the steps or actions you are taking, how they could affect their feelings in future. The customer experience is a collective measure of the overall performance of the entire business including all its functions. The common matric for the measuring the customer experience is NPS Score and NPS surveys. The NPS means Net Promoter Score. A customer will promote your business only if they are satisfied with each and every interaction with the business.

The Customer Experience Become the Top Strategic Goal for the Market Leaders

Understand Customer Persona and Create a Clear Customer-Focused Vision

It is extremely important to understand your customers. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE businesses use various different tools and CRM to gather valuable business intelligence data. Furthermore the business can also build customer profiles on the bases of geographic and demographic data it have. Furthermore the modern digital tools are very capable in collecting and processing data. Businesses can also analyze the data to determine popular purchase trends and patterns and on the bases of those trends along with additional demographic and geographic data a business can easily create customer personas. Usually the marketing and communication department utilize customer personas to improve the marketing ROI. However, the same with added information can be utilize to create customer personas and profiles which help management to understand customers in a better way and help them making customer-friendly strategies.

Understand Customer Persona and Create a Clear Customer-Focused Vision

Businesses can utilize the data and these customer profiles to create a highly customer-focused vision for the future and according to that vision strategies can be formed and strategic goals can be established. This will help improving customer experience and also performance of the business and various relevant internal processes.

Create a Strong Emotional Connection with Your Customers

Emotions shape the attitude and the attitude drives decisions. According to several studies almost 50% of the customer experience is based on emotions. The customer loyalty based on the emotional attachment a customer have had with the brand. Customers do care about the features and value proposition of the products or services but at the end of the day it is their emotion which drives their decision. The customer acquire and purchase what they feel is a right choice and it could be based on comparison, the strong USP or value proposition or brand message that you are offering them. But the decision is heavily influenced by their emotions. That feeling and emotional driver is the experience they had with your business. In the long run it is the customer loyalty that matters the most for the business’s success and growth. The customer loyalty is also driven by the emotional attachment and the feeling a customer have about the brand. The customer service or customer support team plays a crucial role in customer satisfaction and help business obtaining customer loyalty.

Create a Strong Emotional Connection with Your Customers

If a customer develops an emotional connection with the business due to the exceptional service they will most likely to stick with the brand for a long time. Businesses have to be a little bit of creative and innovative at this stage in order to establish a strong emotional bond with its customers. This happens only when the business is capable of understanding its customers. When a customer thinks the business understands them and is trying to meet their expectations they start liking it. Thus it is easier to gain their trust and make them loyal to your brand.

Collect Customer Feedback on Regular Bases

The customer feedback is a great tool to add in your customer experience strategy. It can provide very detailed information about customer’s liking/disliking and their preferences. Businesses can use multiple channels and survey types to collect customer feedback data. The online surveys via emails or website along with in-store survey are the great medium to collect high quality and quantity data. For customer feedback it is important to collect as much data as possible. For example, only 1% of the product users can’t provide enough data to accurately understand the opinion of the rest of the customers. In-store customer feedback collection is also a great way to collect customer feedback data in bulk quantity. Businesses usually install small touch screens or interactive kiosks to execute customer feedback campaigns. Furthermore the businesses can segment that data on bases of various variables to understand and patterns and trends.

Collect Customer Feedback on Regular Bases

For example, the data be divided as age group 20 to 25, gender female, and location Sharjah branch, feedback about a particular aspect of the products or service. This way businesses can understand a lot about various business processes, employees, quality of the products and services and much more. This data can be utilized in the policy making, strategy building and product/service development process. Businesses can make more informed decisions and they can also evaluate the impact of those decisions on the customer happiness and customer satisfaction.


The customer experience is getting more important with each passing year. Here in Dubai and all around the UAE the market is becoming more competitive and the customers are becoming more demanding with higher expectations. Several studies have revealed that a modern day customer put experience (CX) almost equal if not higher to the quality of the product or service they are acquiring. More customers are willing to pay extra if they are sure they will get a better service and experience. The customer loyalty is almost totally dependent on the customer experience. If the customer experience is good the customer will become loyal and they will do repeated business. If their experience is bad they will simply move on to the next business. In this blog we have discussed a few key points that can help businesses in building the customer experience of the future. RSI Concepts is a well-known brand for customer satisfaction solutions in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you need our help to build you customer satisfaction and business intelligence tools, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this: How to Improve Queue Management at Your Restaurant?

How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability?

How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability

The queue management systems have become an essential part of customer experience and customer satisfaction strategy. Especially for all service based businesses having a digital queuing and customer flow management solution is extremely important. The market is very competitive in Dubai and all around the UAE, a common consumer in general is more advanced, conscious and aware of their rights. The governments are very strict for the quality and demand from each business to ensure high-quality products and services. The challenge is simple, improve your service quality, ensure maximum customer satisfaction, but the real challenge is to maintain the price of the service for the customers and cost of the service for the business. Whenever a business tries to improve the quality of the service their cost start getting higher, which will eventually limit their profits. However, for any business the primary goal is to delivery great customer experience and high quality service and at the same time maximize their profits.

How Queue Management System can Boost Productivity and Profitability

Profitability relies on productivity and operational efficiency. The operational efficiency or the skills of your employees are absolutely necessary to achieve higher productivity which drives profitability and revenue. The whole process is not as that simple, in fact all these things are related to each other everything have some effects on everything else. The queue management system is a great tool to improve various business processes and to obtain higher operational efficiency by aiding your employees in their routine tasks and by improving their efficiency a business can achieve its long term financial and strategic goals.

Here is how a queue management system can boost productivity and profitability:

Queue Management System Provides Satisfactory Customer Experience and Increase Customer Retention

The customer experience and customer happiness is extremely important for long term success. The customer happiness lead to customer loyalty, which increase customer retention. The customer retention reduces the cost and expenses of marketing activity. Consider your clientele as a bucket and your business goal is to fill that bucket to its full capacity. If that bucket had a hole at the bottom, will you ever be able to fill it? No. The customer retention can fix that hole, and it lets you fill your bucket with less efforts. The studies have shown that it is nine to twelve time more expensive for a business to acquire a new customer comparing to selling to an existing customer. That is why the customer retention is extremely important to ensure maximum profitability. If you keep losing customers then you must have to increase your marketing efforts to such extant that it generate more leads and conversion in the same span of time as much as you lose the customers, only then you can achieve a steady growth. And that is extremely difficult and way too expensive.

Queue Management System Provides Satisfactory Customer Experience and Increase Customer Retention

That is why the customer retention is important. A queue management system facilitate customer journey and ensures a satisfactory customer experience which is a key to customer retention. Several studies and market research have recommended that one of the biggest reason a customer switch from a business is due to the unsatisfactory or a bad customer experience. For any service based industry the main driving force of customer experience is the wait time. The employee behavior, their level of expertise and all that is also important, but if a customer had to wait for a very long time before reaching to the counter, they will be already unhappy and maybe anxious too. With such a mood it is extremely hard for the service agent to satisfy that customer. However, if a customer is arriving at the counter with relaxed and comfortable state of mind, they will be more open towards conversation and they will be more understanding and cooperative. This will help the service agent to easily satisfy the customers and make them happy.

Queue Management System Provides Satisfactory Customer Experience and Increase Customer Retention

The queue management system also eliminates all the problem associated with manual queue management. As all customers and visitors will know that an automated system is controlling the queues and customer flow so their position is secure in the queue. The queue management system also allow businesses to create and manage virtual queues, which enables the customer to stay in the queue virtually, which means they don’t have to stand in the long lines, in fact they can wait in the comfortable waiting areas. The queue management system also comes with dedicated digital signage screens, which used to display the live queuing information to keep the user’s interest. All modern day queue management systems also provide an audio announcement system to keep the customers and visitors alert and engaged. On top of that a queue management system also provide businesses with an opportunity to run multimedia content on the digital signage screens along with the queuing information, which also increase customer’s interest and keep them engaged while they are waiting, this reduce the waiting stress and improve customer experience and customer journey to increase customer happiness and customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction improve customer retention and results in higher profitability.

Queue Management System Provides Satisfactory Customer Experience and Increase Customer Retention

See More: Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

Employee performance is critical to maintain operational efficiency and productivity of any business. It also directly impact the cost and expenses of the business hence it also impact the overall profitability of the business as well. Businesses are always seeking ways to boost their operational efficiency and productivity while staying in the limitations of their budget to keep the cost and expenses to a certain level. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE have investing huge chunk of their hard earned profits in digital systems and solutions. A queue management system is proven to be among the best long term investments. A queue management system is capable of automating various business processes, which reduce employee workload. The queue management system can also automatically implement company policies and manage customer flow which usually require a lot of efforts from the employees, hence it impact their efficiency which is generally measured in terms of the customers they served.

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

Without a queue management system the service agents and staff has to manage the long queues, they have to solve people’s problems and they also have to address their complaints and queries instantly which are caused by the manual management. These problems and other such matters can consume a lot of time and efforts of the employees, which means the service agents have less time to focus on their primary tasks and they could also get distracted too. Which reduce their efficiency and also the quality of service they deliver. A queue management system eliminates all that and let employees focus on their primary tasks which can improve their efficiency and work quality to several times. Moreover the queue management system can be integrated with other systems and tools such as ERP, Customer Data Base, Central Information center, etc. This allow the queue management system to further facilitate the service delivery process for the employee, which simplifies service delivery process and reduce the efforts of the employee, hence they are able to serve more customers in a single shift.

Queue Management System Improves Employee Performance

See More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Queue Management System Reduces Per Service Delivery Cost

The major factors that drive the service delivery cost up for a business are the resources they have to use for a single service delivery. Or you can say with a certain amount of resources how many services can be delivered within a given timeframe. For example in a customer service center if there are eight counters, then there would be eight service agents, and the business might have to post more employees to manage the queues and crowd. In that scenario the business must also have to able to maintain a large waiting area where there large crowds can be accommodated. That will raise the operational expenses of the branch or office. However, with the queue management system since the customer flow is much faster, and the capabilities of the service agents are also improved and they are able to serve more customers in a single shift the need for large waiting areas or deploying more employees to manage customers and visitors while they are inside the service center will be reduced. Which is a straight forward cut to the expenses.

Queue Management System Reduces Per Service Delivery Cost

Moreover the queue management system can aid various business processes and it can automate various customer journey steps which also increase employee efficiency to serve more customers. The balanced workload and a pleasant environment also impact the employees and further improve their work quality and capability. Which raise the overall productivity of the branch. As the business don’t need to deploy more employees to manage the customer service center, they can utilize them for other purposes, hence the total number of employees required to handle a branch could be significantly reduced, in some cases it can be reduced by 50% to 60%. Which can save a huge amount of resources both in terms of cost and the human resource as well. Where a server was serving only twenty customers a day, with the help of the queue management system they might be able to serve fifty or even sixty customers a day. Which also improve the overall productivity of the branch and reduce the per service delivery cost. Hence a single service delivery costs far less and the overall profitability is raised.

Queue Management System Reduces Per Service Delivery Cost

See More: Efficient Queue Management System Qualities

Queue Management System Provides Business Intelligence Data

These days the growth and progress is heavily driven by the data. The data is considered to be the backbone of the modern day business frameworks. It doesn’t matter what industry you belonged to, making informed decisions, setting up achievable goals, and making great strategy is the key to success. This data is generally referred to as business intelligence data. For any service based industry it is extremely important to understand their customer journey, customer experience, employees and trends. A queue management system can generate extremely crucial business intelligence data for a business. The businesses can utilize this data to analyze their customer journey, the level of difficulties a customer faces while moving through it and the factors which can impact customer experience are very important. Furthermore the business intelligence data from a queue management system can also help businesses to analyze and assess the effectiveness of their various business processes and employees as well. Which can help them build better strategies, take right actions and utilize resources more effectively to boost their productivity and profitability.

Queue Management System Provides Business Intelligence Data

The queue management system can accurately track the waiting time of the customers on micro and macro levels. The queue management system can maintain the record of the waiting time for each individual customers. It can also provide average waiting time for each service. Businesses can also learn which employee is performing well at which service and position by analyzing employee KPIs and system usage data. The businesses can easily learn where the bottlenecks are created and what is causing them, they can also analyze employee performance. The employee performance data can be shared with the HR and decision makers to let them deploy the employees on service counters where they perform well or to arrange training for them for which services they perform poorly or less than the expectations and so on. A queue management system can be goldmine of the business intelligence data. Businesses can utilize this data to take timely actions, set strategies and make future plans. Which help them utilizing their resources more efficiently and effectively. This reduces the service delivery cost, maximizes the overall efficiency of the branch and increase the productivity and profitability of the business.

See More: What are the Key Features of an Enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP)?


A queue management system is a great tool to boost the productivity and profitability of the business. The businesses can easily reduce the customer wait time, minimize their efforts and maximize the efficiency of the employees to ensure the customers will have a satisfactory experience. The happy and satisfied customers are the most precious asset of any business. The customer happiness drives their loyalty and loyal customers are more likely to have repeated business. In the long term the queue management system can save significant cost and expense. The business intelligence data, cost reduction, employee performance improvements and customer satisfaction drive growth and help businesses in achieving their future goals. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the subject or if you have an enquiry, please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Key Features of an Enterprise Application Software (EAS)

Queue Management System for Telecom Sectors in UAE

Every business whether it is a telecom service provider or any other service provider needs a great customer experience strategy to achieve maximum customer satisfaction. A queue management system is a combination of software and hardware components designed to efficiently manage the walk-ins and customer flow in the service center. The queue management system have in-built intelligent algorithms and programmed logics, which enables it to direct and route customers to the skilled representative or agent to cater their needs and requests. Different stakeholders take queue management system differently for example the customer experience department take it as a customer experience management tool, the HR would see it as a customer service agent’s performance monitoring tool, the IT will see it as a data sharing tool, and so on. That is another reason all modern queue management system also provide facility to integrate with third-party system to improve data sharing and functionalities. For a telecom sector a queue management system performs various tasks and aid various business processes.

Queue Management System for Telecom Sectors in UAE

For telecom businesses customer retention is extremely important. People tend to switch very quickly if they had a bad customer experience. That is why it is crucial to address the issues that are impacting customer experience within the customer support and service centers. In any public dealing office the most important task is to manage the customer flow and queues. The customer journey is always assessed on the bases of wait time and customer efforts. If a telecom business offers an effortless customer journey then the customers will automatically feel better about it. The telecom service centers and offices always offers multiple services and they have different priority levels for the customers and visitors. All this could be confusing for the customers and visitors. It also require more efforts from the staff to keep everything in order. However, with a queue management system all this can be automate and digitalized. The telecom business can easily reduce the customer efforts while effectively minimizing the workload of the customer service agents and other employees as well. It has double positive affect on the customer journey and customer satisfaction.

Queue Management System for Telecom Sectors in UAE

Although it may sound simple but it isn’t as that simple, in this blog we will discuss the queue management system and its features and how a telecom business can benefits from them to ensure a long term and sustainable growth.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

The customer wait time is the most influential factor in customer experience and customer journey. The studies have shown that almost all of the customers start getting stressed and annoyed after waiting for only thirteen minutes. It means that the best scenario is to somehow reduce your wait time to thirteen minutes only. Which is not possible in most of the cases, especially during the busy work hours. That is why businesses use queue management systems. The queue management system not only reduce the customer wait time to the minimum but it also help improving the customer wait experience which reduces the effects of waiting and make them able to comfortably wait for longer time. The customer experience in the telecom sector starts with a simple sign-up process. That is also the first interaction of the customer with the queue management system. The customers sign-up using an interactive self-service kiosk. The kiosk dispense a ticket which contains customer’s number in the queue, estimated time to turn and any other related information.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

Read More: Queue Management System and Predictive Waiting Time

The sign-up kiosks are also used to collect customer information, for example, for the telecom sector the customer data can be fetched from the customer’smobile number or landline or by simply inputting the customer ID. This way the queue management system already get the customer ID and it can push that data along with any other relevant data that is required to aid the customer service agent, this can simplify the service delivery process and reduce customer wait time. Every queue management system comes with large displays or signage screens, these displays are installed strategically on places where at least one screen is always in view of the customers who are in the waiting area. These screens are used to display the live queuing information including the currently serving ticket, the next few in line, the estimated time for each ticket and any other information that the business wants to display. On those screens the businesses can also run multimedia content which keeps user engaged during the waiting time.

Queue Management System Reduces Customer Wait Time

In addition to that audio announcements are always made to alert the customers and they are also a good distraction from the waiting. Such things help reducing the customer stress during the wait time by simply distracting them and keep them busy. Hence the customer don’t mind waiting for even much longer than the thirteen minutes.

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey and Customer Routing

The customer journey management is basically customer flow management and customer routing, which could get complex and difficult if managed manually. With a queue management system the customer flow management and customer routing is completely automatic. The servers/agents and the staff doesn’t have to worry about any of these tasks and they can focus more on their primary tasks which also improve their performance. For telecom sectors usually a single service delivery is done on a single counter, however, in some cases stepped service delivery is also needed. Then there are certain other conditions for example let say a few services are general and can be offered by any counter, some services are more technical in nature and can be offered by only 2 out of 5 counters and so on. All these conditions makes customer flow and customer routing a bit difficult for manual management. However, with a queue management system all these conditions can be managed automatically.

Queue Management System Automates Customer Journey and Customer Routing

A queue management system can monitor and log all the activities, it can track employee performance, busy hours, service delivery time and on the bases of these details and a few other parameters it can accurately assess the current work load. On the bases of this understanding a queue management system automatically route customers during their wait time. Let us take the above example again, let say a customer opted for a service that is a general service, which can be offered through all five counters, however, the two exclusive counters are not busy and the three general counters are more busy, then the queue management system will start sending customers to the exclusive counters to reduce the customer wait time and to balance the workload of the counters. The customers who are signing-up for the exclusive services must be prioritized on the exclusive counters. Similarly the queue management system can also implement other company policies such as customer priority and service priority. Exclusive customers, such as VIPs, Corporate, Customers with special needs, etc. would be treated on the priority bases and so on. This is how a queue management system can manage the customer flow and customer routing automatically with the help of in-built intelligent algorithms.

Read More: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Queue Management System Improves Employee Efficiency

Most of the time in public offices or businesses where the daily walk-in is higher, the staff is always engaged in managing the queues to ensure smoother customer flow. Moreover the queue management system can automatically balance the work load of the employees which improve their work quality and reduce their stress. The queue management system can also identify the customer and/or service they are seeking for, and on the bases of that information the queue management system can prepare the server or agent dashboard beforehand and let the agent focus on the quality of service. This could save a lot of time of the server/agents which help reducing the overall customer wait time. The automation and digitalized control of various business processes help reducing many customer journey steps and also reduce the need of human resource. As most of the processes are automated and doesn’t require any human assistance, the telecom sector limit their number of staff for each branch. The queue management system also help servers and agents by reducing their efforts and aiding the service delivery process which enables them to serve more customers in a single shift. Which obviously reduce per-service delivery cost and improve operational efficiency and profitability.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Queue Management System Improves Employee Efficiency

Queue Management System Supports Third Party System Integration

If any business want to get full advantage of any system the integration is a must have feature. The digital world is way too connected and integrated than we can ever imagine. For any businesses if they want to achieve the maximum efficiency the ultimate challenge is the data flow, communication and updated information. This is applicable for both the human and the digital tools as well. A queue management system allow businesses to integrate it with any other third-party tool or enterprise solution. This data integration is usually done via APIs or secure web services. The data integration allow one system to talk to the other and then get their response, for example, in case of a telecom businesses if they are asking their customers to input their mobile number or any customer ID, the queue management system must have to verify it, which it does by communicating with the system that holds and maintains the customer’s ID data, this integration could be direct or it could be via centralized information center. The purpose is to achieve certain functionalities that help improving customer experience and overall efficiency and productivity of the business.

Read More: Why Restaurants Should Follow McDonald’s Self-Service Queue Management Strategy?

Queue Management System Supports Third Party System Integration

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence Data

One of the most important aspect of any business strategy is the information. Informed decisions always result in good outcome. For a telecom business or branch it is extremely crucial to know its customers, their psychology, their needs and expectations, and the market trends. A queue management system can do a lot more than just managing customer flow. It can keep track of all touch points of the entire customer journey along with various employee KPIs and other system stats and user data that can help businesses to analyze and asses their existing business processes, policies and capabilities. A queue management system can accurately track the entire activity of the day, it can track the average service delivery time for a particular service and also individual service delivery time. It can accurately track which customer journey step took how much time and where bottle necks were formed. A queue management system can also track employee KPIs and their performance, by accurately logging and recording the stats of each user interaction form various angles.

Queue Management System Collects Business Intelligence Data

The business intelligence data is too much to be processed by a human being. That is why a queue management system also provide in-built data analytical tools. Which can sort this data into simpler reporting formats. There are several different levels of the reports, for example, the high-level management might only be interested in the number of happy and unhappy customers, the branch managers might be interested in employee performance and wait time, and the customer experience department might be interested into the minute details of each bad interaction. For all those needs the queue management in-built tools to evaluate, assess and analyze the business intelligence data as per the needs. The reports generated from the queue management system can be used by the management to easily highlight the areas of improvements, the market trends, customer’s needs and expectations. The telecom businesses can use this information in planning for the future and improving things that are impacting customers’ experience.

Read More: What are the Benefits of Improving Customer Journey?


The telecom businesses are the one with a huge daily walk-ins. Most of the time the customers who visit a telecom service center they have to wait for a little longer comparing to other businesses such as banks or hospitals. That is why a telecom business needs a very efficient customer flow management and customer experience strategy. If customers are having bad experience they will not only switch but most likely they will also share their experience with the others. Which brings negative brand reputation. On the contrary a good customer experience promote a great brand image, it earns customer loyalty and help business to grow. That is why the customer experience is considered the backbone for the growth. A queue management system help businesses to improve customer experience and customer satisfaction. It also collect business intelligence data which is crucial for decision making and strategy building. Which help businesses in identifying flaws and areas of improvements. Businesses can also optimize the efficiency and operational capability by closely monitoring various aspects of the customer experience and customer journey.

The purpose of this blog was to provide our audience with a basic understanding of the queue management system and its role in telecom sector. If you want to learn more about the subject or are looking for a suitable queue management solution, please feel free to get in touch with us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below.

Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

Business process optimization is mainly done to improve customer journey. The customer journey and customer experience is crucial for customer centric businesses. In order to delight their customers businesses heavily rely on digital solutions. The queue management systems, CRMs, ERPs, Online Portals, Digital communication and smartphone apps are the most commonly used digital tools in Dubai and all around the UAE. Modern day queue management systems doesn’t only offer queuing solutions, in fact the most important aspect of a queue management system is its queue analytical data which is also referred to as business intelligence data. This data is vital for any business’s growth. Businesses use the business intelligence data gathered from queue management system and other systems to analyze and assess their business processes, strategies, practices and even the entire organizational culture. The primary objectives of collecting and utilizing business intelligence data is to boost operational capabilities, improve products/services, increase employee performance, and the most important is to enhance customer journey and experience to ensure ultimate customer satisfaction.

Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

The customer satisfaction is what every business wants, because it leads to higher customer retention and it maximize customer loyalty. A loyal customer base is a foundation of long term success. Businesses need customer loyalty to expand and grow. If a business keep losing precious customers, no matter how many more they are adding to their sales funnel, eventually their growth will be halted and soon they will start getting decline in sales and revenue. It is due to the brand image and brand reputation. The loyal customers help improving brand reputation and add credibility to the brand name, however, the customer who are quitting with you are causing the reverse effect. It all depends on customer happiness and customer satisfaction and the customer satisfaction revolve around the customer journey and customer experience, which can be assessed effectively by a queue management system. In this blog we will cover all the details about collecting, analyzing and implementing business intelligence data from a queue management system to optimize relevant business processes.

Collect Data at Customer Sing-Up Step

The very first interaction of a customer is at the sign-up stage. The queue management systems allow various different options for sign-up. The modern day queue management systems also provide facility to sign-up remotely and also support mobile sign-ups. These all different channels can be utilized to collect use details and other relevant data. The RSI Queue Management System [LINK] is a data driven tool, and it allow businesses to add customize fields and enable them to collect various details at the sign-up process. Furthermore the businesses can also use different channels for different inputs. For example, the sign-up kiosk at the business’s premises is suitable to scan RFIDs, Smart Cards, EID Cards, and Passports and much more. However, if you are providing your customers with SMS sign-up facility, then they won’t be able to input that kind of data. The businesses have to be innovative and creative in order to collect the right data from the right channel.

Collect Data at Customer Sing-Up Step

Another important thing to consider is the customer experience. For example if a customer is signing-up from an interactive kiosk and there is a huge form to fill-in, then obviously this would bother them, in addition to that there could be mismanaged queues for the sign-up which is extremely bad for the customer experience. Taking some inputs at the check-in step is important it allow businesses to set-up certain work flows and logics which further help them to segregate customers easily and such data can also be used to route the customers to their dedicated lines, which significantly reduce their wait time. Furthermore businesses can utilize this data to understand which services the customers are using the most and it also help them to speed up the service delivery process by automatically pushing relevant information to the service agent’s dashboard.

Read More: 2021 Digital Branch Transformation Trends

Log Customer History to Improve their Service Experience

The customer experience is the ultimate goal for any business. Businesses invest huge amount or resources and money to improve customer experience. A queue management system collects and compile history logs for any customer. A business could be offering dozens of services with dozens of counters in a single branch while having hundreds of daily customers. It is extremely hard for the service staff and also for the customer to remember the details. However, a queue management system can keep and maintain the history of all of the customers and service agents such as, the list of all the services availed by the customer in the past along with the details of which service agents served them in past, etc. The queue management system can relay this information to the customer service agent’s dashboard as soon as a customer reached them. Especially the information about their last visit is important and would be very helpful to the service agent.

Log Customer History to Improve their Service Experience

As the customers always expect from the business to treat them exclusively and give them importance, however it is impossible for the service agents to remember every customer’s history and past visits, that is why when a customer feels that the service agent knows all the details about their past visit and even previous history they feel better and feel that the service agent will be able to help them more effectively. This enhances their experience and also make it easy for the service agent to satisfy the customers and offer them a better solution to their problem. Furthermore the service agent can also check the entire details of their past visits such as their waiting time, the service agents, even their feedbacks and chats. Those details are very helpful in serving the customers and also leave a good impression on them. When the customer knows that the business keep record of everything and utilize it to improve the service quality they feel more connected to the brand. It also help improving brand reputation and customer loyalty which is a key to success.

Collect Branch Traffic Data to Improve Customer Journey

The branch traffic data is very important, most of the time businesses do not pay much attention to it. The branch traffic data monitor and log all the details about the customer traffic along with the time and various other details. This detail provide a clear picture of the busy hours, busy days and it also logs which service was availed the most and which counters were busier. Most of the time a business offers multiple services and it usually have different counters dedicated for different services, this is done for several reasons such as improving customer flow and service quality, dealing with different priority levels of the customers and sometimes certain staff is trained only in certain services. This is very common in businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE. So, if a queue management system can provide all those details then it is easier to understand the chock points and businesses can easily identify the flaws in their policy. With the branch traffic data businesses can easily rectify such issues and get their staff ready for any expected situation.

Collect Branch Traffic Data to Improve Customer Journey

Moreover the businesses can also link this data to other tools and systems such as with their online appointment booking module or virtual sign-up channels to provide their customers with the details and expected scenarios for the time of their visit. Hence the customers can also plan less busy hours to ensure quicker service delivery and lesser wait time. The staff can also be prepare for the busy hours and the business can also utilize their resources more effectively to ensure a smoother customer journey.

Read More: What are the Benefits of Improving Customer Journey?

Collect Customer Flow Stats to Improve Policies

Collecting customer flow stats and analyzing them is very important especially for the businesses who offer stepped services or who different priority levels for different customers or groups of visitors. Businesses have set policies and strategies to route customers according to their service type and their priority level. There could be different priority levels, such as VIP, Premium, and People with special needs and so on. Similarly for different service there are exclusive counters too. Some services are technical, some require non-technical assistance or any other such category is defined for the services. Along with all those variables there are certain scenarios too that require management and real-time decisions. A queue management system is capable enough to handle all those details by itself. All this is achieved with intelligent algorithms and AI (artificial intelligence) based software management tools. These tools are automated but require basic inputs from the administrators.

Collect Customer Flow Stats to Improve Policies

All those inputs are according to the policy of the business. For example, if a customer signed-up in a wrong queue and the customer service agent realized it only when the customer arrived at the counter. Some businesses allow them to shift the customer to the next available counter and get them the service immediately and some requires the customers to sign-up for the other counter again and wait in the respective queue. Similarly there are several other scenarios, all these scenarios are handled by the queue management system in real-time and all the decisions are made as per the pre-programmed company policy. A queue management collects all such details and make them available in the form of reports which a business can use to assess the effectiveness of their policy. Business can improve their policies and make changes in their operational processes to make sure the customers will get the best experience hence the customer journey can be improved drastically.

Measuring KPIs and Efficiency Metrics

The KPIs or Key Performance Indicators are crucial for businesses. A queue management system can provide deep insight into the individual employee performance as well as the performance of the departments, teams and branches. It provide quantifiable KPIs for all customer facing employees. The in-built analytical engine and statistical data formats allow the businesses to compile different reporting formats such as detailed reports, summary reports or even trend reports. Thus the businesses can easily analyze which employee’s performance is getting better and who is not performing well. Such data can be relayed to the HR department so adequate actions can be taken to help employees boost their performance. Business can also share KPIs data with the individual employees to boost up their morals and to encourage them to perform well.

Measuring KPIs and Efficiency Metrics

The queue management system can also measure the service delivery time and various other details which provide businesses with the information about the efficiency of the interlinked departments and systems as well. This also give them a chance to accurately assess the performance and efficiency of the employees, systems and mechanisms that are involved in the customer journey. The queue management system can accurately measure the number of customers served by a particular agent, time spent on each customer and each service delivery, etc. This will help them allocating the bottlenecks and aid them in forming new policies and making changes in the business processes to improve overall efficiency. Such way businesses can utilize resources effectively and boost their operational capabilities and work efficiency without adding any strain on the expense or per service cost.

Read More: How a KPI Software can help provide better Customer Journey?

Collect Customer Feedback via Queue Management System

Collecting customer feedback and asking them about their opinion of suggestions has become very common in Dubai and all around the UAE. Businesses uses different mediums, channels and tools to collect customer feedback. The government itself is stressing a lot on the importance of customer happiness and customer satisfaction. There are several tools that allow you to collect customer feedback data and analyze it. However, these days all modern queue management systems comes with in-built customer feedback collection tools. This is due to the importance of the customer feedback data in the business intelligence data. When a business collects customer feedback data using a queue management system it provide them several advantages which are not possible with mostly off-the-shelf solutions. The customer feedback collection also help building trust and establishing good relationship with your customers. The customer feel the business seriously care about their feelings and is eager to know their opinion and feedbacks. This improve customer experience and increase their loyalty.

Collect Customer Feedback via Queue Management System

When a queue management system is used to collect customer feedback data, it not only simplify the process for the businesses but it also simplify it for the customers too. Which results in higher response rate and improved data quality. A queue management system can link the customer data and their ticket time and several other details to their feedback data, hence the customers are no longer required to input their basic information or identification details. All these details along with the service they have availed and the details of the service agents are already mapped to the customer feedback and made available in the system. This makes it easier for the businesses to analyze the data and also help them on later stages such as closing the customer feedback loop, etc. The businesses can also link the customer feedback data with other systems and the central information center which simplifies various business process that involved in analyzing the customer feedback and taking actions on it. The businesses can combined other performance and KPIs data along with the customer feedback data to further improve the accuracy and quality of the data. Which can help them to improve customer journey, customer experience and quality of the service.

Read More: 5 Techniques to Integrate Customer Satisfaction Survey with Queue Management System

Integrate Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data

The data integration is one of the basic feature of any modern day digital system. Whether it is a customer satisfaction solution or an operational process management tool the data integration with other systems and databases is must to ensure the maximum outcome. A queue management system can easily allow integration with other enterprise tools and organizational systems via APIs or secure web services. This data integration allow the management to improve several internal processes and work flows. For example the business intelligence data can be automatically relayed to the concerned department in real-time along with notifications and alerts for important events. This not only simplify the communication between several departments but also make it easier for the management to take quick actions if needed. The queue management system can also collect data and integrate it into its business intelligence data to further improve the quality and accuracy of the data. The integration is a two-way communication, it means that the queue management system can push data to other systems as well as it can pull data from them to ensure maximum operational efficiency and productivity of business processes.

Read More: Improve Customer Journey with Queue Management System Business Intelligence

Integrate Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data


Every business wants its customer to be satisfied and delighted by the service/product and interaction they have with the business. Businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE invest huge amount of their revenue in customer satisfaction whether it is improving customer service quality, product development or brand reputation, whatever can please your customer is important. A queue management system is a central point of managing customer journey which drives customer happiness and customer satisfaction. These days a queue management system not only used to manage queues and customer flow but it is also used to gather crucial business intelligence data. This data can help businesses understand the needs, demands and expectations of the customers as well as it provide a deeper insight to various business processes and also help highlighting areas of improvement.

That is why businesses need queue management system business intelligence data to improve their productivity, profitability and efficiency by improving various business processes. RSI Concepts is a leading brand of queue management system and we also provide customized solutions to meet the very specific needs of our clients. If you want to learn more about the topic or if you have an enquiry please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: The Ultimate Guide to Queue Management

Why Restaurants Should Follow McDonald’s Self-Service Queue Management Strategy?

Why Restaurants Should Follow McDonald's Self-Service Queue Management Strategy?

The businesses in Dubai and all around the UAE are adopting self-service solutions to enhance their customers’ experience and to boost their productivity and efficiency. Earlier, restaurants and fast food services were not as that interested in adopting to such innovative solutions. When McDonald’s introduced self-service food ordering kiosk, everyone noticed, both the customers and the competitors as well. People started enjoying the experience of being able to order instantly without lining up in long queues. The other businesses should also learn from this example. In fact the self-service market had witnessed a huge growth all over the world. Businesses from all sectors are trying to implement self-service technologies to improve their customer experience and to reduce the service cost. The fast-food restaurants and food industry have reported a significant growth after deploying the self-service solutions. In this blog we will discuss why other restaurants should also follow the McDonald’s self-service kiosk and queue management solution to boost their sales, productivity, profitability and customer happiness.

Why Restaurants Should Follow McDonald's Self-Service Queue Management Strategy?

Reduce Customer Wait Time and Customer Churn

The customer wait time is the single most destructive element of the customer journey and is considered to be responsible for almost 30% to up to 80% of the customer churn. The customer churn means a customer who is already willing to make a purchase or convert, leave without converting. In case of food and restaurant businesses this is due to long queues and crowd formation in the restaurant. Consider yourself in a hurry to have a meal at the lunch time or either a dinner. You have planned to go for a McDonald’s meal and as soon as you reached there, you saw too many people waiting in long lines, will you happily wait there or will you look up for other options? Of course almost 8 out of 10 people would at least consider looking up for other available options rather waiting in the long queues. And whoever will wait in the queues they will be unhappy with that. Resultantly the customer experience is ruined and the customer churn rate will also rise. However, when there is a self-service kiosk the customers don’t have to wait in the queues, they can simply place their order from the interactive touch screen food ordering self-service kiosk.

Reduce Customer Wait Time and Customer Churn

Read More: How to Reduce Customer Churn Rate with an Efficient Queue Management System

Improve Customer Experience and Gain Customer Loyalty

The McDonald’s self-service queue management strategy have many benefits. It provide a lot of chances to improve customer journey and customer interaction. For example, if a customer comes to a restaurant, he/she had to wait in the queue for let say 10 to 15 minutes or even more, at the end when they will reach at the counter, the customer service agent or cashier ask for their order, they immediately tell them what they need, then the cashier start up selling them without realizing that the customer is already anxious and stressed due to the waiting time he/she spend in the queue. This could further ruin the customer experience. However with a self-service queue management strategy the customer can simply place their order from the food ordering interactive kiosk. The restaurant can provide large and detailed menu on the bright large display screen, along with the suggestive items or promotional items that can successfully up sell without bothering the customer. As soon as the customer finalize their order they got signed up for the queue which significantly reduce their wait time.

Improve Customer Experience and Gain Customer Loyalty

The customer can also avail facility to pay with multiple different payment methods which is also very convenient for the customers. In addition to that another big advantage of the self-serving queue management strategy is that the customer always get the correct order, as they themselves are  placing the order from the self-service food ordering kiosk, so there is no chance of cashier or sales agent mixing up their order with someone else or any such thing. This could significantly improve the customer experience and ensure higher levels of customer happiness and customer satisfaction. The customer happiness is a key to customer loyalty and the customer loyalty is a key to success for any business. The loyal customers stick with the brand, it is hard to switch them, they often neglect any bad experience and they tend to be a good brand advocate in real-world and in social media and online. This provide a great long term advantage and help improving brand image.

Improve Customer Experience and Gain Customer Loyalty

Read More: How Can Digital Queue Management System Improve Customer Experience?

Enhance Communication and Increase Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is very important to add excitement to the customer business relationship. The interactive self-service kiosk comes with a medium sized bright touch screen display. Which could attract customers from far away. Sometimes it happens that we planned to buy something and went to the market or mall, suddenly a bright screen displaying a great offer that caught our eye and instead of going as per the plan we decide to first inspect what they are selling. Same is applicable for the restaurants and the fast-food businesses, especially the one who are located in a food court or in the area where other businesses from the same category are also located. Anyway, when a customer reaches to a digital kiosk either for information or to place an order, the restaurant can increase customer engagement by running promotions, providing information about latest offers, etc. Such communication strategies are great to increase customer engagement and also help improving the sales.

Enhance Communication and Increase Customer Engagement

Read More: Virtual Queuing and Digital Customer Experience

Improve Employee Efficiency and Quality of Service

The interactive self-service kiosks are not used to replace the employees. In fact the interactive self-service food ordering kiosks are used to divide the foot fall of the customers and reduce the work load of the employees. The balanced workload ensure highest work efficiency and better order accuracy. It also reduce the queues hence it also help the employees to provide better service and makes it easier for them to satisfy their customers. When the employees have too much workload and at the same time the customers have to wait for a long time in long queues, it is harder to deliver a satisfactory service. However, when the customers are divided between the self-service interactive food ordering kiosk and the counters then both the employees and the customers have less strain and it is easier to make them happy and satisfy.

Improve Employee Efficiency and Quality of Service

Read More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Increase Sales and Revenue

The self-service food ordering kiosks have several benefits for the customers and the employees along with that it is great for generating more sales and revenue for the business. The interactive user interface allows the customers to easily navigate through the menu and it can also suggest products, add-ons, special offers, etc. Which makes upselling easier and more convenient. For example, if a customer is ordering for a regular meal, at the checkout step the kiosk can suggest them some add-on or soft-drink or fries or any sweet or any such thing, and most of the time the customers add them to their menu that is how the interactive self-service food ordering kiosks can help businesses in upselling. The self-service interactive kiosk doesn’t require any staff, it is fully automated and it can be a great alternate to adding more counters. In addition to that there is no regular or monthly expense of the self-service food ordering kiosk, it doesn’t require much maintenance, and the entire operation is fully automated. The interactive self-service kiosks technology have a longer lifecycle and can last for years without needing any upgrade or modification. This makes it a very cost-effective solution in long terms.

Increase Sales and Revenue

Read More: Why Small and Local Businesses Need a Queue Management System?

Easy Scalability – Aim for Future

The interactive self-service food ordering kiosks are built on a most widely used computer technology, which makes upgrades, expansion and modification in the system very convenient and cost effective. Usually the interactive touch screens comes with in-built computer. The computers runs on Windows or Android, both are the most widely used technologies. The restaurants can easily acquire a company to develop the required solution for them. The customization cost is also very less and the upgrade or modification is also cost-efficient. There are tons of peripherals and accessories available in the market that can be integrated with the interactive self-service kiosks to enhance its functionality and to improve the user experience. In addition to that the self-service queue management system is based on a centralized server, which allow the businesses to easily add more kiosks at any time and any place. The centralized information center also enables remote management and monitoring features and allow the businesses to manage the entire network from a central location (such as head office) or even from any remote location via internet. These features makes it a future ready tool and also help businesses to minimize their cost in upgrades and customization.

Read More: Bank Branch Transformation with High-tech Queue Management System

Easy Scalability – Aim for Future

Business Intelligence Data Collection and Customer Feedback

The interactive self-service food ordering kiosk is a great tool for self-service queue management strategy. It also collect business intelligence data from various touch points in the customer journey and also help businesses understand the popularity of certain products and aid them in communication and marketing strategies. The system can provide in-depth system usage and statistical data with in-built analytical tools and various reporting mechanisms to compile actionable reports from the business intelligence data. Moreover the self-service interactive food ordering kiosk can also be used to collect customer feedback. The restaurants and businesses can conduct short customer feedback surveys and polls via the interactive kiosk. Which can provide further insight to the customer’s mind and let businesses understand the demand, needs and expectations of its customers. The restaurants and businesses can use the businesses intelligence and customer feedback data to identify the areas of improvement and then they can lay down their future strategies and make policies that suit best with their customers and business goals.

Read More: 10 impacts of Queue System with Customer Feedback System

Business Intelligence Data Collection and Customer Feedback


The McDonalds’ self-service queue management strategy was a great idea. It not only helped them to boost their operational efficiency but it also increases customer satisfaction and sales. There are several factors that can contribute to customer journey and customer experience. Bad customer experience and long queues are the major cause of customer churn which deprived the restaurants from valuable sales. However, by deploying an interactive self-service queue management strategy a restaurant can enjoy various advantages such as improved customer experience by reducing wait time and offering instant service via interactive self-service food ordering kiosks. Moreover the restaurants can easily increase customer engagements and improve their upselling as well. The interactive touch screen based digital menus attract more customers and also improve the size of each sale by suggestive marketing techniques and appealing promotional campaigns. The customers who are using the food ordering kiosks can easily explore the entire menu, hence there is no chance of error or mistake in the order.

The restaurant can also utilize the business intelligence data that is collected from the self-service food ordering kiosk and system which is very helpful in making improvements to ensure ultimate efficiency and customer satisfaction. The customer feedback collection is also a great tool to acquire first-hand business intelligence from the customers. RSI Concepts is a leading customer satisfaction provider specialized in interactive self-service solutions. If you want to learn more about the topic or if you have an enquiry please feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog:  Why Bank should Integrate Appointment Booking System with a Queue Management System?

Why Bank should Integrate Appointment Booking System with a Queue Management System?

A queue management system and an appointment booking system, both are two different systems and most of us are quite familiar with them too. Both have their application and are used to facilitate the customers and to enhance their experience and interaction with the business. In case of banks the customer experience is always the top priority, especially the banks that are located in Dubai or anywhere else in the UAE. The customer experience and customer satisfaction is considered to be the key to success. The UAE is a very competitive market for the banks, there are too many options available for everyone, if a bank fails to satisfy the customers they will not going to think twice before switching to another bank. The market have changed since past few years, the digitalization on large scale, the COVID situation and multiple other factors have left profound effects on the market trends and customer behavior. Now a day’s people are more adoptive and comfortable with the technology, in fact people also expect from their favorite brand to offer some kind of digital interaction or a digital solution that can enhance their experience and interaction.

Why Bank should Integrate Appointment Booking System with a Queue Management System?

Banks all over the UAE are proactively seeking new methods and techniques to deal with the new trends and customer’s expectations. There are certain things that we already know can ruin the customer experience, such as unmanaged queues, long waiting time, poorly organized customer flow, low quality customer service, etc. Customers don’t want to wait, in fact studies have shown that in general a customer would like to wait for up to 10 to 13 minutes at maximum, any wait time more than that start affecting their experience. Customers and visitors are also more conscious about their safety and health, though the COVID situation in our country is under control but still the effects of that have changed our general behavior. A queue management system can be a great relief for the banks and the customers too, but everyone is doing that, there are certain things that can be added to the queue management system to further improve the customer experience, one of them is integrating an appointment booking system.

Why Bank should Integrate Appointment Booking System with a Queue Management System?

Here is how an appointment booking system can be integrated with a queue management system and how it could help transforming the customer experience and customer journey in the banks:

Introduction to Queue Management System

A queue management system is a technological solution that help banks to streamline their customer flow, improve their customer’s experience and customer journey to ensure the ultimate customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction is the primary goal for any business whether it is a bank or any other business organization. The customer satisfaction means that when a customer leave your premises after availing a service, they left happy, satisfied and fulfilled. This will make them loyal to the brand and will also directly or indirectly improve various factors which are good for long term sustainable growth and profitability. The queue management system is a great tool to monitor and analyze the customer journey and various business process and it also monitor various employee KPIs. All the data is combined to generate valuable business intelligence which than can be further analyzed with in-built analytical tool to compile comprehensive and summary reports.

Introduction to Queue Management System

Banks can utilize a queue management system to improve their customer journey, operational capabilities and it will also help them to increase profitability. Satisfied customers are more loyal and play a vital role in long term growth.

Read More: Complete guide to Queue Management Systems in Dubai

Introduction to Appointment Booking System

An appointment booking system is a digital tool that allow the customers and visitors to book a spot to meet up with the customer service or sales agent or simply to get a service done from the business. Banks and other financial institutions in Dubai and all around the UAE are investing heavily in productivity solutions and systems. The banks are well aware of the importance of the digital solutions and also the human to human interaction. That is why the customers and visitors are always welcome at the banks. The human to human interaction is critical to build trust and to establish long term relationship with the customers. However, if a customer will have to wait for a very long time before they get a chance to meet the bank representative, it is extremely hard to deliver satisfactory service. That is why the appointment booking systems and tools are used.

Introduction to Appointment Booking System

The appointment booking system ensures that the customer get a schedule for meeting the right person at the most convenient time for them and they don’t have to wait, so they can peacefully interact with the staff and get the service done.

How Appointment Booking System can be integrated with a Queue Management System?

The Appointment booking system is a software program that allow the customers and visitors to sign-up or register and schedule an appointment. The appointment booking system can provide various information which are helpful for the appointment booking, for example, it can provide the list of bank relationship managers or customer service representative along with their availability, etc. Such information help the customers and visitors to book appropriate time as per their needs. Moreover the customer can book appointment by calling to the bank help center or through the mobile application. On the day of appointment the queue management system can issue a ticket and provide the customers with the estimated time of their turn. This results in very little wait time or no wait time at all. Which is excellent for customer experience and customer satisfaction.

How Appointment Booking System can be integrated with a Queue Management System?

All these functionalities and many more required data synchronization and integration in real-time. Both the appointment booking system and the queue management system pull and push data from each-other and also from various other systems. All this is achieved with secure web services or APIs. The APIs make it possible to link two separately managed databases and also connect the systems with the central information center of the bank.

Read More: Bank Branch Transformation with High-tech Queue Management System

The Benefits of Integrating Appointment Booking System with a Queue Management System

When an appointment booking system is integrated with a queue management system the bank can have several perks and it can also offer various innovative features to improve customer experience and customer satisfaction. Here are some benefits of integrating an appointment booking system with a queue management system could help banks to enhance its customer’s experience:

  • Offer freedom to book a time of service as per the customer’s convenience
  • Allow customers and visitors to sign-up for virtual queues and enable virtual queuing
  • Provide customers additional information about the branches
  • Allow customers to choose any service agent or the one which served them the last time
  • Prioritize the premium customers and segregate them to improve customer flow
  • Reduce the wait time to literally none
  • Improve customer journey and customer experience by optimizing various business processes
  • Help service agents and staff to improve their performance and efficiency
  • Collect customer feedback data and gather business intelligence
  • Integrate smartphone applications for appointment booking, queue management and feedback
  • Provide live queuing information to the customers via SMS, Online Portal or Mobile Apps
  • Improve overall operational capabilities and optimize the use of resources
  • Reduce per service cost and increase profitability
  • Reduce customer churn rate
  • Improve customer loyalty and brand reputation
  • Ensure long term success and growth

The Benefits of Integrating Appointment Booking System with a Queue Management System

Enabling the virtual queuing, remote sign-ups and appointment booking can really enhance customer experience and customer journey. The appointment booking system allow the customers to get live information about the schedules, busiest hours, busiest branches, and much more. The smartphone application offer various innovative features to further improve customer journey. For example, the smartphone application can offer a branch locator which provide details about the branches their timings and other details that help the customers and visitors to schedule their visit. Once an appointment is booked the queue management system can issue them a virtual token for their queue. The queue management system can also provide live queuing data to the customers and visitors which help them to plan their visit. Several channels can be used for reminders, notifications and alerts to make sure the customers don’t miss their turn.

The Benefits of Integrating Appointment Booking System with a Queue Management System

Moreover the queue management system can also collect customer feedback data, which can be added to the main business intelligence which is also being collected from each and every touch point of the customer journey along with various stats and employee KPIs. Such data is extremely helpful for the banks. The management can easily prepare actionable reports and make policies to make improvements wherever needed. The employee KPIs can also be provided for the HR usage.

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues


Banks in Dubai and all around the UAE are working in a very competitive market. The customers also have high demands and market trends are also getting changed all the time. In such scenarios businesses often innovate new solutions or combined two available solutions to innovate the utility. That is why integrating an appointment booking system with a queue management system is such a wonderful idea. Both systems are used for customer happiness and customer satisfaction. When combined, the results could be astonishing. When integrated with a queue management system an appointment booking system takes the customer queuing to the next level, it added value to various business processes and it offer ultimate freedom and control to the customers. It also boost the agent’s performance and improve profitability. RSI Concepts is a leading customized software development company with having appointment booking system and queue management system as the two most popular products. If you are interested in improving your bank’s capabilities and to increase customer satisfaction, feel free to let us know. If you want to learn more about the topic, please free to leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: World’s First WhatsApp Queue Management Solution

Why Small and Local Businesses Need a Queue Management System?

Businesses use digital solutions to facilitate their customers and to boost their own productivity. These digital solutions can help businesses in many different ways, which could improve their operational capabilities and profitability. Big businesses are using queue management system for more than a decade now, it has become an absolute necessity for them. However small and local businesses haven’t embraced this technology yet. Although there are a lot many small and local businesses who are using a queue management system or any other kind of digital product to aid there queuing process, but the overall adaptation rate is not as that high as it is in large businesses such as banks, hospitals, government offices, educational institutions, telecom, etc. The small and local businesses in Dubai or in anywhere else in UAE have started to focus more on customer service, customer happiness and customer waiting experience.

Why Small and Local Businesses Need a Queue Management System?

Let us just admit it, no one likes to stand in long lines at a retail store. Most of the time when the queue is too long, people don’t even enter the store instead they move on to the next one. That is why it is extremely important for a business to provide excellent customer service and to prevent any congestion at the counters. Same is applicable for the small and local businesses, in fact they have to be more careful about their customer service. As small and local businesses usually have low budget and less employee so in order to ensure optimum balance between the expense/cost and the profit, they might be hesitant in investing in any digital system such as a queue management system. And due to the same reasons they might often feel overwhelmed with the load of the customers. Which not only results in poor customer experience but also increase customer churn rate.

Why Small and Local Businesses Need a Queue Management System?

The customer churn is simply the measurement of the number of customers who have entered into the business and wanted to purchase something but due to any reason they leave without making a purchase. Mostly the reason is the rush at the counters or very slow moving queues. In this blog we will discuss the basics of a queue management system and its benefits for small and local business to let them understand how important it is to have a digital queue management system at their store/business.

Read  More: The Ultimate Guide to Queue Management

What is a Queue Management System?

A queue management system is a combination of software and hardware devices that help businesses to manage the queues and customer flow with more efficiency and also help them to enhance the customer experience and customer journey. The queue management system consists of the following essential parts and components:

  • Queue Management Server Application: This is the brain of the system, an intelligent software with advanced algorithms to operate and control everything in real-time. It resides on a server or cloud or online and is connected with each and every other component.
  • Customer/Visitor Dashboard: This is an interactive dashboard, which is usually available on an interactive kiosk machine. This dashboard allow the customers and visitors to sign-up for the queue and it also issue the tickets.
  • Agent Dashboard:This is an interactive dashboard for the agents/servers who can manage, control and monitor queues from their portal. Usually it is a web-based application which is available on the agent’s computer.
  • Administrative Dashboard: This dashboard is also a web-based application which is designed for the management to monitor the entire queuing process and to customize policies and perform all administrative functions.
  • Digital Signage: These are large display screens placed on strategic location where everyone in the waiting area can view them. These screens are used to display queuing information in real-time along with that the business can run multimedia content to increase customer engagements.
  • Announcement System: The announcement system is used for customer calling, it displays the ticket number of the digital signage as well as it also call the token number and its allocated counter in multi-lingual audio through the sound system installed all around the premises.
  • Counter Plates: The counter plates are available in three types, first one is an ordinary name plate, the second type is an LED based Dot Matrix Display and the most widely used is the small digital display screens which displays counter number, ticket number or any other additional information if needed.

What is a Queue Management System?

These are just the basic components, there are several others that can be added to further improve the efficiency of the system. For example, virtual queuing is one of the most popular queuing method used by both large and small businesses. Another most popular form is QR Code based queuing. The queue management systems are usually customizable, so businesses can come up with their own ideas to innovate new features that could help them to reduce waiting time and improve customer experience.

Read More: What Is Virtual Queuing? A Guide to Virtual Queues

Advantages of a Queue Management System for Small and Local Businesses

Small and local businesses need an efficient queue management system to improve their customer journey and to increase operational efficiency. As small and local businesses have limited budget and a limited number of employees so it is very crucial to utilize each resource efficiently to ensure maximum outcome. Unmanaged or poorly managed queues not only decrease customer satisfaction but also put strain on the staff which further results in poor employee performance and even poorer customer experience. Another major factor that could make things more difficult is the limited physical space, all small businesses have limited physical space and if it get crowded it will not only harm customer experience but it could have other negative effects too.

Advantages of a Queue Management System for Small and Local Businesses

Here are some advantages of a queue management system for a small or a local business:

Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time

Simply be managing the queues, reducing the stress of the waiting customer and helping the employees to boost their performance a queue management system can significantly reduce wait time. This can be achieved in many ways, in fact for different businesses the queue management system works differently, let us discuss two most commonly found small businesses. For example a retail store such as clothing brand or just a general grocery store wants to improve its customer experience and customer satisfaction by improving their waiting experience. One thing is for sure, for any small or local businesses the customers must have to wait, it is inevitable. Especially during the rush hours, when the footfall is at its highest of the day, things could really get out of hands. A queue management system can offer mobile apps or SMS enabled sign-up process which help the shoppers to sign-up for the queue. The difference is they don’t have to wait in the line anymore, they can roam around the store and once their turn will come they will be notified by alerts and notifications either in-app or push notifications or simply SMS notifications. Hence the customers can go to their counter and get served immediately without any wait or very little wait time.

Queue Management System Reduce Wait Time

Similarly for other types of small and local businesses who are offering some kind of services instead of offering products. For example, there is a salon or small travel agent or a local real estate branch. The physical premises is small but during the busy hours it could be crowded. The queue management system can completely eliminate the problems that businesses might face on daily bases such as someone crossing the line or any dispute occurring among the staff or even with other customers, etc. Without a queue management system usually the staff is involved in solving such problems which deviates them from their primary task and also increase their workload. But with a queue management system this all could be avoided the staff could get more time to focus on their primary tasks, which expedite the service delivery process and the customers also remain calm as they know once their turn come only then they will be served. In addition to that in such small premises the digital signage could play vital role in further improving the customer experience by playing multimedia content and publishing queuing detailslive.

Read More: Queue & Waiting Time Management

Queue Management System Improves Employee Efficiency and Profitability

The small and local businesses usually manage their queues manually which not only reduce the customer happiness and customer satisfaction but also increase the workload of the staff which not only result in poor employee performance but it also results in poor customer experience as well. In fact such situations reduce the overall morale of the staff which directly impact on customer satisfaction and customer happiness. However, with the help of a queue management system when the queue are managed automatically and the employees have less work to do, the effects will be reversed, which means the employee will have a very balanced workload which will raise their morale and also improve their work efficiency. This reduce the overall per service cost and increase overall profitability. Once the employee start working on their full potential they will also cause reduction in the waiting time as the service delivery will be faster, which will also improve customer experience and increase their satisfaction. That is how a queue management system can boost the overall brand image and customer loyalty of a small or local business which is extremely important for a long term growth.

Queue Management System Improves Employee Efficiency and Profitability

Read More: Impacts of Queue Management System on Employee’s KPIs

Queue Management System Increase Customer Loyalty and Ensures Long Term Growth

The customer loyalty and the long term growth are extremely important for a small or local business. As the competition in the market is very high, small and local businesses are also located nearby each other, usually concentrated in a certain area or sector of the city which means the customers have too many options available. In such scenarios losing a customer due to bad customer service or mismanaged queues could seriously harm the reputation of the business which could have dire consequences in long term. Hence it is extremely crucial that business ensures ultimate customer satisfaction to make them happy. A happy customer is tend to come back again which help building good relationship with them and increase their loyalty.

Queue Management System Increase Customer Loyalty and Ensures Long Term Growth

The loyal customers are tend to be a good brand advocate, they share their positive experience with their colleagues, friends and family and they recommend your brand to others. The loyal customers are more likely to defend the brand while talking to other people in real life or in online or social media platforms. Which help building a positive reputation of the business. A small or local business with positive reputation can attract more customers hence customer loyalty and customer satisfaction has long term effects on the growth and brand image.

Read More: How Queue Management Systems are helping Businesses Grow

Queue Management System can Gather Business Intelligence and Customer Feedback Data

A queue management system is not only used to manage the queues, but it is a very powerful tool that can monitor and capture data from each customer touch point. The system usage data and other stats are very helpful in identifying the areas of improvements and let the business management understand their customers more accurately. The queue management system can also measure and monitor various KPIs which can further help improving the employee efficiency. For example the queue management system can accurately measure the service delivery time each employee takes to serve a customer, it can also collect customer feedback data and various other types of stats which can be analyzed by its in-built analytical engine and the data can be extracted in reporting formats. Which help the management to take informed decisions and to draw strategies for the future.

Queue Management System can Gather Business Intelligence and Customer Feedback Data

Collecting the customer feedback data is one of the great feature of a modern day queue management system. The customer feedback collection not only provide a deeper insight to the customer’s mind but it also help improving customer to business relationship. When a business start collecting customer feedback the customer get a sense of importance and feel more connected to the business. They know that their favorite brand is interested in learning their opinions, views and taking their complaints which shows their seriousness to improve their customer’s experience. This also increase customer loyalty. The customer feedback data can also be extracted in various reporting formats which can be used to analyze various business process, quality of the products/services and also to analyze the behavior and capabilities of the customer service staff. Such data is very important for decision making and planning for the future and help businesses to improve in all aspects.

Read More: Business Process Optimization Using Queue Management System Business Intelligence Data


For any small or local business investing in a new solution could be a difficult decision. A queue management system is not as that expensive but still we have witnessed that small and local businesses in Dubai and also in other parts of UAE are a little bit hesitant in investing in it. A queue management system could be a game changer for a small or local business. It can help organizing the queues and improving employee efficiency along with that it also help improving customer experience by reducing the wait time and offer many features that can benefit the business to further reduce the wait time and help them boost their performance. These all factors result in higher customer satisfaction and improve customer loyalty. The loyal customers are important for a long term growth.

A queue management system also gather business intelligence data and customer feedback which provide a deeper understanding of relevant business processes and customer’s mindset. These all information improve the decision making capabilities of the business and ensure a positive growth with higher efficiency and profitability. RSI Concepts is a leading queue management system provider in Dubai, UAE. If you want to learn more about the topic or if you are interested in a quote, feel free to contact us through our Contact Us page or leave a comment in the comment box below and we will get in touch with you soon.

Check out this blog: Manage Patient Appointment and Journey with Queue Management System